MUST-READ: How feminism’s war against men ends up hurting women

From the The Wall Street Journal.


There’s been a 145% rise in unmarried births among college-educated women since 1980, more than twice the increase in such births among women without college educations. That’s just births; adoptions are another outlet for women seeking families on their own. But there’s a largely unexplored part to this story: Why is this happening?

Part of the answer is found in a Pew Research Center report released this week: A sea change in relationships is taking place as everyone adjusts to the new reality of women being better educated and in some cases more preferred than men in the workforce. Especially unsettling to some men is their role as second-best earner in the family. As the Pew report documents, 22% of men with “some college” are now outearned by their wives, up from 4% in 1970.

[…]Women are feeling the pinch from years of gender imbalances on college campuses, where today nearly 58% of all bachelor’s degrees and 62% of associate’s degrees are earned by women. Given that women prefer to find a well-educated, reliable earner as a husband, this creates a simple math problem. Well-educated women can’t find enough equally or better-educated men to marry.

Couple the education gap with the current economic “man-cession”—as many as 80% of the jobs lost in the recession were held by men—and the dilemma for single women becomes even worse. Today, more and more well-educated women have to ask themselves: Am I willing to “marry down”?

As I’ve written about before, the reason why men are not able to do well in school is because they are discriminated against by the teachers, legislators and educrats. There are almost no male teachers. Men do better with male teachers. But there is a fear among educrats of male teachers getting near children, so boys end up suffering. Affirmative action keeps many men from attending college. And then of course in the workplace, companies have quotas to fill, which shuts even more men out of jobs.

Children need to have a mother and father, and the father typically gets his authority and his role by being the primary earner. What women have done is that they have decided that it is a better idea to compete with the man for money. But this undermines the man’s authority in the home. Why would a man get married only to have his influence diluted? The threat of false charges of domestic violence or of a unilateral divorce can also easily be used to control and silence him. Why try to lead a family if you are going to be silenced and coerced?

More importantly, the more that a woman focuses on vocational skills, the less time she has for reading about marriage, education, economics and parenting, e.g. – Jennifer Roback Morse, Laura Schlessinger, Maggie Gallagher, Stephen Baskerville, etc. If a man is a software engineer, the last thing he wants in the home is another software engineer. A mother needs to teach the children everything they need to know to succeed and to have a relationship with God that will stay with them as they grow. And she must also be able to talk to her husband about his interests, like science, economics, politics, theology and apologetics.

And it’s not just a question of having the right knowledge. It’s a question of character. She has to make choices and have experiences all along the way to build up the capacity to care, nurture and communicate. That means actually doing things that cause her to become comfortable caring for others even when it goes against her own selfish interests. Being selfish disqualifies a women from being marriage material. Instead of being focused on making money, women should be studying how husbands and children work.

And I think this is why women are so anxious to throw themselves at men sexually. They are trying to get men to love them without actually having to care about men, marriage or children. They don’t want to have to take on the traditional role of mother and wife, which is what causes a man to love and need a woman in the first place. But a woman cannot make a man love her by tricking him with sex. Women can only make men love them by being willing to encourage and support him in his plan to serve God and to raise children who also know God and serve God. It’s a relationship, not a slot machine.

NOTE: When I say that women should be more focused on children, I mean while the children are not yet all in school. Once they are all in school, then women can go back to work full-time, or part-time, or work out of the home, whatever they want to do.

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6 thoughts on “MUST-READ: How feminism’s war against men ends up hurting women”

  1. I should probably be kinder about this, but it’s hard, because you are so wrong:

    Affirmative action keeps many men from attending college.

    Actually, affirmative action HURTS women and HELPS men. These days, men receive favourable treatment from admissions committees; women need higher grades, SAT scores, and better extracurricular activities in order to compete.

    Do the math, Wintry. If 58% of college students are female and colleges want gender parity, who has an easier time of getting in?

    This holds true, even in engineering schools; furthermore, in engineering school – with right-or-wrong answer grading, loads of male professors, and the like – women often outperform men.

    (Part of my volunteer work is in college admissions, so I’ve gotten a front-row seat to this reality.)

    Finally, my snippy question: if this were the 1960s and men were outperforming women in droves, would you say that it’s because of discrimination or because our feeble lady brains aren’t up to the task? It’s just funny that the hard-core conservatives are suddenly big believers institutional discrimination.


    1. Regarding affirmative action, I agree with you. I think it’s unfair to apply it for men entering college now to have some quota. That’s not the answer I am proposing.

      Regarding the hypothetical question, it would be because of discrimination.

      See, we agree! I thought you were going to be mean. That wasn’t mean. I was being mean.


    2. theobromophile..well.i am a college student and i can tell you why my college has sucha low number of male students…for the simple reason that ‘male’ sports like wrestling,baseball were banned from campus because of ‘title 9’..


  2. Now, for a final thought about academic snobbery and women “marrying down”: if you’re going to do academic snobbery, do it right, please!

    Yes, more women than men go to college; however, one simply cannot equate all bachelor’s degrees, all master’s degrees, etc. A bachelor’s degree in engineering or accounting is more valuable than a master’s degree in English Literature; men with the former degrees will always find themselves in high demand. People with degrees from top institutions will want to find similar people, not just those who have an associates from wherever. Men with trade licenses – electrical or plumbing, for example – will do well among pink-collar women.


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