The Wintery Knight demands that Michele Bachmann run for President

Rep. Michele Bachmann
Rep. Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann still hasn’t announced that she is willing to run for President!

I have therefore decided to protest her tarrying by posting two interviews that she did this past week, so that you can all tell me if you think that she would make a good President, or not. Maybe she will stop by and read our comments and realize how badly she is needed, and how well she would do as President.

First, Bret Baier spends some time with Michele going over her pluses and minuses: (MP3 version here – 3 Mb)

If you have Fox News, Bret Baier’s show is the best thing on that entire network.

Second, here is an interview with popular social conservative Mike Huckabee: (MP3 version here – 3 Mb)

And for those who do not want to watch videos or listen to MP3s, I found this brand new profile of Michele Bachmann.


Michele Bachmann was a self-styled “education researcher” making a run for a Minnesota school board seat in 1999 when the question came up at a candidate forum: If elected, would she serve all four years?

Maybe not, she said.

Bachmann, now a three-term congresswoman and tea party favorite who may run for president in 2012, opened up about a confrontation she’d had with a state senator over Minnesota’s new school standards.

“I told him that if he’s not willing to be more responsive to the citizens, that I may have to run for his seat or find someone else who would do so,” she said, according to a newspaper account of the meeting.

Bachmann lost the school board race, but then knocked off the senator, a fellow Republican, just months later using the standards as her primary issue.

It was an early indicator of a recurring theme: Bachmann often wins by losing.

[…]The race would test her resilience because she would start far back. But as a little-known House member only a few years ago, Bachmann became hero of the conservative tea party movement in part by fighting losing battles with the GOP establishment. Her path to Congress was paved by failed efforts to pass a ban on gay marriage in the Minnesota Legislature.

“She is very good at turning lemons into lemonade all the time,” said Sal Russo, a California political consultant who came to know Bachmann through the tea party.

[…]From her first involvement in politics, the 55-year-old Bachmann has shown a determination to keep pressing forward and find opportunities, even when the way seemed blocked.

In the late 1990s, Bachmann was a stay-at-home mother of five in Stillwater, a scenic St. Croix River town east of St. Paul. Then she was drawn into a revolt over education standards.

[…]”People had been predicting her demise since Day One: ‘Oh, she’s a radical, she’s too far right, she’s too outspoken, she’s too inflammatory,'” Pulkrabek said. “The fact of the matter is, with the exception of the first race, she wins.”

Parlaying her school board defeat into a victorious legislative campaign, she moved to the state Senate and seized on a new issue.

Around Thanksgiving 2003, justices in Massachusetts ruled the commonwealth couldn’t prevent same-sex marriage. Bachmann hit the phones, reaching out to fellow conservatives about making sure gay marriage would stay illegal in Minnesota.

[…]Jeff Davis heard her public appeal through his car radio. Not politically involved at the time, Davis came to the Capitol and pledged to help Bachmann.

[…]”She’s an energizer. She influences people around her,” Davis said. The drive instantly elevated Bachmann’s political profile, he said. “It was a launch point.”

[…]Bachmann’s victory in that race brought her to the national stage and prompted a new focus on fiscal issues. She harnessed the outrage of the tea party, a fledgling political force inflamed by debates over government bailouts and a far-reaching health law pursued by President Barack Obama.

Her outspoken opposition did not stop the health law, but it got her much more television exposure and helped make her a face of the new resistance. In one Fox News interview, Bachmann urged viewers to flood Washington and “go up and down through the halls, find members of Congress, look at the whites of their eyes and say, ‘Don’t take away my health care.'”

Amy Kremer remembers seeing Bachmann’s television plea while on a Tea Party Express bus heading between rallies in Washington state. The next week, Kremer joined Bachmann in the nation’s capital for a big tea party protest.

“You can tell the ones who have the passion, the fire in the belly and are truly speaking from the heart. She’s one of those,” Kremer said. “That comes through.”

The article goes on to explain how Michele got to be a three-term Congresswoman in one of the most liberal states in the entire country.

About Michele Bachmann:

Congresswoman Bachmann is a leading advocate for tax reform, a staunch opponent of wasteful government spending, and a strong proponent of adherence to the Constitution, as intended by the Founding Fathers. She believes government has grown exponentially, with ObamaCare being the most recent example of its uninhibited growth. Congresswoman Bachmann wants government to make the kind of serious spending decisions that many families and small businesses have been forced to make. She is a champion of free markets and she believes in the vitality of the family as the first unit of government. She is also a defender of the unborn and staunchly stands for religious liberties.

Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate.  She was elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2000 where she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights.  Before that, she spent five years as a federal tax litigation attorney, working on hundreds of civil and criminal cases.  That experience solidified her strong support for efforts to simplify the Tax Code and reduce tax burdens on family and small business budgets. Congresswoman Bachmann also led the charge on education issues in Minnesota calling for the abolishment of Goals 2000 and the Profiles of Learning in its school. She recognized the need for quality schools and subsequently started a charter school for at-risk kids in Minnesota.

Congresswoman Bachmann sits on the Financial Services Committee (FSC) and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The FSC is tasked with oversight of numerous financial sectors including housing, real estate and banking. This gave the Congresswoman keen insight into the housing crisis and credit crunch, leading her to be a staunch opponent of the taxpayer-funded bailout of Wall Street and the Dodd-Frank legislation. Serving on the Intelligence Committee was a welcomed opportunity for Congresswoman Bachmann as she has consistently advocated peace through strength to ensure America’s national security. As a mother of five children and 23 foster children, she has a deep appreciation for that portion of the Oath of Office in which members of Congress vow to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

In July 2010 Congresswoman Bachmann hosted the first Tea Party Caucus meeting because she saw the need for Tea Partiers to have a listening ear in Congress. She is seen as a champion of Tea Party values including the call for lower taxes, renewed focus on the Constitution and the need to shrink the size of government.

You can learn even more in the links below, particularly this one that contains the best speech I have ever heard from her. That speech covers her Christian faith in some detail, and mentions her interest in Francis Schaeffer’s apologetics, which also formed the views of famous worldview scholar Nancey Pearcey. Did you know that Michele once introduced famous Indian apologist Ravi Zacharias when he was giving a MacLaurin lecture? She is a big fan of Christian apologetics – she asked to go see Ravi Zacharias for her birthday present. A woman after my own heart. She doesn’t want clothes and jewelry – she wants to be able to defend her faith! You can listen to the lecture right here (14 Mb), and hear her gushing about apologetics and Ravi Zacharias. The topic is “Christian Apologetics in the 21st century”. The lecture was delivered in March 2002 in Minnesota, when Michele was a state senator.

You can contribute to her campaign right here. You can be her friend on Facebook here and also here.

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18 thoughts on “The Wintery Knight demands that Michele Bachmann run for President”

  1. In my opinion, she’s just as bad falin’ palin. I would have to vote for Obama again instead of voting for someone who would defend my liberties and my country’s budget


  2. The Liberal media went 18-1 negative on Palin. They’ll try that with Bachman but hopefully the Independents will catch on this time. No one gets elected if the media is that negative on you. They basically handed it to Obama and he only won by a few points.


    1. My hope is that Michele will be smart enough to NEVER give them an interview. Go straight to talk radio and the blogs all the time. I would not even participate in debates where leftists are moderating. Stephen Harper is VERY strict with the media up north.


    2. Both of you act like Palin was even qualified to hold a title of that stature. Palin is DUMB. What little I’ve read on Bachmann indicates she isn’t dumb, but I don’t really care for a lot of her views (disclaimer: I haven’t done a lot of in depth analysis, but the little I have has pointed to a pattern I don’t particularly care for).

      I truly believe McCain would have won had he not chose such a whack-job for a VP. He acted as if the far-right would have voted for Obama had he chosed someone with brains and not so far right. The independents I associate with won’t vote far right. We prefer not to vote far left either, but generally the far left if more concerned with people vs protected huge corps.


      1. Hi Jerry. Can you explain yourself some more re your concerns with Bachmann? I’d like to see specifics. Thanks. :)


        1. A lot of it goes towards issues I brought up below. Like many in the tea party (a movement I loosely support – I like a lot of it’s goals, but not all) she wants to end public unions (I’m for that to a large degree) but she won’t opt out of her golden retirement package. Military men have to serve 20 years to get 50% of their pay (some will get more depending on when they enlisted, but I believe the highest percent is much above 50), but she gets her highest pay and 100% of it for serving just one term. It’s easy to say others shouldn’t get what you’re getting, but to follow your own advice…I don’t see her doing that. Same goes for her health insurance – 100% paid for by me and the US tax base for the entirety of her life with no copays or anything required of her. I dislike how she claims increasing domestic drilling will decrease fuel prices – it shows a complete lack of knowledge of market forces. I like how she opposed the bailout but dislike that she only wanted to break up fannie and freddie but not the too big to fail corps (I think they all should be broken up). I dislike how anyone that doesn’t have the same views as her is considered “anti-american” – as if if expressing your own views should be outlawed.


          1. Now given the choice between John Boehner’s 2007 budget with a 160 billion deficit, and Nancy Pelosi’s 2012 budget with a 1.65 trillion deficit, you voted for Pelosi. So how can you be in the Tea party?


          2. Boehner is from OH – I voted for Boehner as well as the current OH governor. I’ve always been a huge critic of Pelosi. Like I said in the post you deleted, McCain had options to energize his base. Choosing a moron was in my opinion his main reason for losing.


          3. So we have yet to hear anything about Sarah Palin’s intelligence or policies, except the name-calling, which might have been learned from watching the Comedy Channel and listening to comedians, who also do not know anything about her intelligence or policies, but only exist to make people laugh at people who are not present to defend themselves.

            In the meantime, we have the positive case for Palin’s intelligence:

            And we also know that many people who laughed at Palin voted for Obama and are now unemployed, and their children are going to be crushed by trillions and trillions of dollars of spending that actually LOST nearly 600,000 jobs, according to the recent study by two economists:

            UPDATE: This comment cited in a post by Neil Simpson:


          4. I wasn’t kidding about forming opinions of female conservatives based on the Comedy Channel, Saturday Night Live and MSNBC.

            Laura Ingraham has a law degree and has one of the top 5 nationally syndicated radio shows:

            Al Gore got a “D” in his undergrad applied science class, but the left-wing sheeple all turned out in droves to see his global warming movie. Because it was entertaining, with special effects. Similarly with people’s views of Palin. It’s about going to the bottom shelf and taking what other people want to hand you and believing it. No need to look at fiscal assessments of voting records and legislative initiatives from Club for Growth or the Cato Institute. And especially no need to look at the footnotes. The print is too small.


      2. You seem to have a short memory. McCain was going nowhere UNTIL he picked Palin and then the party was energized. If you’ve had any time reading about Obamacare and IPAB’s (look it up) and how they’ll work, you’d know that it was that kind of thing to which Palin referred when she used the term “death panel”. Here error was using a term so stark that lefty loons would run with as if she was a nut-job. But it was far more accurate than many people understand. She also warned of a move to raise the debt ceiling before Dems actually proposed it, showing she knows the other side rather well. She’s far from “dumb”, even if she’s not my first pick. However, if by chance she was matched against Barry O, there’s no way I wouldn’t vote for her and I wouldn’t hesitate.

        I DO like Bachman better, however. Very much so. Wintery Knight has a sick crush on her, but he couldn’t have one on a better woman. What makes her such a great choice is what turns on WK the most and her good looks are just bonus. (Right WK?)


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