Tag Archives: Adultery

Three things you should know about the moral character of Kamala Harris

She was 29 years old and had sex with a 60 year old for her career
She was 29 years old and had sex with a 60 year old for her career

VP candidate Kamala Harris was able to get picked for cushy high-paying jobs by having an affair with a married man. She used the resources of the state to persecute pro-lifers simply because she disagreed with their pro-life views. And she thinks that Joe Biden sexually assaulted women, but that’s no big deal.

Let’s start with having affairs for career advancement. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown broke his silence on his relationship with Democratic senator Kamala Harris on Saturday, admitting in his weekly column that he used his powerful post to boost her young career when they dated.

Brown… was openly in an extramarital relationship with Harris when he was speaker of the California State Assembly and running for mayor…

[…]Brown goes on to address the fact that he appointed Harris, who was just a few years out of law school and working at the Alameda County district attorney’s office, to two well-paid posts on California state commissions and later helped her in her first election.

This isn’t a problem for Democrats, because they don’t believe in chastity, fidelity, or marriage. Whenever I see people voting for someone like Kamala Harris, I try to imagine what their personal life must be like. Democrat voters aren’t Christians. They don’t believe the Bible. They don’t believe in chastity. They think infanticide is no big deal. And they have an extremely high rate of out-of-wedlock births, together with an extremely low marriage rate. So, these are not people who are successful at marriage and family. These are not people who do fidelity, honor and lifelong married love well.

Second, what about using the power of the state to attack people who you disagree with? Kamala Harris is an expert in fascism and the persecution of moral reformers.

Life News reported this in  April 2019:

David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress filed a lawsuit Wednesday against some of California’s most powerful politicians for prosecuting him for exposing Planned Parenthood’s aborted baby body parts harvesting practices.

The lawsuit accuses U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Planned Parenthood and others of conspiracy to violate First and Fourteenth Amendment civil rights.

“The California Attorney General first admitted that they are enforcing the video recording law solely based on how they feel about the message being published, and then further admitted they are not even trying to follow the text of the law as written,” Daleiden said.

The lawsuit says Harris, the former attorney general, and Becerra used state video-recording laws as a “political weapon” to silence speech that they disagree with.

[…]Becerra and Harris both are pro-abortion Democrats who have received campaign donations from Planned Parenthood.

Documents reveal that Harris, while running for U.S. Senate in 2016, had a secret, in-person meeting with Planned Parenthood leaders to discuss the investigation; two weeks later, the California Department of Justice raided Daleiden’s home.

According to the lawsuit, Daleiden “seeks justice for a brazen, unprecedented, and ongoing conspiracy to selectively use California’s video recording laws as a political weapon to silence disfavored speech.”

Again, this isn’t going to be a problem for Democrat voters who think that murdering children who dare to get in the way of their recklss pursuit of sexual pleasure is perfectly fine. And that’s every single Democrat politician, and every single Democrat voter. Their god is sex. They sacrifice their innocent children to their god.

Third, Kamala Harris thinks that the multiple accusations of rape and sexual assault against Biden are credible, but these things are not really important parts of a man’s character.

The Hill reports:

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that she believes women who say they felt uncomfortable after receiving unwanted touching from former Vice President Joe Biden.

“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” Harris said at a presidential campaign event in Nevada.

But now she’s Biden’s VP. Because women being sexually assaulted or even raped by their bosses in the workplace is no big deal for Kamala Harris. In fact, that’s how women get ahead, right?

This woman has no moral character. She’s an exemplary Democrat, and Democrat voters will support her as Vice President, and eventually as President.

Famous pick-up artist Roosh V urges men not to act like clowns for casual sex

Fifty Shades of Grey was very popular with women
Fifty Shades was popular with women, including “Christian” women – why?

Is it meaningful and rewarding for men to spend their time and money pursuing casual sex? I would expect that men who tried and failed to obtain casual sex to say that it’s a waste of time and money. But what about a man who was so successful at obtaining casual sex that he wrote bestselling books about it? Did he find his achievements meaningful in the end?

Roosh V is a well-known pick-up artist who is a master at seducing women. He’s traveled all over the world and seduced many women from many countries.

In a post from April 2019, he reaches a startling conclusion about his success:

I began pursuing women for mostly sexual reasons in 2001. I must’ve logged tens of thousands of hours into the task. I’ve been also traveling or living abroad near continuously since 2007. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to fornicate, fornicating, traveling to more effectively fornicate, and writing over a million words about fornication. What did I learn from all that? It’s an experience that gets more dull with repetition, like any other experience. However, it also leaves you with a massive hangover where you find yourself at a loss. What was the point of all that? Is there anything I’ve truly gained? What lasting glory have I achieved? If I wasn’t a writer, I would have nothing to “show” for my efforts besides memories that are as likely to make me cringe as give me happiness.

If society were healthy, and if women were more traditional, most of my time would have been spent writing different kinds of books, maybe concerning religion or history. I would have a family, and spend much of my time nurturing the love between them without degenerate interference from the government or cultural elites. […]While there is nothing in life that is solid, my family and community would give me a stronger feeling of continuity. Tomorrow, things that are likely to be here would still be there, compared to the easy-come-easy-go modern lifestyle where putting your penis inside a girl is not even close to a guarantee you’ll see her again, and where any job you have, or apartment you live in, is as transitory as the next bus that rolls down the street.

[…]As I approach 40 years of age, I see most of my hedonistic and travel pursuits as expensive life lessons than a source of meaning. My nature, and I believe the nature of most masculine men I meet, is one of creation, strength, and provision for family, things we’re increasingly not allowed to do, or allowed to do only at impossible cost.

Indeed. Speaking for myself, one of the main reasons that I’ve avoided casual sex (or premarital sex of any kind) is because from earliest days, I could not stomach the idea of a woman that I had sex with walking away. So, my education, career and finance decisions were oriented to winning the heart of one woman who would commit to me for life, so that we could built something nice for the Lord together.

In another post, from March 2014, Roosh explains why casual sex didn’t provide him with validation:

There is definitely not a single woman alive in the Western world who needs a man. While in the past a woman had to put forth effort to obtain a husband who would help her survive, today she is protected by a welfare state that ensures she will never go hungry or spend one night on the street.

[…]From a young age, girls are brainwashed to believe that they don’t need men and that the key to their happiness is self-empowerment by sleeping around and becoming a corporate wage slave. It’s hard to dispute the notion that a woman who believes she doesn’t need a man won’t make as good of a relationship partner as one who does. She will treat you as a distraction to her more important job, girls’ nights out, and social networking validation happy time. Men have become an utterly replaceable and expendable commodity in a girl’s life. Her interest in a man is not unlike her interest in a new television show or Apple product, and your only hope is to have sex with her as many times as possible until her attraction diminishes and she moves on to the next guy in line.

Women don’t seek out comfort or stability in men anymore—they seek entertainment. They seek distraction. They seek hedonistic pleasure. […]Once the entertainment or novelty you provide her declines—and it inevitably will—she moves on to something or someone else. In essence, the only way you can keep a girl is if you adopt the mentality of a soap opera writer, adding a cliffhanger to the end of each episode that keeps a woman interested when being a good man no longer does.

When I look at myself in the mirror, I don’t see a man who has improved himself over the years to be the best that his genes allow—I see a glittery skirt that a girl encounters in the mall. Is the skirt too expensive or is it on sale? Is there only one left of her size or is the rack full of them? Does she already have something similar or is it totally novel? Does her friends think it’s cute or just alright? After trying it on, does it flatter her body or make her look fat? Either she makes the impulsive decision to buy the skirt or not, because odds are she won’t come back for it. There are so many stores with so many skirts that she will soon forget it, forever. We are like glittery pieces of fashion to women—items that she truly doesn’t need. Not only has she already collected so many of them, but she can easily obtain more within walking distance from where she lives. She can even browse online from home while in her pajamas through a nearly unlimited selection.

We are not men in the traditional sense—we are clowns.

Well, I’m a virgin who never spent money or time pursuing casual sex, and precisely because I refuse to be any woman’s clown. It’s very easy for a man to not be a woman’s clown. All he has to do is choose a woman who will let him lead her, instead of a woman who wants him to entertain her. Women use the offer of premarital sex in order to get men to stop trying to lead them. Men who don’t mind acting like clowns in order to get sex will take this bargain. Men who expect women to rise up to the roles of wife and mother will reject the bargain. A Christian man’s goal is to lead a woman away from her self-centeredness, feelings, desires and need for peer-approval, so that she can perform the roles of wife and mother.

How to avoid becoming a clown for casual sex

So, let me give some advice for men about how to get into relationships where they can lead a woman upward, and avoid becoming her clown. It begins and ends with the woman you choose, because some women will let you lead, while others will not.

Research (here, here) shows that women who are virgins are more likely to be content in their marriages, and therefore less likely to financially ruin you with a frivolous divorce. Therefore, women who are virgins are to be preferred. Women who abstain from alcohol, drugs and tattoos should be preferred. Women who have a conservative father who they have respected should be preferred. Women who have STEM degrees should be preferred. Women who are debt-free should be preferred. Women who have challenging STEM careers in the private sector should be preferred. Women who don’t want to outsource the education of their children to daycare, public schools, etc. should be preferred. Women who want three or more children should be preferred. Women who think that a man’s earnings should not be taxed to pay for husband-substitute social programs should be preferred. Women who have demonstrated public opposition to no-fault divorce, premarital sex, abortion and same-sex marriage should be preferred. Women who blame and shame other women for choosing hot bad boys should be preferred. Women who can demonstrate knowledge of intermediate-level science apologetics (e.g. Stephen C. Meyer, Michael Behe, Hugh Ross, etc.) should be preferred. (Philosophical and historical apologetics are useful, but are not forceful enough in a debate). Women who avoid fun and thrills (beaches, FOMO travel, reading fiction, thrill-seeking, etc.) should be preferred. Women who serve others (elderly, disabled, etc.) should be preferred.

Basically, you’re looking for someone who is comfortable with responsibilities, expectations and obligations. You’re looking for someone who respects your demonstrated ability in areas like education, career and finance. (You have led other people to do well in education, career, finances, ministry, etc. right?) You’re looking for someone who lets her logical reasoning override her feelings and intuitions when she makes decisions.

The retreat from male leadership

It used to be the case that you could count on pastors to warn Christian men about wasting their time and money on women who wanted them to be clowns instead of leaders. Even the progressive fideist John Piper wrote against women rebelling against male leadership way back in 1983. Men used to be wary of this desire of women to usurp the leadership role from men. But today, it seems like men are anxious to dance to a woman’s tune – reducing themselves to spineless commodities, like a pair of shoes or a handbag. But men were not designed to be women’s accessories, men were designed to lead. When you tell a woman no to premarital sex, there is the possibility of leading her out of the pig sty of feminism and socialism. But if you say yes to her, you become her clown. If you waste all your 20s and 30s clowning for casual sex, you will have no meaningful legacy.  To any man who works for the Lord, this is unacceptable. Christian men, you were bought at a price, and you are expected to produce a return.

Therefore, focus your attention on an early marriage to a good woman, and avoid the hot bad girls who just want to pump and dump you for their own pointless entertainment. If you can’t find a decent wife, then it’s better to remain a virgin and put points on the board some other way.

Nevada Democrat Congressman admits sex scandal with former intern

It's another pro-abortion Democrat / hot underage intern scandal
It’s another pro-abortion Democrat / hot underage intern scandal

Should you marry a Democrat? Steven Horsford’s wife did. She thought that a man who supports abortion and gay marriage would make a fine husband. Well, there are certain minimum behaviors that any husband should exhibit, two of them being self-control and integrity. His wife thought that she didn’t need to evaluate his religion or morality before marrying him. She was wrong.

The Washington Times has the story:

Democratic Congressman Steven Horsford of Nevada on Saturday acknowledged he had an extramarital affair with a woman who said the on-and-off relationship began in 2009 before ending last September.

Horsford, 47, in a statement released to The Associated Press responded to a report by the Las Vegas Review-Journal that he had an affair with Gabriela Linder, who previously had shared her story on podcasts and Twitter posts through a pseudonym before she was interviewed Friday by the newspaper.

[…]Horsford’s House bio says he and his wife have three children.

A spokeswoman for Horsford indicated he does not plan to resign, as at least one Republican opponent suggested.

[…]Linder told the the Review-Journal she was 21 and an intern for then-Sen. Harry Reid in his Las Vegas office when she met Horsford, then majority leader of the Nevada Senate.

Apparently, this Democrat man campaigned on being a “family man” and a “man of God”. I’m struggling to see how you square that with having a 0% conservative rating from the Heritage Foundation, and having an affair with an intern much younger than you. But that’s not surprising given how Democrat men act these days. If you’re willing to abort unborn children, then you’re willing to do anything morally wrong. Why would any woman marry a man like this? Morality is important for a successful marriage. You can’t just marry a psychopath and then expect things to work out somehow.

Daily Wire notes:

Horsford ran for Congress in 2018 after Democrat Rep. Ruben Kihuen (NV) did not run for re-election after facing sexual harassment allegations during the height of the #MeToo movement.

The House Ethics Committee later concluded that Kihuen violated the House’s code of conduct, writing in a report: “Kihuen made persistent and unwanted advances towards women who were required to interact with him as part of their professional responsibilities.”

Horsford’s sex scandal comes after Democrat Rep. Katie Hill (CA) resigned last year due to a sex scandal, and the Republican Party flipped her seat this year, the first time the party flipped a seat in California in over 20 years, when former Navy fighter pilot Mike Garcia won last week.

Several other House Democrats have faced allegations of sex scandals or investigations into possible sex scandals during the current congressional term, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), and Delegate Michael F. Q. San Nicolas of Guam (non-voting member).

Don’t forget about other Democrats like Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, Eric Schneiderman, Ed Murray, Katie Hill, etc. It seems like they are always involved in sex scandals. And in fact you can even see wealthy Democrat mega-donors like Jeffrey Epstein and Terry Bean getting charged with having sex with underage people all the time. (Terry Bean is the co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights group in the nation).

Now I have a question for you. What is it that young Democrat women are hoping to achieve by supporting the party of sexual deviance? Do they think that this will lead them to a faithful man, a stable marriage, well-behaved children and a peaceful home? If so, then maybe we ought to be having talks with young women about what sort of worldview rationally grounds self-sacrificial love, commitment, and objective moral obligations. It sure isn’t the secular leftist nihilistic worldview of the Democrat party. If they want a Mike Pence marriage, then why not tell them to evaluate men for the Mike Pence Christian worldview?

There is a plan for a Republican to take the seat back, though:

Five lesser known candidates have filed to challenge Horsford in the 2020 Democratic primary while eight Republicans and a Libertarian filed to run for their nominations. The Republicans include former Nevada Assemblyman Jim Marchant, Nye County Commissioner Leo Blundo and Lisa Song Sutton, a business owner and former Miss Nevada.

Sutton on Saturday called for Horsford to resign from Congress and for the House Ethics Committee to investigate his conduct.

Sutton noted that then-Rep. Ruben Kihuen, a one-term Democrat, did not run for reelection in the 4th District in 2018 following allegations of sexual harassment.

“This seat has been plagued by distractions and scandals by men who cannot stay focused on their responsibilities because they are too busy chasing women,” Sutton said. “Horsford is not fit to lead us. His family will be in my prayers.”

As a bonus, I noticed that Sutton is the daughter of a Korean mother who immigrated legally to the United States. That’s exactly the kind of candidate we need to deflect the ridiculous accusations of racism and sexism from the secular left.