Should wives refuse / deny their husbands regular sex?

Dennis Prager features a lot of discussions about male-female relationships on his show, particularly during the male-female hour. I think this is one of the parts of his show that I really like best, because he knows what he is talking about.

He did a two part series a while back on 1) male sexuality and 2) what women should do about it within a marriage.

Part 1 is here.


It is an axiom of contemporary marital life that if a wife is not in the mood, she need not have sex with her husband. Here are some arguments why a woman who loves her husband might want to rethink this axiom.

First, women need to recognize how a man understands a wife’s refusal to have sex with him: A husband knows that his wife loves him first and foremost by her willingness to give her body to him. This is rarely the case for women. Few women know their husband loves them because he gives her his body (the idea sounds almost funny). This is, therefore, usually a revelation to a woman. Many women think men’s natures are similar to theirs, and this is so different from a woman’s nature, that few women know this about men unless told about it.

This is a major reason many husbands clam up. A man whose wife frequently denies him sex will first be hurt, then sad, then angry, then quiet. And most men will never tell their wives why they have become quiet and distant. They are afraid to tell their wives. They are often made to feel ashamed of their male sexual nature, and they are humiliated (indeed emasculated) by feeling that they are reduced to having to beg for sex.

When first told this about men, women generally react in one or more of five ways…

He then explains the 5 ways that women respond to this.

Here’s one:

1. You have to be kidding. That certainly isn’t my way of knowing if he loves me. There have to be deeper ways than sex for me to show my husband that I love him.

I think that this is a common mistake that liberal women make because they think that men are just hairy women. But men are not women, we are different and sex means something different to men than it does to women. In the past, most women understood how men are different than women, but younger women have been taught that there are no differences between the sexes. To think any different is “sexism”.

Here’s another from the list:

4. You have it backwards. If he truly loved me, he wouldn’t expect sex when I’m not in the mood.

Again, this is the common mistake that many younger women today make in thinking that love is a one-way street – flowing from men and children to the woman. If men and children DON’T do what the woman wants, or if they make demands on her, then they don’t “love” her and she is justified in ignoring them.

Liberal women have been taught to believe that they are always victims or some group of oppressors, such as men and children or corporations. It makes them rebel against having to do anything for anyone else, because they don’t want to be “oppressed”. That makes them unable to accept that relationships are give-and-take, Once a commitment to love another person permanently has been made, then each person has responsibilities to provide for the needs of the other.

I actually had a conversation with a Christian woman once who said that women should not be obligated to do things that they didn’t feel like doing. I asked her if men were obligated to go to work when they didn’t feel like going. She said yes, and acted as though I were crazy for asking. I just laughed, because she didn’t even see the inconsistency. The truth is that men often don’t feel like working, but they get up and go to work anyway, whether they like it or not (in most cases). Similarly, a women should feel obligated to have sex with her husband, even if she is not in a perfect mood for it (in most cases). Sometimes, a man stays home from work, and it’s OK. And sometimes a woman says no to sex, and it’s OK. But it’s not OK to stop doing it for months and months with no good reason.

Part 2 is here.


Here are eight reasons for a woman not to allow not being in the mood for sex to determine whether she denies her husband sex.

He then explains the eight reasons.

Here’s one of them:

7. Many contemporary women have an almost exclusively romantic notion of sex: It should always be mutually desired and equally satisfying or one should not engage in it. Therefore, if a couple engages in sexual relations when he wants it and she does not, the act is “dehumanizing” and “mechanical.” Now, ideally, every time a husband and wife have sex, they would equally desire it and equally enjoy it. But, given the different sexual natures of men and women, this cannot always be the case. If it is romance a woman seeks — and she has every reason to seek it — it would help her to realize how much more romantic her husband and her marriage are likely to be if he is not regularly denied sex, even of the non-romantic variety.

Women have to engage their husbands if they expect their husbands to engage in the marriage as a husband and father. Men can’t do their protector, provider and spiritual leader roles forever unless their needs are met at some point. Performance of these male duties is not free. Wives have to love their husbands in the way that men expect to be loved. That’s what they vowed to do in the wedding, isn’t it?

At the end of the article, Prager makes a general point about women that I think needs to be emphasized over and over and over:

That solution is for a wife who loves her husband — if she doesn’t love him, mood is not the problem — to be guided by her mind, not her mood, in deciding whether to deny her husband sex.

This problem of sex-withholding is so widespread, that it really makes me (although I am a virgin) wonder what women think that marriage is about anyway. When a woman vows to love her husband, what do they think that word really means? Why do women think that men marry? What do men want that marriage provides for them? Which of those needs are the women’s responsibility to provide for? I think these are questions that men should ask women. I think women should be prepared to answer them. Men should expect that women be reading books on men and marriage, and that she has relationships with men where she is giving support, respect, affirmation, affection and approval. You can learn a lot about a woman by how she treats her father, for example.

I think that the best place to learn about the needs and feelings of husbands is in Dr. Laura’s book “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”. Women can learn what (good) men need in order to function as husbands and fathers in that book. A smart man will choose a woman who has read books like that, so that she can support and affirm him as he does his husband responsibilities.

Unfortunately, many men today haven’t thought through what they need from wives in a marriage. They spend their young years chasing women who are fun and sexually permissive. Every husband I asked about what they need has told me that respect, affirmation, affection and regular sex are more important than appearance and fun. Pre-marital sex, having fun, getting drunk, and going out, etc. are not the right foundation for marriage – which requires mutual self-sacrifice in order to work. Men need to be testing women during the courtship to see if women understand the differences between men and women, and whether they are prepared to handle the needs and feelings of a husband.

217 thoughts on “Should wives refuse / deny their husbands regular sex?”

  1. Wow! I just emailed this to my ex-wife! Long story short, she cut me off for almost 10 years. Said it was gross and I was a pervert for wanting sex. Also told me I made her skin crawl anytime I touched her. Got sick and tired begging for sex and not getting any, so got a divorce instead. Finally found a woman who didn’t have any sexual hangups and now been married for 5 happy years!


    1. David,
      my wife has basically denied me for over 7 years, over the last hmmm 8 months, things have improved. But still once a month just ain’t cutting it. any ideas?


      1. B.B.B.
        Well once a month is better than nothing at all, and I would have settled for that with my ex. Maybe your wife needs counseling of some sort, hard to say since I don’t know her at all. I think you’ve actually made progress getting it once a month. Try to find out why your wife feels the way she does. She may have some skeletons in her closet that you know nothing about.

        Hope all works for the best for you.


        1. I recommend the book 31 Days to Great Sex by Sheila Wray Gregoire. You can get it as an e-book for about $5. She writes primarily for women about sex, and has a website at The book is basically a guide to work through as a couple. I’ve heard several stories from couples who have been helped by this book.


          1. Thanks Lindsay,
            I actually found your posts rather refreshing. Very informative and balanced. Thank you.


        2. ok. once a month on average, but the last three of those have been, well, nothing.
          its all about what she wants and always has been. i feel like a room mate most of the time, but without the ‘mate’ bit.


          1. Surely there is more here than what you have shared. Most women don’t just turn off without infidelity or some deep hurt. Men who are into porn for example are never satisfied with their wives and at the same time, their looking at porn deeply wounds the wife. If you have had an injurious relationship maybe be more understanding and she will come around. I am guessing since she is pursuing it now that she is hopeful for restoration in your relationship. If you have been hurtful to her she may need time to heal but if she is having sex, especially after a time of hurt, be thankful there is hope. Also try to be patient. Women are deeply sensitive beings and causing further hurt when a woman is in need of healing is damaging to both sides. You will get there, just be patient, loving, and thankful the road is not closed.


          2. See the thing you have to understand is if a woman truly loves you she will not make you feel like a room mate. If your married a woman should give her husband sex every night…. Cause I mean it’s OK for us to go to work every day and bust our asses for them, but then when we want to have sex…… We’re asking too much? All in all a woman who truly loves you will see that because you go to work to provide for her financially she will see you want sex not because that’s all she is to you but because that’s how you show your love and affection to a woman. I mean we as men are logical and physical beings. Sex is physical and that is how men best show their love, should it be the only way to their love? He’ll no. But a woman has to understand a man doesn’t always feel like going to work but he does because he loves her, not because hesbin the mood. And a woman should reciprocate that same thing through sex, she may not feel like it but she’ll do it because she loves him and wants him to be happy. And proof that the very thing I said is true I know a couple who have been married for 23 years not one case of cheating or abuse. Because they understand each others needs and will meet those needs. That’s how a marriage works. Otherwise those vows you said don’t mean shit.


          3. Hold on…..we go to work daily too. And raise children….and carry babies 10 months at a time. So thats not a good way to put it. If he wants sex every night that probably wont happen. Same thing if she wants it every night. That probably wont happen in reality.

            How often a couple has sex must be ageeable to both people. If you are not compatible, leave. But to say because you work daily you are due sex is bullshit.


      2. Sounds like me. Before we got married, She couldn’t keep her hands off me. She used to be all over me and now I get the excuse, “I’m tired”. “I have had bugger sleep”, etc. Simple alarm bells mate. Shes either getting enjoyment from some other male or there is something deeper going on.


    2. My wife of 28 years has been a very reluctant partner for more than 2 years now, tells her mom I’m a sex machine, who then tells me that sex is bad….even in the family! Is something wrong with me? I have vowed to – and so far succeeded in – not letting this drive me into extramarital sex, but cannot go on this way. My wife tells me she has not even an iota of emotion of desire for sex, and, clearly, I’m not a monk! This has led to other problems with our marriage, and now my 24 year son, who lives with us, challenged and threatened me so frantically that I had to call the police, and suggested he leave (if he cannot respect me). The thing is, she keeps bringing the children into our problems, and I now fear we may be on the verge of parting ways, forever! Painful as it would be, it could be the best solution for all of us! I will not tolerate disrespect from my son.


    3. wow, did you men know that when a woman has sex while not wanting it it is extrememly painful for her? Ive been to the er twice for just giving it to him!


      1. That’s not the norm. If that is the case, you should see a doctor. Sex is not supposed to hurt.
        There are a few things that can cause painful sex for women. One is vaginismus, where a woman involuntarily tenses up during sex, making it painful. This is usually something that can be worked out through practice and having the right mentality because the root cause is psychological.
        Another common cause of painful sex is lack of lubrication. This can be fixed by engaging in more foreplay to get the woman more aroused (which requires her to try to engage as much as it requires the man to spend time arousing her). Another option is to buy lubricant.
        There are other, less common, causes of painful sex which indicate physical problems as well. Unless the man is being extremely rough or inconsiderate, when sex hurts, something is wrong.


          1. Theres that shame thing.. funny if a wife decides she no longer wants sex it must be because of him.. his technique, his appearence, his attitude.. and thats exactly what the article was about.
            She should intellectualize it and do whats good for the relationship. If his performance is the issue, he can be gently brought up to speed, or perhaps counseling, but that requires communication… not a shut down.
            Denying sex is a power move and as the op stated, its especially prevelant among younger and liberal women. I raised two daughters with a wife in a sexless relationship for the last half.. and the lack of sex was accompanied by stealing money and lying to me etc.. its a power struggle and society tells young women (and old) that marriage is transient and that they are justified in whatever they do because they are better than men.. or at least (specially) equal and that equality is then turned into an excuse by man shaming… “oh its probably your technique”?
            Accountability, effort, respect.. these are aspects of carachter. I used my wifes behavior as example to my daughters of what not to do.. so my ex served a purpose despite her thieving and sexual rejection.
            And my daughters as adults have openly called their mom on breaking up our family by being a “strong woman” … thats not strength its abuse, Men who are working for their families trying to fulfill their roles as its been taught to them struggle and collapse internally because theyre ill equipped to handle the loss of sex, trust, contact (my wife never hugged or kissed me without me initiating it) and they suffer quietly or by drinking or externalizing their sex lives.. I admit to the latter.. and so I needed help getting back on track.
            Its been the saddest and most demoralizing experience of my life.. now in my early 50s I dont even want to date anymore. Im looking forward to grandkids


    4. I am in the same situation and I wish I did the same as you, but I am undecided about divorce as the UK law means that the man is ruined if he divorces his wife. She takes the children, the house I have been paying for years when she was sat on her arse watching tv, the car, part of the salary and even part of the pension. How about the law giving her one of my kidneys if she has kidney failure in the future. The law in this country is made by so called liberated women who hate men to the bitter end. They want to make sure that a man is reduced to a slave to his ex wife after the marriage and they call this equality. Equality my arse, this is a modern and so called legal way to slave a man for the rest of his life with the help of the stick of the self serving law. can anyone explain to me why I should pay if my wife is the one who wants out of the marriage by depriving me from sex. Why am I married if I can’t have sex with my wife. What am I supposed to do when my sex desire takes the better of me !!! masturbate (it is seen as a degrading act), visit a prostitue (it is seen as cheating and dirty), cheat with another women (cheating, immoral), physically castrate myself (Painful), Chemically castrate myself (my religion, Islam see it as a sin), commit suicide (biggest sin ever). The only lawful, moral, and religiously acceptable option is to put up with it and be patient.
      Patient for how long ? I am 55 and my sex desire is not there forever. One day it will pack up and I will be forced to have a sexless life anyway. but now that I have this high sex desire why am I not using it lawfully with my peace of ice wife.
      Society only blames the outcome, but never analyses the circumstances leading to it.


      1. I totally agree. It’s simply amazing how something like this can go on. Men aren’t men anymore. But when nothing will ever change for the better and excuses are just made, what can men do? Just ONE giant revolt, but women know men’s weakness and to have a revolt is impossible because they can always get the weak ones. The only way I see it working is if 80% or more of all men just say fuck it and don’t get GF’s or married anymore….then maybe, just maybe, women will start listening and laws might actually be fair. Seen three friends here in Canada sleeping in Vans because their wives took everything. It’s BS!


      2. She is your wife, she has no right to say no,,we as woman have have to take better care of our husbands, even when we don’t feel like have sex,go coudle up with the hubby,and let him know how much he means to you,trust me ,the love he will have back,is so worth it

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “She has no right”? Um. Yes she does. Getting turned down sometimes is normal. The issue here is being routinely turned down is deeply damaging to a man that a woman vowed to love and cherish. But what you are saying is ridiculous.


    5. My wife is exactly the same ,said im a pervert for touching her ,tells me to do it myself . I felt hurt rejected and unloved ,also I was dreading this ,after 7 years of marriage .She is 51 but lovely ,slim ,tall ,no children ,good body ,but not even a touch ,I’m really getting pissed off and thinking about getting out .She also has got in touch with her old mates ,and started going out on the town ,coming home at around 2 am drunk ,still no sex .She is defensive against her mate ,and barely talks to me anymore .I don’t smoke ,or drink ,and I work hard ,I have a degree in fine art ,I’m kind ,and loving ,so I don’t know where I have gone wrong . If I meet the right person I’m off .


      1. Hello. Your problem sounds common. You might be “loving” but not “attractive” for her. You see, she can always count on you even when she’s being crappy. Make yourself distant and do selfish activities to help you take care of you, physical fitness is one. Get out a few nights to a dance club where you dance with a partner.


        1. Calling you a pervert is unacceptable though. Thats just mean and psychologically damaging. Sorry you are going through this. Please divorce her. Its not worth a lifetime of rejection from her.


    6. Sounds like your actions caught up with you. ” you make my skin crawl” is not refusing sex, its refusing you. That’s a clear statement of how poorly you treat her.


    7. After 30 years of hearing “no!” and having uneventful sex on an average of 2.5 times a year – everything that was noted in the article was correct as this good loyal, hardworking, caring man has become sadly bitter. As hard as I tried, I just could no longer find it in my heart or body to maintain my faithfulness. I bare the guilt of this in many ways. I know that this may sound heartless, but although I do care for my wife’s well being – especially now – as I fully support her battle with Stage 3 cancer…I just don’t have a physical or true emotional connection with her, as I will still go on with our divorce, once I help her fully recover.


    8. I recently got married 4 months ago and my wife and I still haven’t broken the ice with sex never mind seeing each other naked . We havent had pre marital sex either, she however has slept with her X boyfriend a year before we started dating. We are a year and a half together now and last year she lost her dad and I supported her and I stood by her and on our wedding night I could feel the saddness so I never initiated sex I left it, and on honey moon she told me she wasn’t ready. I’m starting to feel unattractive ( I train at gym every day) and I try look good for her, I’m feeling depressed and iv lost interest in many things even my farming I just want to give up and sit on a heap and rot away. I tried to initiate sex I even massaged her the other nite but as soon as I try to touch her breasts and lightly touch her with my hand after I try really hard to do it in a sexy but loving way to make her feel good she brushes my hand away. I met her in church she wanted me she was after me for 3 months a pastor also told her shed meet someone in church I just feel that I need to maybe be patient becos that’s what love suppose to be and kind but I actually am wondering If she loves me I know she has probs at work and she’s had flu so I gave her space but she’s never happy to see me she’s always depressed


  2. It’s true. Wives should submit to their husbands in more than just decision making.

    You know, however, Eve came from Adam’s side, not his foot.
    Matthew Henry:

    “Eve was not taken out of Adam’s head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.”

    Men, many times see only this one thing in marriage. But marriage is more than his sexual apetite.

    Do you know how to use a vacuum sweeper?


    1. SRG,
      No thanks for the underhand suggestion. How very unkind of you. I don’t look at porn, I am very accountable with all my access to the internet thank you very much with covenant eyes software and I don’t keep a smartphone. My wife can look at my browsing history any time she jolly well likes. This is something I have insisted on for years in fact.
      I left my wife last night. Packed up my bags and left. Ten minutes later I got a call from my pastor, he prayed for my marriage, three hours later I went home and we are at least speaking. I repented before her and God. I think we are taking each other seriously now, though I would have wished she would have sooner. She will not read articles like this because she is so postmodern in her outlook, much like ‘Dani’. I love her and she loves me, we made vows years ago and are trying to stick to them. Things are looking better.
      There are past hurts yes, years of rejection on her part and on mine, being a bit of a jerk in response probably never won me any favors. What happened to kick it all off? Probably the birth of our daughter who was the best contraceptive ever invented, after she was born nothing happened.


      1. Also you said ‘be patient’, I think seven years is pretty patient, we had been married three years when she stopped, so for most of our marriage nothing has happened. Your suggestions are rather indicative of your ignorance. Rather than trying to perform playground psychology, try finding out what happened first.
        Its like me saying to you ‘well maybe you could brush up on your driving skills’ with no knowledge or insight into your driving ability.
        You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. I have not been unfaithful, I don’t look at porn. I am basically a butler who cooks, cleans, gets the shopping and plays with our child.


        1. Sounds like you are being used. Try a marriage counselor. She needs to hear how you feel and a counselor could help with that


    2. This is nonsense – If I need to eat – I eat, maybe I may refrain from having all the food that I can eat, but I eat because I need to eat. If I need to drink, because I thirst, I drink – less I die. So if I as a man have a painful desire to make love, I do so, but I take care to not over do it with all the various women in the world, rather I marry, and expect to be given what is mine to take. Many men absolutely try to be gentle beast, respectful, caring, loving; a good man attracted to is love/and sexy wife(at least to him). They truly love their wives.

      Women are great initially, but then change and provide men less of what he needs. This creates real tension – women(wives) LISTEN, when a man does not have sex the way he used to have it – it builds up to the point where he can’t think straight any more. Yet he continues to try to do the right thing – spends years being faithful, while continuing to work, provide for the family, help with the groceries, etc… but eventually he becomes cold inside, and going outside (yes I mean for another women) becomes the only option.

      Eventually even if you are willing to give it up, he will be the one saying that he is tired. Because he knows that when he goes along with the offer for sex all there may be are complaints during the act from the wife (cold sex a men does not want), and to him this is wasted sex. Men now wants to save the desire (sperm), and release it on another women. Let me say it again – a man may have the desire to have sex while he is home with you, but will save it for his mistress/escort that he has finally decided to go with.

      A man that has gone for many years being abused by a women, because that is what it is, depriving a man from sex is a form of abuse, so now going outside and enjoying the wonderful body of another women is so great – so great – Let me say it again – so great. Each time he comes back home, and says hon would you like to have sex, and you say no – inside he now smiles to himself, and feels comforted that indeed he is finally doing the right thing.

      Somehow it can actually remove tension from the relationship – wife has less sex, man has sex every chance he gets, comes home happy, never bothers wife for sex – win win – right wives?


      1. The only trouble with this plan is if you are a Christian and cannot do that. I think then your best option is to not get married at all, and that’s exactly what men are doing. It’s not worth it because women are so different today than 50 years ago.


        1. But to be honest Wintery, that idea would only be great if men would be okay with having no more sex. In a Christian worldview (I’m a Christian too! and single!), staying single has to men having sex with no one. I doubt too many guys would truly like that. I’ve never had sex, and sometimes I get driven mad by my drive and want it badly. I really don’t think that idea would work for Christians like you & I, unless we are saying that premarital sex is better than being married with no sex. That, though, would contribute to an already high premarital sex rate, including Christians.

          My opinion on this whole thing is that more men need to put into vows or draw up contracts that state how many times they would like to honestly have sex, perhaps in per week form. It basically needs a required legal tender to be put down on. Saying it just doesn’t do anything. Marital relations may need to be held down by the legal courts with lawyers. Who knows? Just a thought.

          Either that, or we would have to find girls who have not grown up inside this American culture. A lot of men are doing the overseas route, to places like the Philippines & Russia. That may have to be the route taken. I have no idea the success rates from mail-order brides, unfortunately.


      2. Nah you need to just stop being passive aggressive and file for divorce instead of having the cats got the cream smiling getting back at her. Doing “whats right” should not include possibly exposing her to diseases.

        Think about it. Is thats really what you think is right or is it revenge. End the game and file.


  3. Maybe I’m weird, but I can’t respond to my wife if I sense she’s being dutiful. As soon as it becomes an act of submission I get turned off and would rather wait until she is in the mood. Saying that, I don’t expect my wife to get herself in the mood. I try to give her more attention than usual, compliment her more than usual, do the dishes, make her a cup of tea, cuddle, talk. I would rather go without than have it provided because she feels she “has to”. And she can’t fake it either. After 24 years of marriage, I can tell when she’s being the dutiful wife rather than my loving partner.


  4. Interesting how the author says women should use their mind to engage in sex they totally don’t want. Hint: if I am not in the mood it means my mind is saying ‘no.’

    Yes, men and women should be on the same page when having sex. I fail to see how this is any way fulfilling for a man to dominate his wife into saying yes. It sounds more like marital rape to have a woman do something she’s not comfortable with.

    This leads to men thinking they are entitled to sex. Not a good message to send out to anyone. Nobody is entitled to my sacred body, not even my husband. This idea that men are just sex addicts that can’t tolerate going without is also a bad message to send young men and women.


    1. Do you also think, then that men should not be forced to provide for the family, and that men should not be forced to listen to or talk to their wives? Would it be marital rape to force a man do go to work or talk to his wife or be faithful to her, if he doesn’t feel like doing it?

      I think what responses like this show is that there are women like Dani who are essentially adulterous, in that they are unfaithful to their vows. They know that they are lying when they take the marital vows. They have no intention of honoring them. It’s up to men to detect women like that and reject them. If a woman doesn’t understand men’s needs or what marriage vows mean, then we men shouldn’t marry her.


      1. Going to work isn’t the same thing as dominating over someone for sex. Sex is a unique intimate act, unlike going to work. Sex shouldn’t be WORK. It should be mutually engaged in.

        Telling me I’m adulterous is ridiculous. It’s just an off the cuff adhom attack because I don’t agree with you.

        To say that there’s ‘one’ unique sexuality that is male is false. No two men are the same. This applies to women as well.

        I think the reason we have so many problems with sexual assault is because men are fed this propaganda that they have an unquenchable sex drive AND women must provide it even when they don’t want to and as another commenter said, he can’t be with his wife when he knows she’s tired or not with him mentally.

        That’s the special thing about sex that you don’t seem to realize and you said you were a virgin in the article. This means you don’t have the experience.


        1. I think the reason why we have a near 50% divorce rate with about 70% of divorces initiated by women is because many liberal women don’t take the self-sacrificial nature of lifelong married love seriously. They don’t really believe the words they say in a marriage ceremony. They have no concept of what it is to love a man.

          I guess that it’s a man’s job to question and detect women who want a wedding ceremony without wanting a man. If a woman is ignorant and dismissive about what men need then clearly a man would be a fool to marry her. Especially with the threat of divorce and financial ruin. If a woman is blinded by feminist ideology which does not acknowledge that men have different needs than women, then let her be an unmarried feminist. It’s the man’s job to detect women who are going to deny him sex for months and even years on end with any compunctions at all about it, and avoid such women. That is unacceptable behavior.


        2. Wintery may be a virgin, but I’m not. I’m a happily married wife who has never refused her husband and I’m quite happy with that. Of course, that really doesn’t matter because the principles are what’s important, regardless of anyone’s sexual experience. Biblical principles apply to everyone, not just people who like them.

          Yes, sex should be mutually engaged in. I agree. But, that does NOT mean that a woman who feels no desire for sex should simply say no. Unless she has good reason to say no, why not say yes and try to get engaged for her husband’s sake? I’m not saying a woman should just lay there. I’m not saying she should be a martyr. I’m saying she can care enough about her husband and his needs to actually work at getting in the mood, which may include saying yes even when she isn’t currently in the mood. You seem to think that a woman who isn’t currently in the mood for sex can’t get there so she should just wait until it happens to her. But that isn’t true. Being in the mood for sex is far less about something that happens to you and far more about your choices. I can tell you from experience that even if you’re not in the mood, if you make a choice to engage – not just let him do his thing, but actively participate – you can get in the mood. Your sexuality isn’t a passive thing. It’s largely determined by your actions and your mindset toward sex. But if you only care about what you want right now and don’t care about your husband’s needs and desires, then you won’t even try because you don’t want to try. And you’ll never know that you probably could have easily been in the mood if you would just work at it.


          1. There’s a subtlety here that’s important. When you express it along the lines of “it’s just like how he has to work even if he hates that” or “treat it like any of your other duties, any other chore,” that way of expressing the thought can lead to trouble. If a woman thinks to herself, I’m gonna buckle down and grit my teeth through it, just like how he grits his teeth through a bad work day or I do through the laundry, that’s going to eventually lead to a place of major dysfunction, where there is no longer any intimacy and joy in something that should be all about that. Sex is *not* just another chore.

            It’s very different when you say something along the lines of, “hey, imagine if you really, really needed to talk about some emotional issue you’re having and your husband ‘wasn’t in the mood’ to listen. You would expect him to take a moment to figure out how to ‘get in the mood’ because you need him. He would make that effort because he loves you and wants to give you what you need. And you, of course, would give him the time and space and whatever assistance you can to help him get there.” That’s a totally different approach. It’s about understanding that it’s not something that you can blow off, because you don’t want to “right this second”. But it’s also appreciating that if you don’t want to “right this second” you can take some space to get there, and your spouse should be understanding of that.

            And of course both parties should always be constantly communicating their needs, challenges and what the other can do to help get to a win win.


          2. Thank you so much. I am a married woman, no virgin, and I agree. Sometimes I start out not being in the mood but once my husband touches me or I make an effort to get some lace on and see his reaction, I can quickly get in the mood.

            Also, Wintry, you are right. I really appreciate your analogy of women feeling the right to refuse sex, with men maybe opting out of work and certain husband responsibilities. They are all marital duties. They all need tending. I appreciate too the mention of the feminist movement. Im all for equal pay for equal work, but being equal to a man in all other ways is not practical (or sexy). There is a push towards gender neutral society. I personally don’t agree with it. There is a sexiness about a man being much stronger than me and being a hunter, and a chaser of my female body. A man enjoys my softness against his hardness. The opposites are for a reason.

            One last thing ladies…..why be married if you cringe at your husbands advances? What’s the benefit in staying? His money and his performing HIS duties. So perform yours or get a divorce and stop whining.


        3. Thank you Dani. Men comparing their duty to work (just like we work) to a woman’s duty to submit her body. No.

          If you are not equal in libido, get divorced. But to equate going to work to support your lifestyle with her body….maybe your outlook bleeds over into your marital life and its a turnoff to her. Ever think about that?


      2. If a woman has never had sex, how could she consciously be breaking her vows if she doesn’t know what she is in for? I had no idea how much sex my husband was going to need to feel satisfied. Way too much for me. I’ve been providing for his satisfaction for YEARS. I would love a break! I understand my man’s needs now, but there would have been no way to know before marriage.
        Also, I work full time, had a home and car before we married, contribute to retirement, have raised the kids, pay 1/2 the mortgage and bills, etc. The only unequal part of our marriage is his insatiable need for sex. Perhaps we can cut his need in 1/2 so that I can get my fair share of down time. I’ll gladly cut my need for talk in half, and he can get his down time too.


        1. We do need more education for women as to what to expect, sex-wise, in marriage. Too many parents don’t talk about it with their kids and, girls especially, are often unprepared for it.

          The frequency of sex in marriage should not be set by one party unilaterally. That really was the point of the original post. Women should not be able to set the frequency by constant refusal, without considering their husbands’ needs. In a similar way, men shouldn’t be able to decide the frequency either, without regard to their wives’ needs. Frequency should be worked out together, taking both people’s needs and desires into consideration.

          Most marriage experts recommend a minimum of once a week to maintain marital closeness and satisfaction. For many couples, 2-3 times a week is better, especially if one spouse has a very high drive. Constant rejection is difficult – as is constantly putting out when you don’t want to. Find a happy medium where you both give a little and both get a little more than the other would prefer.


      3. Wow! Marital vows that state a husband can demand sex at any time and the wife has to give it. I have never heard such vows.
        The way men are talking on this thread it’s no wonder they aren’t getting any. They have the attitude that women are their possessions to command as they please. Such disrespect can only result either in resentment or a woman with a slave mentality.


          1. Eve, I admire you a little more with each post. You are quite an extraordinary (and increasingly rare) woman.

            It would be going too far to say I am jealous of your husband, but I do genuinely envy him. He truly has found a gem in you.


    2. There is a HUGE difference between a man demanding to use his wife’s body and a wife voluntarily giving her body to her husband, even when she’s not in the mood. This post is advocating the latter, not the former. Saying a wife has a duty to give her body to her husband isn’t the same thing as saying he has a right to take it. In fact, she can’t give if he takes. It should be a free gift on the part of the wife, not something forced on her. However, I might even go so far as to say it isn’t really giving if she wants it anyway. It becomes a true gift when she isn’t in the mood and goes ahead anyway.

      The thing is, both men and women have duties to each other in marriage. Sex is one of them. Sure, such a duty can be quite a drag to a woman who doesn’t want to have sex with her husband and doesn’t care about meeting his needs. Such women ought not to get married. But if they are married, they should realize their duties and live up to them.

      Ideally, a woman should act, not out of duty, but out of desire. But unless a woman has an unusual sex drive for a woman, she’s not going to want sex out of the blue on a regular basis like her husband will. That doesn’t mean she should wait until the desire strikes her (for many women, that’s like waiting for lightning to strike…not very likely). She should go ahead and act selflessly, and most often (for healthy women, anyway), she will get in the mood as things progress. That’s the way female sexuality normally works. We turn on as things get going.

      The bottom line is that marriage is about acting selflessly. Getting married is signing up for a lifetime of meeting someone else’s needs above your own. If you don’t want to do that, don’t get married. The beautiful thing about the design of marriage is that when both husband and wife give unselfishly, both get their needs met. It’s wonderful. It’s profound. It’s amazing. God knew what he was doing in designing male and female sexuality differently and it works beautifully when both give unselfishly. But when either person refuses to act selflessly until they get what they want, the marriage will suffer and may not survive.


      1. Women are all to often selfish about giving what you call a gift. Like some of the men stated in earlier posts about how their wives held out for 10 years, where was the selfless acts in those cases. My wife may want it once a year, so I am an ass for saying lets do something any way. You mentioned God in your post, so lets examine that for a second. There are only a few thing God says about the relations between a man and a woman, but one of them is for a woman to perform her wifely duties, not doing so is one of the only reason given for separation in the bible. If a woman is not willing to fulfill that part of her marriage, then she should get married at all. She should live lone with a bunch of cats and serve her own needs, which sex is not one of them. Feminism is one of the reasons for such a high rate of divorce. I understand not being in the mood when someone has had a bad day, but to hold out for months at a time not acceptable, nor should it be in any relationship.


    3. Dani:

      I pity your husband. You treat him with unspeakable cruelty. I am glad I am not married to you.


    4. If you feel this way about sex with your husband now, how did you act when you were dating? If your attitude towards sex now is a 180 from when you were dating, then don’t get your panties in a wad when or if he finds it elsewhere. Men will get tired of begging their wives for sex and attention because there are too many women out there who are willing to give it to them. Don’t give me that marriage vow BS, because it works both ways. Men get married for (1) love, (2) sex with the same woman all the time (3) companionship, (4) sense of family. If you are constantly not in the mood, maybe, just maybe the problem is YOU and not him. No one is suggesting rape, and no one is suggesting men are entitled, but you seriously cannot turn him down over and over and over and not expect a knee jerk reaction from him. Either wake up or set the man free so he can live a full normal life.


      1. Thank you so much Sharon for being blunt and straight to the point. Men/Husbands want to be part of, not separate from the solution to the give and take on all duties,, aside from physical duties or chores, a husband has the responsibilities of engaging his wifes emotional needs, be responsive to her physical needs, (massages, etc.), as well as being a listener, advisor, and friend…. But a women needs to respect and understand that a man is usually always ready where she may not be when it comes to sex, love receipt at many levels. However when a man feels defeated, not listened to, or supported, rather disconnected (because sex manifest itself as a physical/mental/emotional connection of love) for most men to their partners. Without it, men feel unloved, unwanted, disconnected. When we do, we search for ways to fill that void, we do more for our wives, we attempt to understand and understand, and go without when we think or hear that our wives are tired, have headaches, not interested, stressed over their own work, the children etc. We do more to help around the house, with the kids, show more attentiveness emotionally, and verbally. In the end, when we come for our connections, and seek LOVE MAKING from our wives after having been patient for weeks/months, after having been that ideal man/husband and she continues to deny us what we have interwoven and strongly feel is LOVE, we delve deeper into a depressed state, hurt, rejection, and frustration that only will result in finding alternatives, whether it be PORN, the Bar, stimulating conversation/attention from another woman, and ultimately a disinterest in our wives. Before any real infidelity occurs, a good loving husband that wants success and truly loves his wife will keep trying to get that connection by continuing down the road of being the Husband of the year with her, but over time. When and if he is reduced to begging, being ignored, and denied the connection he needs, You will lose him, not because he didn’t love you, or perhaps you didn’t love him, but love is an ACTION word far beyond just promising vows, or showing the family or outsiders all is working and going well. Without Action, on both sides, including providing that needed connection your husband needs to sustain his mind/heart, and yes physical love, you both should part ways, because it will become destructive to one or both of you overtime unless there is a commitment to engage. Just my two cents. I have been married twice and now divorced but with the same women of 4 yrs and two children with her.. so I think I have a bit of experience. I am facing an uphill battle now with her lack of Actionable Love in return for what I give in Actionable love to her. Its not looking good.


        1. Funny how you bring up women’s needs which tend to be around emotions and being listened to and gentleness etc. these guys that are not getting sex anymore probably don’t provide for those types of needs. In their minds going to work is providing for the needs of the woman. There lies the problem. And if you have been repeatedly unkind to a woman’s needs her feelings for you will change. And also when women get into menopausal years sex can be very painful not just because of dryness but also because the vaginal walls thin which cannot be helped with lubricants.


          1. Liz,

            Stop making so many assumptions about these men, it’s disgusting. You have absolutely no idea how they’ve behaved and you’re just projecting your thoughts onto them. Why are so many women almost incapable of taking sole responsibility for their actions? I see it almost everyday in a way that I don’t see with men. Did a woman screw up? If yes, then expect her to blame the nearest male.


  5. While there are men who see marriage as simply justification for getting sex, I don’t think that’s the rule among Christian men. What many women don’t understand is that men find sex very romantic – in other words, men connect with their wives through sex. Women don’t usually do this. Women connect primarily by talking. Having a good talk makes a woman feel closer to her husband. But having sex is what makes a man feel close to his wife.

    Sex isn’t just a physical act. Men – at least good men – don’t just want sex to get physical release. It’s also a way of connecting and feeling closer to his wife. Thus, when a woman denys her husband sex she is denying him his primary way of emotionally connecting with her – and simultaneously making it harder for him to give her love in the way she needs it. The more sex-starved he becomes, the less he feels loved, and the less he is able to give love.


    1. I should also mention that women’s sexuality is different from a man’s in another way. Women aren’t turned on in the same way a man is. A man can get in the mood simply by thinking about sex or by visual stimulation. Most women need a relaxed atmosphere and touch to get in the mood. So many women think they’re not in the mood when they haven’t even tried being in the mood. They aren’t going to be in the mood out of the blue – that’s not the way their sexuality works. In many cases, a woman can get in the mood if she just goes ahead. She doesn’t need to be in the mood up front, and usually won’t be. As many a frustrated husband has noticed, waiting for a woman to be ready up front can be a very long wait. Our sexuality simply doesn’t work that way. It works far better for women to be responders and to follow their husband’s lead in this matter – getting in the mood as we go along.


  6. Neither husbands nor wives should deny each other sex, except by mutual consent for prayer.

    1 Corinthians 7


    1. Yes. That’s the Bible verse lurking underneath my post. I am trying to present a wisdom argument to appeal to people who don’t accept the Bible in the post.

      I really think that it is a major risk to marry a woman who does not have an objective moral standard in place that obligates her to care about her husband and love him in the way that he needs.


      1. Agreed.

        And it saddens me that many of the presumably Christian commenters did not bring up that verse right away.


        1. Yes. There is a verse in there about husbands having to provide for their families and relatives (it’s mandatory). And there is this verse about not depriving each other of sex except by mutual consent, on a temporary basis.

          I think what is alarming is how blithe some liberal women are about expecting men to fulfill their obligations (to provide) while not fulfilling their moral obligations. The scariest thing is how men are denied sex for months and even years by their wives, and yet those wives would be shocked if their husbands stopped providing for the family. There is a double standard there. Either people have moral obligations to their spouses, or they shouldn’t be married. It’s very important for men to separate women who think they do have a moral obligation to care for their husband’s needs from those who think that marriage is only about the woman’s needs. That has to happen during courtship, where you separate the women who are suitable for marriage from the feminists. The feminists should not be married (or be made into mothers) under any circumstances.


  7. @ tannngl

    “Eve was not taken out of Adam’s head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.”

    Unfortunately, this is just “feel good” theology.

    Genesis 2 — helpmeet
    Genesis 3 — God’s curse to women (thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee)
    1 Corinithians 11:3 (head of every man is Christ, and the head of woman is man)

    However, men are to be considerate of their wives as the weaker vessel because they are co-heirs in Christ (1 Peter 3)


  8. This entire conversation makes no sense to me.
    That is to say, I understand the passages often quoted, and understand the arguments being put forth, but I just can’t get my head around this.

    I’m not married, but I can’t even begin to envision having sex with a woman who didn’t want to- regardless of the reason.

    I can envision myself being much like Andrew when I finally do say “I do”.


  9. Years ago, I’d occasionally catch a little of Dr. Laura’s show, and she’d always tell Refusers (there’s a term for such women—that indicates how widespread it really, sadly is) something along the lines of “It doesn’t matter if YOU are in the mood—go ahead anyhow, and then tell me afterwards whether you actually regret it!” Her point being, of course, once a wife gets going, she is probably going to enjoy it more than whatever else she would have done!

    Of course, that still focuses on the woman (though if that’s the only way to get women to treat their husbands properly…). This new attitude that women are to be catered to at all points while abusing the men they expect to cater to them really puzzles me, but then not all women are operating according to Christ’s “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”. It leaves me feeling concerned for these men, that their wives don’t really love them—because frankly, if they did, they’d have sex very regularly and even when not ‘in the mood’ purely to express love for their husbands, and to make their husbands happy and content.

    Have women just turned into cold-hearted ice queens across the board? I know most are having sex before marriage and can’t help thinking that has something to do with this…It’s very sad. I feel very badly for men in this culture; they are far less understood by today’s women than they were by our grandparents’ and even great-grandparents’ generation. No, they didn’t live in a permissive age with sex at every cultural turn as we do now…but perhaps they didn’t need to. Something about empty bragging comes to mind here.


  10. Articles like this are dangerous. Firstly, someone who is NOT married and a virgin chastising women who ARE married about their sex lives. Next up, how to raise your children? People don’t know what they are in for until they are married. Sorry, my husband cheated on me then we didn’t have sex for years. We had a lot of healing and other things going on. As well, he didn’t admit to his family that we were married so if he isn’t claiming his wife, there simply is no ‘duty’. Also, there are times when the husband is hurtful or uncaring. This is very dangerous and incorrect theology. Sex IS important for a healthy marriage. Definitely but writing a post with such loose theology and you are not even married yet you are judging women so harshly, I fear for your future.


    1. Nonsense, the Bible is clear that is the duty of the husband and wife to keep each other satisfied. You are in sin if you are denying your husband.


      1. It is the duty of the husband to love his wife. If any of you had ever read the Bible, you’d understand that a husband who withholds love from his wife has committed abandonment and is not her husband. He is no longer owed usage of her body. Also, the husband is not permitted to make his wife perform sexually in unloving ways.
        ” be not immoral in your sexuality. Be giving of yourself in love to your wife. Do not take her in the manner of a heathen who does not know God.”


    2. “As well, he didn’t admit to his family that we were married so if he isn’t claiming his wife, there simply is no ‘duty’”
      Not true, a marriage is between a man and his wife, since Adam and Eve. Family are not involved in the covenant. It is a two person covenant instituted by God, end of story.
      In fact in the early Church marriage ceremonies were usually held in private with a man his bride and a priest. I never promised my in-laws anything, neither did my wife thank God because my family are awful.
      Hurtful, abusive, unfaithful husbands are a special case. When the marriage covenant is repeatedly broken by one partner (whether it is repeated denial of conjugal rights or verbal or physical abuse or something else), then the issue needs to be viewed in a different light.


      1. Yes, it’s so strange. Prager was clear in his article that he was not talking about abusive, unfaithful husbands, but the normal faithful, respectful husbands. And I very clearly said that the issue is not taking a day or two off once in a while – my problem is with months and even years of sex withholding. Why anyone doesn’t see that months and years of sex withholding for no reason other than wilfulness is VERY WRONG is beyond me. It’s breaking the marriage vows – it’s as unfaithful as having an affair, in my view. And the Bible forbids it, as if all the wisdom arguments were not enough.


        1. WK,
          Your are wise to wait and test your prospective wife. I never did though I do love her very much, There is a useful section on desiring God, (JPiper) about what questions to ask and things to sort before you get married.
          My wife was a model and Im not a slack jaw either.


        2. Agreed, but the only one I know who does that is my best friend’s husband. It took her 9 days to get him to consummate the marriage, and now they haven’t had sex for over 20 years. They still love each other madly. He has a problem. You marry for better or worse. Grow up.


    3. There are reasons men cheat and the majority of the time it is due to women not taking care of the husbands needs. I suggest you read His Needs, Her Needs and do the work located in the back of the book. Your husbands needs were not being met and sometimes sex has little to do with it. That is what is concerning in today’s society, people do not understand each others needs fully and that is concerning. If the husband is being hurtful or uncaring, then find out what the reason is and don’t just let things carry forward. Your marriage has been unsuccessful, so I would say that you have as little to say as she does on the subject. You have walked through your marriage failing to address the reasons that things went south from the beginning. Once thing have gone bad only means both people need to examine what their needs are and why they have not been met in the marriage. If these needs are unable to be met by either partner, then separating ways should be the better option over cheating.

      I am not mean to my wife, nor do I disrespect her and she still does not want sexual relations due to not needing sex to fulfill her needs. We have discussed this several times and things get better for a while, then back to fulfilling her own needs. That is the problem with younger women, selfishness when considering others needs. People have struck down the whole work is the same concept, but in all actuality Winter is correct in saying they are the same. One of a woman’s basic needs in to be financially supported in a relationship. This is a non-negotiable need in a woman’s eyes. Sex is a non-negotiable need for men. I find the people supporting the fact that it is okay for a woman to say no when they are not in the mood pretentious deniers, who only care about their own needs in a relationship, but expect her man to fill her needs until they overflow.

      Sad state of affairs.


  11. Oh: And if a wife isn’t in the mood, as y’all head upstairs *anyhow*, do NOT let him KNOW you’re not in the mood. That’s just silly. And not a little cruel. Act like you are *because you love your husband*: You’ll get there soon enough.


  12. Well, no one mentioned how hurtful it is to the wife when the husband refuses to have sex for 20 years. My friend just found out the reason: he was ill during that time, but refused to talk about it. Luckily, they are happily married anyway without sex.
    My friend said, “Susan the sex is just a bon bon.”

    And now they are talking about it, the wife isn’t hurt anymore.

    I asked my husband about this discussion, and after his lower lip stopped quivering in pretend hurt from going a day without sex, he said, “Susan, men are fertile 24/7.”

    But I’m glad you are talking about it because it is part of Christian life. It is the obligation of spouses to share intimacy with one another, both man and woman. The frequency has to be decided between spouses based on what they find comfortable. And if a spouse is ill, and can’t have sex, the other partner can’t just dump them.

    If a spouse uses sex to control his or her partner, this is a terrible sin, and if you aren’t Christian, this action will lead to divorce so think about it.

    Re: how to get women interested. It seems to me I get interested when my husband talks to me and listens. It’s kind of hard to be interested if you are so busy that you just run into each other for a few minutes each day. If your marriage is on the rocks in this way, try spending time together just enjoying life.

    One of my most profound memories of my parents were the minutes before my father was killed in a car accident when I was four years old. I was in the back seat, and they were talking and I saw this expression on their faces as they looked at one another, an expression of deep love and communion with one another. (That wasn’t the cause of the accident by the way) God bless you. Susan Fox


  13. Men get sick too. And when they do, a lot of men absolutely won’t discuss it because they are ashamed. Think of my poor friend without relations for 20 years and not knowing why. Good thing they love each other.

    But Wintery Knight during the night I think I figured out why some women (maybe liberal women) don’t want sex with their husbands.

    Gentlemen, who went without, please check out this idea of mine, and respond.

    Women who have abortions and/or are promiscuous before marriage get tired of sex once they are married.

    I had a friend in her early 20s newly married, who had four abortions (her mother’s choice) and was promiscuous before marriage, and she gave me advice for how to have intimate relations with a man without participating in the act! She didn’t want sex, she just wanted a baby. And they were young and in love when I met them.

    Her story is in this blog post article: “Reasons for Abortion: Fear Tops the List”

    My husband and I were both virgins when we got married. So we never had a problem with this issue. Could this be another argument for virginity before marriage? God bless you. Susan Fox


    1. Yes! This is my experience in talking to husbands who have this problem. They chose women who had sexual pasts and somehow these women have grown accustomed to thinking that sex is something that is used to get what you want, and not something that you give to your husband in particular to communicate TO HIM. Most of the men who married virgins don’t have problems with feeling loved by their wives through sex. I think that the shame that liberal women get from premarital promiscuity is definitely a risk factor for this sex withholding trend.


      1. It’s ironic that a number of men want to try out their girlfriend in the bedroom before marriage to see how it goes. They seem to think that they can check for “sexual compatibility” this way. But sex before marriage is not a reliable indicator of sex after marriage and, in fact, having sex before marriage can be an indicator that she uses sex to get what she wants and will be a cold fish once she’s married. Women who wait for marriage, on the other hand, are more likely to see sex as a special gift to be given freely within marriage – as long as they sex Biblically and don’t have a mindset that sex is dirty. Thus, the best way to find out if you’re “sexually compatible” before marriage is to talk about your views on sex and make sure that both parties see sex Biblically. It’s not necessary, or helpful, to engage in premarital sex.


        1. I have an even better way to check. You just have to talk about all the different male things that you like to do and see what her attitude is to them. For example, I love apologetics. One of the things that I do in relationships is look for women who not only talk to me about apologetics, but look to me for leadership in giving them resources. The best wife candidates are the ones who not only take in the materials, but then go on to teach classes on the material, send the material to the friends, have conversations with unbelieving co-workers and relatives. I have no doubt that such a woman would never neglect my different male needs and would enthusiastically participate in the things that I cared about.

          I know that for some women, these things can be hard to get interested in. Although one of my candidates took to economics naturally when I introduced her to it (and went on to do a degree in it) another two seemed to take to it more slowly. One woman took A YEAR to finish Jay Richards’ “Money Greed and God”, and another complained about Thomas Sowell’s 800 page “Basic Economics”, although she did finish it. When you see a woman who is interested in the things you care about and who wants to participate in them to please you, that’s a good sign. The ones to avoid are the ones who don’t care what you are interested in and what you are trying to achieve, and who will neither read nor participate in them. Avoid those ones!

          I think the issue is respect. I am different. And I want to see whether a woman respects and accommodates those differences.


        2. The San Francisco Chronicle ran a secular survey years ago that said couples that co-habitate before marriage are 50 percent more likely to get divorced than couples that don’t after marriage. So you want sex, and you get it outside God’s plan for man and woman and you end up with a lifetime of no sex. Would this be an example of the Wages of Sin are Death? God bless you. Susan Fox


          1. Even the radically leftist NYT thinks so:

            “Couples who cohabit before marriage (and especially before an engagement or an otherwise clear commitment) tend to be less satisfied with their marriages — and more likely to divorce — than couples who do not. These negative outcomes are called the cohabitation effect.

            Researchers originally attributed the cohabitation effect to selection, or the idea that cohabitors were less conventional about marriage and thus more open to divorce. As cohabitation has become a norm, however, studies have shown that the effect is not entirely explained by individual characteristics like religion, education or politics. Research suggests that at least some of the risks may lie in cohabitation itself.”

            Holy snouts!


          2. I don’t think that is the reason. My husband has a couple of friends whose wives have just decided they are no longer interested in sex, period. Both married their wives after college, and they were virgins. One just lays there, so her husband almost feels like he’s with a cadaver, and the other one just says no…not interested…you are a pervert. Both women have now devoted all their time to their children and grandchildren. (My husband told me this about his friends wondering why our sex life is still good and his friends are struggling). My husband and I lived together before we got married (his parents were against our getting married). Now that I’m past menopause, sex is fantastic. I don’t get these women that have lost their zeal for sex. I feel sorry for the husbands, and would not blame them at all if they divorced their wives or had an affair. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning an affair, but think about it, one of two things is going to happen.


          3. This is an excellent comment. It’s amazing that even women who are virgins can do this to their husbands! Thanks for being a good wife to your husband.


  14. This article is a mix of bad and good.

    The good can be found in the encouragement that marriage is about mutual self sacrifice.

    The bad part is the implication that men are all sex addicted cavemen while women are all stupid and know absolutely nothing about men.


  15. So Wintery Knight, now you need to find us research showing that couples who wait to have sex after marriage have better and more frequent sex in marriage (if they are not sick). However, if anyone unmarried has already messed up in this area, let me remind you that God makes all things new. Seek a relationship with him. God bless you. Susan Fox


    1. i cant get turned on at all no matter what a man try s to do to get me inform i would love to get the feeling of wanting sex i have tryed fore play for hours on end and still nothing would anyone know if there is some medication i could take to boost sex drive


  16. It is not just women, nor is it Liberals. I happen to be a liberal woman, someone who works out regularly, takes care of my appearance: nice clothes, hair, makeup, yet my husband has denied me sex for 12 years. And believe me, I have tried everything! I mean everything to get him going. His “response” is not impaired, btw. He has a massive porn collection. I would be happy with anything from once a year, to everyday. But I will never get it from him.


    1. I’m guessing your husbands’ massive porn collection might have something to do with him denying you sex. He’s hooked on porn and gratifying himself and doesn’t feel he needs sex from you. This is my own assumption. You may want to ask him if he still loves you, then go from there.


      1. I have asked him. And he says that he loves me. I even tried to “integrate” his porn and that didn’t even work.


        1. Porn conditions people to be aroused by an image rather than a person. It reprograms the brain and can make real intimacy with a real person impossible. The only answer is to stop the porn completely and actively work to recondition the brain. A man addicted to porn (and it is a real addiction) must stop using images to satisfy his sexual urges and channel those urges into intimacy with his spouse in order to do that. But it takes work and dedication on the part of both spouses to make it happen.


          1. Thanks for that information. I had no idea that could happen. I’m going to do some research on this.


  17. Many men use porn because they get frustrated with their partners/wife’s not giving them the physical attention they desire, then when their wife’s realise in order to save their marriage they need to work in that area, the man decides its not worth the effort anymore, as they have expelled their energy trying for so long there’s nothing left in the tank and they may have come to terms with the lack of emotional connection from sex and bridged across the need anymore.

    No one wants to face trying again when there is real possibility they will face another period of abstinence when it is withdrawn again, what’s the point in that they think.

    These men are not addicted to porn, they just find it more reliable, stimulating and available when they need physical relief, as this is how men are made, porn is about a physical need not an emotional one in most cases, as they feel 1 out of 2 is better than none.

    Many men just simply enjoy porn and have healthy sex life’s with their partners, some integrate it, some use it when they have some alone time, which is healthy for both men and women to satisfy themselves alone from time to time and I know many women who use porn as much as men.

    Its normally those that are insecure about themselves or their relationships, feel it is threat or if they have had a bad experience in the past and either now project this onto every other person who does it or is avoiding their own responsibility in the situation that went south, we should not label everyone the same we are individuals with our own emotional intelligence.

    I do agree that in a few cases obsessive use can lead to a change in mind set of how a man sees a woman, as is the case when women watch it and start stating its all about size for them or having a hunky man etc, mainly as this is how men are depicted in porn, it influences both sexes not just men.

    It is incorrect however, to state that porn has an adverse effect on all men and women and that it reconditions the brain and makes intimacy impossible, as this is simply not true at all, only in a low percentage.

    Having studied this issue for years, it is not my finding, it’s only in a small number of cases, as is the same in alcohol and drug related studies.

    And for full disclosure, yes I watch porn and no I don’t have any issues of intimacy, I also don’t see women as objects because I watch it either. I just enjoy sex and are comfortable exploring it for what it is.

    My wife and previous girlfriends have always described me as being open, intimate and loving with a high level of emotional intelligence and not one has objected to me watching porn either alone or with them.

    Like all things in life, we should never tar everyone with the same brush, never believe everything the media publish, accept that we are all different and need different things in life and remember if we choose to be with someone then we enter into an emotional and physical contract with them, each side expects to give and receive and fulfil their contract, if you don’t want to fulfil it anymore then be fair and talk about why you don’t want to, if you cant resolve it, find common understanding or if one person wants to change the contract and your not happy with it, then maybe consider terminating it and finding a contract that is more suited to your needs without blaming yourself or feeling that is selfish.

    We shouldn’t blame external factors when we hold the key to the reasoning and solution of our relationships, we should take responsibility for our own actions, we choose to be with someone, its not forced on us and we choose to enter this psychological contract, so we accept that responsibility.

    If we are misled or misinformed at the time of drawing up this contract then that is not your fault and so makes the contract null and void, so your not responsible for fulfilling or doing anything.


  18. Honest John, you are being dishonest with yourself. You married her for better or for worse, and that means you don’t have any right to self-satisfaction without your spouse. That attitude is very very selfish. But you apparently have convinced yourself to ride the fence and just be a lukewarm sinner, not a bad one. Well, let me tell you that’s the kind that God spits, yes spits out of His mouth. Please either sin wholeheartedly or love God wholeheartedly, but don’t make excuses for a nasty habit. I don’t scold without love. I will add Honest John to my prayer list. Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes. And I wholeheartedly regret it. God bless you. Susan Fox


    1. Susan stop preachin.

      If porn fits into John’s life and his wife is ok with it what business is it of yours? Stop throwing religion around to judge him, damn, based on your own prudish views.


    1. Honest John,
      I don’t believe you are being honest with yourself or youghou are just not aware of the facts. ALL porn use is bad the brain.
      I will pray for you though.


  19. Are you serious? By no means do I try to treat my wife like a robot. However, why does the rules changes when it comes to a woman? We are both obligated to each other period. The Bible cleary says that a husband and wife body is not their own but their bodies belongs to each other. I am sorry but I disagree. So what is a husband suppose to do when his wife continually denies him sex? The wife is setting him up for failure.


  20. I’ve denied my husband. But only because he has emotionally and verbally hurt me. I have resentment towards him – pain I can’t let go. He wakes up each morning like nothing happened. They say a man who does not respect his mother will never respect any other woman. I’m in pain for every abuse he went through as a child in his broken home.


    1. @ andreina

      no one commented on what she said. She was able to so succinctly describe the underlying problem for many women. After being hurt again and again, the pain then accumulates and you seem to cross the point of no return. you become cold and cruel. It’s hard to let go of the pain. It’s then not as simple as he’s changed now so proceed to a happier life even for your own sake. It seems you cannot control yourself. You have become something close to what your husband used to be. It is said wives take the example of husbands.

      What can be done at this point besides divorce? Especially if the man loves his wife and does not want their story to end like that and wants to contribute to his wife’s healing and her wellbeing. I’m not answering this question. I’ll attempt to brainstorm.

      He must always be mindful of the past and that he’s been at fault for a period of time. He must be patient, caring, loving at all times without taking into account what he’s getting from the other side. His calculating brain will make him fear that this unconditional kindness and attitude may spoil his wife and instead of healing her, make her take advantage of him and turn her into a bossy, self centred, not interested in him wife.

      Regarding the pain accumulated inside the woman. The man may try to play the victim to try to make it seem like he’s suffering, or actually be suffering, that will not lessen her resentment towards him. She may feel even more guilty about her husband’s suffering and despise both him and herself at the same time.

      He has to give, unconditionally, ignoring his fears, hoping for the healing to take place. When he’s listening patiently, doing extra things to show he loves and cares, shows extraordinary patience, being genuinely nice and benefitting to someone or something his wife really cares about, shows regret about what happened and shows he has pain too and cherishes that he hasn’t lost her even after all that and has immense realisation and value of the suffering and pain she went through, healing will take place. Through all this, he cannot afford to snap, as human as that may seem. Healing is no easy thing. It will take incredible consistency, like walking on a rope incredibly high up. Initially she will think with a sad smile, too little, too late. The pain and built in, hidden anger is too great. But the reality is, if he suffers while trying to rebuild her, so be it, because he owes her. Just him suffering by itself is no antidote. He has to do it while building her. It’s the ultimate form of selflessness and in reality is a medicine in itself. He broke her. It’s good he didn’t break her and leave, even like she was asking him to, for his own sake. But now he must really take over and be a heroic captain of a damaged ship. He should subside his fears by thinking, for better or for worse, at least I owe her this and whatever happens, by going through this process of giving, kindness and unconditional love, my morals and my inside will only improve.


      1. @ will on very true.. i finally had the courage to finally leave him .. i felt like i was turning to a monster just like him.. i packt and just left surrounding muself with family helps alot distracting my mind its not an easy process but for my own sake i had to go. things were getting worse later to find out he was cheating he found someone he can manipulate .. since i got fed up.. i felt like i was loosing myself.. now that im alone im trynn to live my life again and build my self esteem .. something he destroyd because it made him feel powerful.. i stayd for so long because u get use to the abuse u think its ok theres days were i have my high and lows.. i felt like a prisoner for so long that iys being hard to be social or go out .. just his voice in my head of always makin me feel like i was doin somethibg wrong.. its very traumatic. . But im smiling more each day that comes.. i have a big heart and so i think im lookin for the wrong type of men men that are broken.. beacuse i feel sorry and wanna help ( bad boys) .. leaving me in despair. With a sour taste for men.. IM FREEEEEEE :)


    2. This is something men need to understand. Some dont get this even if you tell them! For women emotional care is as important as sex is to a man. Yet they sometimes still dont think they have any responsibility for the relationship except physical. And when a woman can’t do it (our sex parts are connected to our emotions) he gets angry and says his wife won’t have sex with him. Stop ignoring her except for when you want “some” and you may see a difference. If you talk to her and find that thats not the problem…..maybe you need to move on from the relationship. All guys are not guilty of this. But some are and it is a real problem. Our bodies do not work like men’s.


  21. I don’t know what has happened to her. We’ve been together now for five years and we are best friends. She turns me on like day one. She’s gained weight but she’s beautiful to me. Yes, 37 years old a and I finally feel the true excitement of being in love with someone. Its beautiful. Our relationship is truly perfect. No fighting or arguing.. I tell her how much I love her. I reassure her of how beautiful and perfect I find her to be. I comes in spurts though.. For one month were having sex once or twice a day. Its always exciting. We are both very adventurous and certainly not shy…. You might say “freaky or sex addicts” but for me its just fun and always interesting. Then for some reason everything goes quiet and I don’t know why. I always have to make the move and initiate everything. Lately there’s always an excuse and it hurts my feelings. I find myself depressed and insecure. She says she’s afffraid to get pregnant but we have condoms so, I’m not convinces that its not something else. I know its good for her because she is very vocal and…. Well for other obvious reasons that I can feel. So, what gives. Any one? I’m truly so sexually frustrated and emotionally broken… I need intimacy. The last time I was in this situation with an ex, I cheated and I cheated and I cheated. I was not in love at that time though. Has anyone else gone through this? Any ladies out there to suggest what I might do to try to understand? I want to help her. I love her and need her.
    I feel stupid writing this too BTW.


    1. This explains what I was trying to say Bill. Couples can lie with their bodies, not actually giving oneself 100 percent. Using contraception is like having relations blindfolded.

      God bless you. I will pray for you and you wife. I think with God’s help the two of you will work it out. Susan Fox


  22. All I can say is if a woman who cooks dinner and there’s a greasy mess left over and to think about cleaning it up after already cleaning up the other dishes? That’s how I feel. Like that nasty greasy pot uuugh! When my wife gets home she’d rather smoke cigarettes and drink 4 beers and watch her favorite shows when she gets home from work. I ALWAYS get the “sorry honey I’m too tired”. She can stay up after 10 drinking and chatting with her cousin or her sister. I’m about to give up. It’s been this way for years.i used to be an over the road truck driver working 70 hours a week. I would get home, thinking she’d be waiting for me with a cup of coffee or even be excited to see me. I busted my tail building her her house she wanted literally broke my back now disabled. I had surgery and am recovering. But such bad nerve damage my equipment only performs half as good as it used to. Still I’m refused and since I can’t work, can’t cut wood or other activities I used to love to do. I feel so useless and alone so I’m feeling I’d much rather just be alone. 4 children been married for 21 years.


    1. Oh Danny,
      I am so sorry for you brother. I don’t really know what to say other than tell her about your view. If you have the kind of relationship where any kind of meaningful conversation ends up in row (like mine), then write a letter so you don’t get cut off every other sentence. Don’t make it too harsh, just be gentle and honest.
      I promise I will pray for you everyday. I have a list of people I pray for. I will add you.


  23. I must be one of the wise women for I have never refused my husband over the past 40 years. I believe he is happy. I myself have come to despise sex and hate myself for having gone against my own inner needs for the sake of the husbands happiness.
    Do we have a blissful marriage?
    Ask him?


    1. It is so very sad that you despise intimacy with your husband and consider unselfishness to be something you regret. If your husband has been neglecting your needs, I can see how you might become bitter that you are always the one to give unselfishly. But bitterness will kill your relationship and turn you into a sour and unhappy person so quickly. Don’t let it do that.

      A wife has every right to make her needs and desires known to her husband and even to insist on having her needs met too. The way marriage is supposed to work is that both husband and wife give generously to each other without keeping score and both have their needs met by the other. In a fallen world, this is often not the case, but it is a worthy ideal to strive for.

      When one spouse neglects the other’s needs – whether that’s a need for sex, gentleness, communication, affection, or whatever – the marriage will struggle. This post was about wives neglecting their husband’s need for sex. That’s just one particular example of a marriage problem. Not having that particular problem doesn’t guarantee that you’ll have a fantastic marriage. Apparently, this isn’t your issue, but you do have some other issue that is making your marriage unhappy, at least for you. Perhaps you should identify it and start working on it rather than growing bitter and resentful.


  24. “Wives have to love their husbands in the way they expect to be loved”. Sex is how they expect to be loved. Really?
    Problem is, I am totally confused about love vs. sex. What about rape, pornography, incest, prostitutes, all the gross stuff I’m asked to try in bed, kink, “if you don’t give me sex, I’ll find someone who will”, etc.? It’s all over the media. How loving is all of that? I’ve been married long enough to be aware that it isn’t always about connection and love….it is often just about the sex. That equals feeling used not feeling loved which leaves me feeling sick inside. It affects my own self worth. According to this article, that shouldn’t matter.
    Being past menopause, it’s no longer about mood, it’s about pain and dryness, lack of arousal, lack of orgasm, total lack of libido. I’m sorry if that makes my husband feel unmanly and unloved. I’ve tried everything to “fix” me and I still give anyway, but it sure makes it unpleasant. I can’t give 100 percent of myself anymore, I don’t have it to give. I would love to withhold for my own sanity but I guess his sanity is what matters most.

    Many women work full time jobs, deal with pregnancy, juggle kids with work, do all the housework, contribute to retirement, and “love their husbands the way they EXPECT to be loved.” Maybe women withhold for a good reason and perhaps the sentence should read: “Husbands have to love their wives in the way they expect to be loved.”
    Sometimes that might mean…..give the little wife a break.
    Oh, and, if the man were living by himself, he would still have to go to work if he didn’t feel like it.


    1. Being used is not what marital sex was supposed to be like. In a broken world, sometimes men are just about the sex. If there are marital issues of abuse, neglect, disrespect or whatever, they do affect the sex as well. A man who doesn’t respect his wife may simply use her in the bedroom. Simply being a doormat to man who doesn’t respect you is not going to solve the problem. More sex is not going to solve the problem. You have to identify the root cause and address it. In the meantime, it absolutely can be appropriate to withdraw from sexual intimacy until you feel safer and more respected.

      This post was not talking about marriages with serious issues like that. This post was talking about ordinary marriages where two people love each other, but where the wife doesn’t have sex unless she feels horny herself and gives no consideration to her husband’s needs (or lesser consideration than her own desires).

      A wife withdrawing from sex because she is afraid or being treated badly is not what this is about. And it isn’t even about wives not having sex as often as their husband’s want. It isn’t about never saying no. It’s saying that considering your husband’s needs is important. That shouldn’t be the ONLY consideration. The needs of both husband and wife should be considered. That includes a wife’s need for gentleness and having a break now and then as much as it includes a man’s need for sex.


      1. @Lindsay

        Scripture should be followed regardless of the fact the either spouse is used for sex. However in her case its serious medical issues or probably psychological issues causing the problem.


        1. Scratch that its not psychological issues but a abnormal abusive situation. Something needs to be done with the man who is doing this.


    2. 1 Corinthians 7:4-5
      ”The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”


      1. Yes! But I do appreciate that some women are in abusive marriages and that is the only exception to not being willing. I get that. If you’re in a good marriage with a good man that you love, please take care of your husband or risk losing that good man.


        1. The thing is one your are married neither spouse can rape the other. However in injuring either of the spouses it can be classified as assault.

          ”Yes! But I do appreciate that some women are in abusive marriages and that is the only exception to not being willing.”

          That’s where the church comes in. Or if it is criminal the law.


    3. Painfully obedient: Other commenters are correct: you are in an abusive situation, not an ordinary one. But your comment brings up a good point for everybody. Men and Women: we should be regarding our spouses as a gift and their giving of self as a gift. If you regard the other person as a possession, you are lusting after them. And lust doesn’t belong in marriage, inside it or out.

      I asked my husband which he regards me, and since he is a fallen man, he said both, gift and possession. Adam and Eve regarded each other totally as gift before the fall. After the fall, God said, “Your longing shall be for your husband, and he shall lord it over you.” Consider that ladies. Before the fall of man, there was equality. There was no need for feminism. We are dealing with the consequences of original sin in our marriages. Continue the struggle to be remade in the image of Christ, which will purify your marriages as well. Re: comfort during intimacy, Painfully Obedient. This won’t solve the emotional problems, but a salve called Wise Woman Salve by Wise Woman Herbals saved the intimacy in my marriage. Use it every day. Otherwise the doctors want to stick you on estrogen creams, and that can cause a lot of other problems. God bless you. Susan Fox


      1. You know its tragic. I do not automatically believe her. For all I know she could be making this entire scenario up. False rape accusations and other false allegations by many women makes me more skeptical. The abuse of “abuse” in intimate partnership is what shook my faith in taking womens word at face value.


    4. I don’t think not feeling loved invalidates scripture. However in your case you should see your doctor. You have serious medical issues that needs to be addressed.


  25. Truly I am flabbergasted by most of the comments here…Idated my wife for five years and currently going onto my six year of marriage to the same woman…for those ever thinking marriage is a COMPLETELY blissful thing..well they are mistaken…the rules are simple…treat your spouse as you want to be treated…the world is a lonely place…regardless of how many social friends you have…a significant other that wants you for life is a rare …you can not make a person change…if they change for anyone other then themselves then the change WILL NOT last…you have to simple choice when you break off the BULLSHIT…either wait patiently and how they want to change or leave…kids or not…I hit that point four times in my marriage…stop judging…so I know what I am talking about…yes all marriages have different amounts and degrees of variables that hinder marriage…but the end result is always simple and the same…either both sides WILLINGLY work out the wrinkles or split….and for those of you who will try to it is not that simple…The only complicated aspect of marriage is emotion it is wild and irrational…it causes is to waste time either enjoying something or feeling depressed rarely does it slow sound but that is another topic for another thread…good day


  26. Well maybe I am rare breed of woman, but I totally agree with you. Women who don’t wish to and or deny their husbands sex are complete morons. I love my husband and we have sex at least 4 times a week. Sometimes twice in a day and I’m 41 years old, he’s 45. 99% of the time I want to too. But if I’m tired I do it for him because I love him. Wake up ladies. Stop being so stupid!


  27. I agree with most of the writers comments here..They appear to be spot on. Thank you. However, speaking as a victim of my wifes’ refusal to be intimate, I have researched this problem extensively. For the most part (not all women) a woman loses interest in the sexual connection with their husbands shortly after the wedding.. They become bored with it and seek alternatives to the relationship for emotional satisfaction. Yes, this is not good for the husband.. Once the woman cuts the sex, the marital problems begin.

    My wife and I had a great sex life up till 3 years into the marriage, then little or nothing.. then, in the fourth year, she wanted children and the sex was turned on for the first child and dropped for two years until she wanted a second child, and (wow) what a great marriage I had till the second child was born.. After that, little or no intimacy.. Divorce was not in my vocabulary, and I have been hurt deeply by being shut off. It’s not what marriage is all about for a heterosexual male.. We marry for sexual freedom with our spouse.

    I completely understand why marriage fails at a rate of over 55%.. Men can be guilty of not satisfying their wives desires too, but sex to a man is very important especially in the sanctity of marriage. I feel strongly that because I was, and I repeat, was in love with her and allowed the shut down, that I as a man was mentally abused by her.. Not Fair…

    Todays’ woman better wake up and stop throwing caution to the wind when it comes to a marital commitment to a man.. It encompasses a variety of the things a man needs along with what the woman needs.


    1. I think men need to get better at testing for this. Just expose your feelings and needs to the woman during courtship and see how she feels about taking responsibility, dealing with expectations, and owning obligations. They can be remarkably transparent about insisting on not doing anything unless they feel like it, while at the same time insisting that her husband ought to own his obligations and duties. You can even quote the Bible to them, and they will say it doesn’t apply, then they’ll turn around and quote the Bible to you – with no sense of irony. I knew a friend who caught his wife in adultery and she used the Bible on him, telling him not to judge. He was a Christian, she wasn’t. So that’s something to test for.


  28. I never refuse my husband sex even if I am not in the mood. I know it is very important to him and its no big deal to allow him his way. If I am not in the mood I tell him to make it a quickie – after his orgasm he is sooo relaxed and grateful it helps our relationship.


    1. Sadly, you’ve already got a husband. My wife does not understand that concept and I haven’t had anything for 5 months, now. I am ‘definitely’ going to divorce her, because this is not a life.


  29. I am a muslim male of indian descent. I do everything to make life easy for my wife. Cooking, shopping, attention, sorting the kids out. I go above and beyond in between the sheets too and nothing. It’s good for that moment and we must continue with life. We have our own business, so I get is work work work. When I do things to free her up, I get blasted. I should rather work. I do all the work in even initiating. Tired. Her upbringing only focused on self development. This problem is not confined to race, religion or geography. Woman complain about not finding a good man. When they have one, they treat us like crap.


      1. Some of them have arranged marriages. This doesn’t have to be a romance killer, but it can. I know happy arranged marriages. Also at the risk of being blunt (I apologize mac) he said he was Muslim. He sounds like a very very good man, but the religion puts woman down. Perhaps his wife is Muslim too, and absorbed these negative attitudes about her sex and if so, they are definitely a romance killer. She has to consider herself a field to be tilled. Would that turn you on? Heaven is to be Mohammed’s play toy. No, no, no. If I believed that I would hate sex, hate men, and my marriage would suffer. Not fair to my husband, but he would suffer for my anger against the teachings of such a faith. Sorry, mac. Maybe you should discuss your wife’s attitudes toward her religion, toward men in general and toward sex. See what she thinks. Try to help her sort through her upbringing. You sound like the ideal husband, but also look at your attitudes towards women influenced by your religion. Do you complain against your wife in your mind for any reason? A grudging attitude elicits a grudging response. Our God can bring good out of evil, it just requires that we make the effort and be patient with one another. God bless you. Susan Fox


  30. These comments are proof positive of what I’ve been saying for quite a while now.

    The main problem with sex in marriage today, and why so many men are dissatisfied with sex in marriage, is because they are marrying women who aren’t sexually attracted to them, or those women are less sexually attracted to them than they were to men those women used to have sex with.

    Stated another way, most of you men aren’t marrying virgins. You’re marrying women who had prior sex partners and boyfriends; perhaps-even prior husbands. Somewhere in those prior sex partners is probably at least one guy who really turned her on, she was really sexually attracted to him. She was more sexually attracted to him than she is to you.

    She’s not just fantasizing about good looking men from TV or the movies. What the nonvirgin wife does is different, and much more destructive. She has real time, real world experience with good looking, attractive men she actually had sex with. So it isn’t just fantasy; these are memories she’s saved in her vast mental memory banks. She replays those memories anytime she wants.

    She is frustrated and angry and sad that they are just memories and she can’t get those men back. She gets particularly disappointed and frustrated when those memories are juxtaposed against the real life, flesh and blood husband she married, who is not as good looking, doesn’t have as good a body, and is overall less attractive than her prior partner(s).

    These women are refusing their husbands because they aren’t attracted to them and don’t want to have sex with them. These women are pining away for better men they used to have but don’t any longer. It’s really just that simple.


    1. You do make a great point perhaps to test out. I do wonder if a virgin wife would do this. It sounds from all the other guys here that have had this happen to them is that they were dating girls who weren’t virgins. I wonder if having a girl who hasn’t had anyone else would make this less likely to happen. I wonder if dating a virgin girl doesn’t bring on these complications. If so, then maybe more men (including myself) need to go for those girls and ditch the other chicks.


      1. I suspect that you will find that, in general, wives who were virgins when they married have fewer problems with sex (and fewer marriage problems in general). Of course, there are exceptions. It’s no guarantee.

        What makes it more likely that a virgin bride will have fewer problems with sex is that she isn’t comparing her husband to someone else she slept with, she won’t be in the habit of using sex as a bargaining chip or a way to control men, and she probably has more self-control and understands how to deny herself what she wants for the sake of what’s right.

        The one thing to check for, if you’re dating a virgin, is that she has the right understanding of sex. Some girls are virgins because they have been taught that sex is dirty or disgusting or bad. You don’t want one with that mindset. Talk about the purpose of sex and what a healthy sex life should look like in marriage before you marry her.

        If she’s a virgin who has the right mindset about sex – that’s it’s good within marriage, that sex is part of God’s design for bringing husband and wife together to bond and to produce children, that part of a wife’s duty is to have sex frequently with her husband, etc. – then you’re going to have a better chance of a great sex life than the vast majority of couples out there.


        1. You are RIGHT ON Lindsay!!!!!!!! My wife is sadly a prime example of having issues in our marriage bed. Even now as a true Christian she is still very challenged. Your comment gets an A+++ rating from me!


          1. A friend of mine married a virgin and is now divorcing her because she can’t stand having sex. So I don’t believe being a virgin makes any difference.


          2. I pointed out that being a virgin isn’t a guarantee. There are virgins with bad ideas about sex, and this can make them bad partners. Checking for the right understanding of sex is very important in any prospective bride. You can’t go on virginity alone.


        2. Lindsay, you are right. I was a virgin when I married. My mother taught me only these things about sex a) if you have sex outside marriage, you are a used woman. b) what men and women do together in marriage is good, and c) there is nothing finer than a young man’s sex drive. Basically, it’s crude, but the meaning is practice chastity. Save yourself for your husband. There’s complete freedom of expression physically in marriage (I would add sodomy has no place in marriage or outside of it, but she didn’t imagine such a thing existed.) And don’t be afraid of your husband’s desires. Frankly, after being married for 31 years, there’s nothing finer than a old man’s sex drive within the context of self sacrificing faithful marriage. The husband joyously offers his body over and over again as sign of his covenant and love with his wife in a monogamous marriage. The coming together is always new, never old. And their bond from these shared experiences deepens over the years. However, if physical illness or other problems interfere with this activity, it is a fact that sex is not necessary for a happy marriage. I have a close friend, who is deeply in love with her husband, and vice versa, but they haven’t engaged in sex for over 20 years. They have three grown children. God bless you. Susan Fox


      2. and Tyler you will make a better husband to those virgin chicks if you are virgin yourself. My husband was a virgin, and has given me wholehearted love our whole 31 year marriage. But that said — Christ makes all things new, and there are probably men and women who were abused, but healed by God, who would also make great spouses. Susan Fox


    2. I wasn’t a virgin when I married my husband. We’ve been married now for 13 and a half years. I didn’t give him very much sex for several years due to illness (endometriosis) which was extremely painful. We finally both agreed to stop infertility treatments and for me to have a hysterectomy. Now, I’m making up for lost time. Even though I do wish that I had been a virgin when I married I am proof that NOT ALL wives who had sex before marriage and who had previous partners are pining away for those old flames. My husband is so much sexier and so much better in bed than any of those old boyfriends. He also seems to be getting betting looking with age :) He’s 42 and I’m 36.


      1. I also wasn’t saved before I married and I didn’t sleep around casually. My pre-martial relationships were with boyfriends – 3 before I married.


  31. I wonder after hearing all these arguments that the best way to go in life is to simply stay single. That sounds the best way to avoid all this mess. I’m starting to get convinced.


    1. Tyler, it depends on your vocation. Some people will not grow in relationship with God without marriage. Some are not called to be married. This piece is on “The Mystery of Marriage: Crucible for the Saints”
      The best way to determine if you should marry is to ask God. God bless you. Susan Fox


    2. Tyler….the God thing, I don’t subscribe to. But I am in a happy fully sexual marriage 15 years. Dont give up. Just see people for what they are and dont think things will get better. That means if you talk to a woman and she hates sex, well dont marry her. Period.


  32. ok here is my situation. I am a 48 year old women, mother of three and have been married for 25 years. My husband is a very healthy, well built, bodybuilder who I found out recently is on steriods. Takes Testosterone and HCG (prescribed by Dr.) and also orders other steriods off the internet. He doesn’t know that I know. I work three jobs and travel alot. Sex has always been a tough subject for us. He wants more and I always am not meeting those #’s. My sex drive has dropped off (he claims that we only were together 2X in Sept, 2X in October and 2X in November and Dec. I believe it but didn’t realize he was keeping count. He tells me that I show no emotion to him. Now, he has given me a “check list” of things he desires. I won’t go into the check list now, but there are some things I will do and some I won’t. Now, he is upset because these things don’t come “naturally”.
    I am fine physically, take hormones, healthy and good weight. Sending me “things” I should look into to take to promote desire. So, If I take those things he wants – the mind won’t follow and automatically be “natural” too. Any suggestions because my marriage depends on this.


    1. Question, are you on hormonal birth control? It is very common for hormonal birth control to depress a woman’s libido. Some forms are worse than others for certain women, but it’s a very common side effect for all kinds of hormonal birth control. It’s probably worth looking for an alternate form of birth control if you’re finding your libido too low.

      Another issue for women is that sexual desire is largely mental, not entirely physical. You have to engage mentally – thinking about sex, thinking about being close to your husband, remembering past times when it was really good, etc – in order to keep your mind ready for sex. If you only focus on the chores that need doing or your next appointment or logistics like that, it will be hard to get your brain in gear for sex. It takes being intentional with your thoughts in preparing for sexual intimacy to keep a woman’s libido up.

      It’s also important to get some physical contact outside of the bedroom. If you never touch except in the throes of passion, sex can grow to feel mechanical or forced and less pleasant. If sex is a natural outgrowth of a marriage full of daily physical contact, it’s much easier and more natural for it to happen more regularly and for your body to desire it more.

      Most women, if they’re not on hormonal birth control, take the time to engage mentally and physically throughout the day, and have no physical problems, can solve libido problems without any additional supplements or treatments.

      Of course, women are often of a lower drive than men, so a woman shouldn’t necessarily expect to match her husband’s drive naturally. She should, however, realize that her desires aren’t the only consideration and that saying yes sometimes, and trying to engage, even if she wasn’t wanting sex already, can be a great boost for the marriage relationship – and can end up being lots of fun too. Women don’t have to be in the mood when sex begins. They can get going as things progress.

      Most marriage/sex experts recommend a minimum of once a week for a healthy sex life. For many couples, that should be higher, especially if the man has a high drive. If you’re not reaching this level, then your sex life probably is being neglected in some way and could use some improvement. That can probably be solved simply by choosing to engage more and making it a greater priority in your life.


      1. Lindsay Harold. My this is excellent advice that you are giving. I just wanted to add that the man has an obligation to continue courting his wife after marriage. And yes this means lots of touching, flirting and laughter outside of sex. This might be difficult to achieve in kim’s marriage because she says she works 3 jobs and travels a lot. A woman with that schedule would not be able to walk in the door and plop into bed with her husband immediately. Sex begins with time spent together.
        Also what about her husband’s steroid use. I don’t know what that does to one’s marriage, but I know it will kill him quickly. Married couples have an obligation to keep themselves healthy for each other. He is obviously failing in that matter by taking all these steroids. Also why is he taking them? Does he have an obsession with body building? And wouldn’t that affect the marriage and the woman’s response as well.

        Then if he is not happy with the frequency, why doesn’t he do something to bring in more money so his wife won’t have to work 3 jobs! If she has more time to rest and exercise, she will be more interested more often. God bless you. Susan Fox


  33. After my wife of 40 years passed away not only was I devastated, I was lost. I didn’t know what I was suppose to do or how to act. I ask God for help and feel like I was. I met a lovely lady and we married after only six of courting. Now that we are married I find out that she does not want sex. She has made me feel perverted for needing or wanting it more than once every three or more months. I am 62 and she is 58. Am I expecting to much or should I just live with it.


    1. robert she has a problem. I am 61 and my husband is 58, and once every three or four months is ridiculous. However, she could have a physical problem. Insist she see a gynecologist. See if there is a problem. Sex can be painful when you get older with certain conditions. However, if she is insisting it’s dirty, the problem could be her past experiences — sex outside marriage or marriage itself or child sexual abuse?


  34. I just wanted to make a few comments. I view marriage as a partnership, and that partnership is never (or rarely) 50/50. It’s an ongoing give and take. Sex figures into that give and take too, but it’s not as one-sided as this discussion makes it seem. In my experience (so, yes, it’s anecdotal), there are times my hubby and I aren’t in sync. One of us is in the mood, the other isn’t as much. It’s no big deal. In those cases, we most often end up having sex, and it’s wonderful! I always say to err on the side of the orgasm. (Sorry if that’s too much information.)

    Maybe I’m just in a weird relationship where we talk about our wants and needs and desires. We both understand the give and take. We both know that sometimes our sex “schedules” will be off. I’ve had times when I wasn’t necessarily gung-ho and so has he. Believe it or not, yes, men also have times when they’re not in the mood. You can’t put that all on women.

    I refuse to believe that most healthy females don’t enjoy sex and don’t want sex. Maybe I am one of those “unnatural” females that has a higher than what is considered normal sex drive. It’s depressing to think that the “normal” female sex drive is low. I don’t believe it either.

    I also don’t believe that most women have to have all these conditions in place in order to get in the mood. I am certainly stimulated by simply thinking about sex. Is that so uncommon for females? Based on discussions I’ve had with my girlfriends, I’m not off base here.

    I appreciate the discussion — and I enjoy Wintery’s blog quite a bit. I hope you don’t mind my sharing a different perspective. :)


    1. Dee Dee,

      Your experience matches mine pretty well. I think that you and I have what ought to be normal (if it isn’t) for a woman’s sex drive. From my experience reading marriage blogs and articles and such, though, it appears that we may not actually be the norm. I suspect that we’re normal females (in that our sexuality works the way it was designed to), but that many, many women are not normal in their sexual response, either due to past promiscuity, bad teaching, sexual abuse, or whatever.

      I had good teaching about sex (what there was of it), a good foundation for a Biblical worldview, and no past sexual experience when I got married. Thus, I didn’t get broken in the way I relate to sex. I didn’t see sex as dirty or degrading or have memories of past sex encounters to deal with. I was free to embrace marital intimacy whole-heartedly. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. But in this fallen world, that’s not the case for lots of women.


  35. In response to all of these. I obviously am not “meeting his needs”. That hurts me. I do love him, however is it possible that the testosterone, the HCG (prescribed by his Dr.) and the other things he takes that he orders off weird websites could make it amplified? If so, not sure that I will ever to meet those demands. I am a Christian woman. When he had his heart issue, I went from a Stay at Home mom to a working 3 job Mom. I did this to take the pressure off of him and bring in money so that he could relax. I thought he might take up golf, or something like that to help take the pressure off. Instead he got into Powerlifting (he has always been into bodybuilding). I do feel like some of the forums he is on isn’t the best place for a married man. But, again .. my thoughts. It is hard to come home and “be in the mood”. Here is another thing that bothers me a bit, he thinks something is wrong with me, he WANTS me to FEEL like having sex yet has given me this “checklist”. Wants me to flirt with him, wants me to send him dirty texts and pictures of myself, wants me to wear thongs, etc., wants me to try anal sex. For years – I have said no to the AS because it is NOT something I want to do. I just don’t. The constant obsession with it wears me out. He isn’t being honest with me about the steriods and hasn’t for a long time. He justifies everything he takes. He says he takes the Cialis for his prostate. Ok, I get it. But, when I asked him why it’s not a prescription he said it was too expensive at the drug store so he orders it from a black market site. I never knew he had prostate problems firstly and secondly – isn’t that for ED as well? Could these things make him more sexual than normal? Now, he wants me to check into things on the internet that will help me. Just so torn. I do love him but not sure I will ever be able to do all the things on his “checklist”.


    1. It is certainly possible that your husband’s supplements are increasing his sex drive beyond normal. They certainly aren’t good for his health. But whether or not they’re increasing his sex drive is a bit beside the point.

      You, as a wife, are NOT obligated to have sex every time he asks. You are obligated to engage in sexual intimacy periodically, but within reason. You are obligated to consider his sexual needs, rather than to ignore them and think only of yourself, but you are not obligated to meet every desire he has.

      It is not unreasonable to have sex, say, 1-3 times a week. It IS unreasonable to be expected to have sex multiple times a day every day or in ways that make you feel used or that harm you. You certainly have every right to say no to anal sex, for example, if you’re not comfortable with that. The bottom line is that both his desires and your desires need to be taken into account. Both are important and neither one of you should be dictating frequency or behaviors to the other. It should be give and take, working together as a team to find healthy marital intimacy.

      If at all possible, I generally suggest trying things as a couple that go beyond vanilla – but only as far as you’re both comfortable with and only those that aren’t harmful to either person and don’t involve third parties (e.g. porn, threesomes, public sex). There is great freedom within marriage to explore new things and it can be quite exciting to add something a little different now and then. Men tend to be more adventurous and want to try new things. Some women want only missionary in bed with the lights out and there’s so much more to try that can be fun and exciting and good for your marital connection. So, for many women, stepping outside their comfort zone every now and then can be a good thing for their marriage, especially if they’re hesitant to do anything other than the most basic vanilla sex.

      However, some men (and women as well) can develop appetites for the unusual and weird that makes them unsatisfied with ordinary marital intimacy. That’s not okay. The bread and butter of your marital sex life should be ordinary intercourse that focuses on finding unity between husband and wife. Sex should be about intimacy, not kink. When it crosses the line into being all about getting as kinky as possible and normal sex doesn’t satisfy any more, then it’s a problem. If your husband is doing that, then you need to get help and you need to check for a porn addiction. If your husband has a porn addiction, you will never be able to satisfy him.


      1. Actually she is. Obligated to provide sex anytime he asks and vice versa.

        There is no scriptural exception to the rule.


        1. Where do you find that in the Bible? The Bible says that husbands and wives are not to deprive one another, but it doesn’t say that this means they are to have sex on demand every time. It’s just that they can’t make a habit of saying no to the point that their spouse is deprived of normal marital intimacy.


          1. 1 Corinthians 7:4-5
            The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 6But this I say by way of concession, not of command.…”

            Looks like scripture seems to suggest that if either spouse wants sex and given their authority over each others body they cannot deny the other.


  36. Also, I am on normal hormones for my age and have been for years. My Dr. and my Gyn says my bloodwork is great and that I am in good health. She (my dr.) suggested that I quite worrying about trying to always “please” and find out what makes me happy and pleases me. THe bad thing about that question is, I want to please him. However, i feel like I am in a no win situation. He wants to have more sex and he wants me to WANT to all the time. Example: I feel like he is asking me to go to a concert and enjoy it, (even though I don’t like that kind of music). So, I say I will go with a smile on my face, and now he wants me to ENJOY this concert and is upset that I don’t. Now, he wants me to wear what he wants me to wear, and OH YA, don’t forget you have to also wear your hair a certain way too. What all that means to me is – not only do I have to do it, I have to enjoy it, and I have to “try” all the things he wants me to. Mentally exhausted is what I am.


  37. I’ve been married for over 30 years to a wonderful man. We have had a regular sex life, though his desire far outreached my own. Once things started, I could usually participate with arousal and at times orgasms.

    But, alas, time, age, and hormones have slowly robbed my joy and pleasures of sexual intimacy with my husband.
    After menopause, my desires, thoughts, arousal, and orgasms have faded out of sight and have left me with dryness and very little feeling other than routine discomfort.

    I actively engage, but cannot enjoy my participation. Often, I feel great discomfort which completely turns me off. (tried lubes/creams to no avail…Have seen Gyn/family Dr. and hormone specialist….very low hormones but cannot take them) My husband wants me to enjoy our times together but physically and mentally by body has shut down.

    I feel doomed to provide duty sex for the rest of my life.
    I’m not sure I can live that way.

    Now that my body will no longer participate, now that sexual intimacy has become unpleasant, is it unfair of me to request him to take my situation into consideration? I can pleasure him routinely but it is completely one sided, which is duty sex, and is turning me off to sexual intimacy all together. I no longer “enjoy the music” as Kim describes above. I feel no bonding or connection through sex anymore, just anticipation and dread.

    Is refusal more damaging to the man than duty sex is to the woman?

    Can men find others ways to feel connected and close to their wives other than sex?

    I cannot be the only menopausal woman with these problems.


  38. I am a husband suffering with no sex. I begged her for at-least once a month. She has been sleeping in a separate room for the past year. Our marriage is basically over…just staying together for the kids. I asked her for a divorce 4 months into our marriage. She cried and begged me. Now the we have 2 kids, we are living together for the kids. I have no happiness in life. All I am is a machine who is only good for earning money. My laptop is my best friend now.


    1. 1) Did you have sex with her before you married her? If she had sex to hook you before marriage, it is likely that she will continue to use sex as a manipulation tool after marriage. Don’t let her do that.

      2) It NEVER works to beg for sex. Ever. Begging is not attractive to women. It also puts her in control.

      3) Do you have a son? Ask your wife what kind of woman she wants her son to marry someday. Would she want his wife to treat him like she treats you? Or would she want her son to have fulfilling marriage that meets his needs. She needs to model for her son the kind of wife he should be looking for. She also needs to model for her daughters what a good wife is as well.

      4) Even if you don’t have a son, having any children means it is very important that she work to keep her marriage strong (which includes a good sex life). A woman cannot be a good mother unless she is first a good wife. One of the most important things that children need (right next to food, water, and shelter) is a stable, loving home where their parents love each other and model a good marriage in front of them. A woman who would purposely deny her children that when it is within her power to give it to them is NOT a good mother – no matter how much she caters to their other needs. If she puts her own desires over the desires of her husband, she is being not only a bad wife, but a bad mother. Just telling it like it is.


  39. My wife stopped giving me sex years ago ,God knows why ,she says you have got hands ,but it deeply hurts me ,I feel rejected ,almost like a friend with nothing ,so I’m thinking of going soon . Sad really ,woman are wired up different to us ,they are a law unto themselves ,none like sex ,after a year after marriage none ,and don’t tell me any other . I’m a good guy work ,don’t smoke ,or drink ,I’m a decent looking guy ,but oh no gone off me still .


  40. Over 26 yrs of marriage we went from perhaps 1X per week down to 2x a month, 1x per month , now maybe 6 times per year. 2 month gap now. When it has occurred it is basically “Let me know when you are done”. She sleeps on the sofa now for 2 years, claiming she cant sleep in the bed. When she is in bed, and I try to initiate, I get it thrown back…:”see that’s all I am to you, so it’s your fault.”
    Let me paint an analogy: If I don’t feed the cat for 2 days, then every time it sees me it will me following me around making a fuss to be fed. It has a basic need that is not met. Although I mean other things to the cat, until this need is met, it is a priority.
    What does that say about me if I were to say: “All that cat wants 24/7 is food, food, food. The cat is a food monger. All I am to the cat is a source of food. I’ll show it. I wont feed it until it quits complaining.
    Am I being unreasonable to try to point out that although my wife is many things to me, that there is a unmet need, and ignoring it wont cure it. I don’t have an addiction that will be broken by abstaining.


  41. OK, my story… well it seems the same as most on here, 22 years of marriage and the last 10 (since our second daughter) have seen no initiation of intimacy from my wife. I didn’t see it at first but if I didn’t start the process, nothing would happen.
    Over the last few years it’s made a rift between us, it’s destroyed our respect for each other and I am seriously considering leaving.
    I’m not saying I want/need regular sex, what I’m asking for is a relationship were she wants to initiate intimacy, to be the woman I married… Who made me feel like a man.
    If we do have sex (she lets me!) then it’s over with relatively quickly as you can imagine, so this just makes it worse. Regular love making will allow both of us to enjoy the intimacy more and then maybe she will start to realise what’s been missing.
    I miss waking up and having her move over to me for a cuddle, but she wont, why? because it will lead to me wanting sex, why? because I grab any glimmer of a chance I get!
    There is a lot talked about in these comments that rings true and some lovely opinions from understanding women/wives, probably the best thing I’ve read in years.


  42. Great and pointed article.

    I really hate to say this, but although I really love my beautiful wife’s other great qualities – I HATE our sex life. 3 uneventful times a year for over 27 years – has just made me so very bitter. I just got tired of the numerous excuses and rejections. I don’t even bring up the subject of sex anymore.

    Although she keeps saying that she need to change and knows that I deserve better from her- she never commits. All of her female friends and family members gets on her all of the time, and call her a fool for letting such a handsome, kind, romantic husband, father and provider go without his sexual needs being fulfilled.

    I hate to say it, but a few moons ago, I just got tired of being the nice, patience guy – and started using “supplemental” options to keep my neglected sexual and male ego maintained. Although I rather just have my wife’s full attention, and ABSOLUTELY hate the secrecy of my sinfulness – this basic human need requires a real or fictitious female presence…which is why got married.


  43. When my highly educated well bred fiancee told me she would not discuss anything of a sexual nature or allow any intimacy before marriage and that sex was only for making babies after the wedding ceremony. That the sex act was not last more than a minute anyway, That ended our romantic relationship. She was very upset and angry about it and wanted to sue me when I wanted the engagement ring back .
    20 years down the line she is three husbands “ex”, a bitter, angry and ugly looking frustrated women hating everyone with a huge chip on her shoulder. If a partnership does not last or is rocky get out of it as fast as possible. No matter how much you care about the person. Dont let them crap you around.
    Make damn sure your marriage contract stipulates in precisely and in great great detail exactly how and what you expect of them in and out of bed and the relationship as a whole and also make sure you make her sign a receipt for the engagement ring in front of witnesses. Preferably a lawyer. Some women. Many of the younger ones are such spoiled brats that they are useless baggage for a man to have. It is better to take extra care before you get married then after the marriage ceremony.


    1. Yes, it is important to discuss expectations for sex in marriage before getting married, especially during the engagement period (although talking about sex in general terms like how important sex is for marriage should happen before engagement). If you can’t get your fiancee to heartily agree that sex is an important part of marriage and something both parties are expected to engage in frequently, whether they feel like it or not, then that’s a HUGE red flag and you shouldn’t move forward into marriage unless you are sure she has changed in this area (and that it’s a real change in her perspective, not just something she is saying to get you to marry her). If she has the wrong view of sex, she’s a bad choice for marriage.


      1. It might be good to read a book like Dr. Laura’s “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” and then have discussions about it, chapter by chapter. You would be able to see pretty quickly in her response whether she has a real interest in marrying a man, or just marrying for her own self-centered happiness.


  44. I find it interesting that the author seems to imply that it is modern women who, due to their modern attitudes, don’t understand men’s need for sex and so are unwilling to give it to them unless these modern Christian woman are in the mood; i.e., let’s blame feminists. However, I was raised in a very conservative branch of Christianity, so I know that world. I am also a professional Christian woman (teacher/counselor), so I believe that I know something of the mindset of modern women. I feel that it is the old fashioned Christian woman who never understood her sexuality and saw it as a burden. I have never quite understood these women and always felt sorry for them that they missed out on something that could have brought them greater joy in life and a deeper relationship with their husbands — besides the fact that, as the article points out, men in these relationships are not the happiest and in fact may be miserable. So too, I have seen that it is the younger generation of Christian woman who has at least some opportunity to hear that sex is just as important for her as it is for him. More importantly, it is not dirty, and that it should be pleasurable. Thus, the Christian men married to the more modern female is probably, in my view, going to have more of an opportunity to, not only have more sex, but feel like they have a sexual partner — as sex should be experienced. This is an important topic, and of course there is the whole issue of how premarital counseling needs to change to help our Christian couples prepare for sex after marriage.


  45. Reading the comments and all in this thread was very informative and interesting to say the least. I’m 28, and I’m denied literally 90% of time which to me is crazy. We’re not married just in a 10 year relationship with marriage on my mind heavy. Hers as well, but I’m beginning to think, okay she’s wanting all this from me, ring, baby the whole nine because it’s the “norm” but Im now thinking you want everything a husband/man supposed to do but deny me sex… It’s like do I really want to set myself up for that. A wife who’s “confortable” with never having sex, even her married friends casually says “yea we never have sex”… Its just crazy that this entire thread touch on my personal situation exactly. It’s a weird situation as to what to do.


    1. Honestly, my experience is that even women who have sex a lot before marriage often dry it up after marriage. If they are having sex to get you before marriage, they are using sex as a tool to get what they want. After marriage, they don’t need sex to keep you, so they only have it when they feel like it or when they feel like you have sufficiently “earned” it by doing what they want. So if the sex is already going downhill before you’re even married, it will probably get worse after marriage.


      1. It’s more important for the woman to demonstrate openness to doing things that she doesn’t necessary like but that she knows her husband likes. For example, she could learn to play the board game he likes, or cook the meal he likes, or plan visits to the war museum he likes, or learn the names of the players on his favorite team. This is the normal part of being a good companion – not insisting on getting your way all the time, giving ground in order to have the other person value you as indispensable. Even better is when the woman adopts the interests and causes of the man – say, by reading books, watching lectures, listening to conservative talk radio, etc. – all so that she learns what he is like and can talk to him about the things he cares about. I think many women are using sex as a thing that is kinda fun, and gets them male attention easily, without having to really care about a man’s real interests and his leadership. And then of course after the marriage it all stops, because they never had any interest in a relationship anyway. The relationship time before the marriage is not the time for sex, it’s the time for the woman to demonstrate how good of a companion she will be to the man – how supportive, how much of a helper. The Bible has it right: women are auditioning for the role of helper, first and foremost. If she can do that role, then sex is just going to be seen as part of that role. Unfortunately, most women are being taught to not want to be helpers, and they are able to fudge their way into relationships only by cloaking the rebellion with free premarital sex: which will not last once the ring is on the finger.


      2. Literally said the same thing to her, exactly what it seems like. Like you’ve stated, at the beginning its complete opposite.


  46. Just about every married guy at my church in “men’s fellowship” has at some point mentioned the lack of sex, lack of interest by their wife, and at times “shamed” for wanting sex.

    There is little help from the pastor. Not much he can really say or do. The message it sends to me…..a single man, a virgin is:

    Why bother with ever wanting to get married?

    From just about all the comments here, this is a problem…..but the solution? We gotta just talk about sex more in the church! We gotta sex up the whole place and still put the blame on men for not “earning” it


  47. All you men say “lack of sex”

    Us women say “lack of interest of wives”

    My friends and women that I know, myself included, say that their husband have little or no interest in anything we say, or do. In fact, make us feel as if we are nothing but an object for sex. Our husbands do nothing special for us to get in the mood. No flowers, no I love yous, no small talk about our day, no help with kids, homework, housework, running the kids around, even tho we work as many hours as our husbands……

    Just saying……. to get……. most of you have to give.

    as for the gentlemen here saying a woman give, proves my point that us women are thought of as objects. We women do not like to be thought of as a masturbation machine but a real live human being with thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions.


  48. Married 12 years. I’m 46 and my now frigid wife is 49. We dated on and off 2+ years before getting married, and through that time, she was the one wanting sex more than I did. These days I find myself regretting those years, years when I wasn’t sure she was “right” or if she just wanted me for a kid, etc… all the questions people ask when they are in relationships but not married…. but the sex back then (I was 33, she 36) when it did happen was very good, energetic, passionate, mutually satisfying etc, etc.. Fast forward… we got married… struggled to have a kid for 3 years, while the frustration was there fertility wise, the sex was as regular as a train schedule in NYC…. It might have been lacking a bit of “true romance” but it involved love and desire…. we were consistent, and mutually satisfied 90% of the time…. but no preganancy…

    Then after a minor medical procedure we finally *were* blessed in a regular pregnancy (first time out of the gate after the procedure)…. the baby was born healthy beautiful and all was well… she was 41 and I was 37…. That was the end of our regular sex life.

    Raising the baby for the first 2-3 years took a lot out of us and for a year neither of us were sure we wanted another (older parents as we were)… there was a step child in the picture also and those teen years complicated family life….. but we persevered…. by the time we realized a second child might be a good idea, the child bearing clock was about to strike ’12’….

    So, for the last 5 years the sex life from the wife has dropped from luke-warm, to room-temp, to cool, to downright frigid. Long talks, compassion, space, chores, patience, perseverance, patience, selflessness, offers of “no intercourse needed”, patience, perseverance, patience, patience, patience., prayer, patience, prayers, hope, prayer… well…. the wife is colder now than ever before.

    She is more beautiful now, more sexy today, than she was when I married her. I’ve told her this. She has no interest in sex. I’ve told her she is the only women I’ve ever known to have this attitude. She says I don’t know what I’m talking about, and she is just like every one of her friends- she says she is normal, and it is me who is over sexed. (We have sex about once every 6-8 weeks, and usually requires an hour of persistent “work” to allow her to “relent”…. about half the time it is mutually fulfilling, and every so often she get’s much more of a fireworks ending than I do… which is fine by me…)… but the sex is getting consistently more infrequent. Less, each year.

    What worries me is she thinks she is normal. I’ve tried explaining that guys NEED this. and it isn’t about the “just need to unload our cargo” thing it is that a guy NEEDS the sex to complete the connection to our wife. It is a bond. The closeness we can only get from that intimacy.

    I’ve proposed other options. She abhors oral. She hates it. This is ironically sad for me, since she liked it when we dated. She used to allow me to give her oral, and it even worked for her a number of times, but in the last few years that has mysteriously become taboo. An even bigger no-no… she thinks the whole oral idea, me, or her, is disgusting.

    She has gained some weight, not a huge amount… but I’ve told her it actually works in some ways, fills her figure out nicely (and it does)… but there are other benefits to being thinner also (for myself also) and she seems to understand both concepts… she still acts frigid and has issues showing herself unclothed in front of me… it seems to be because she is afraid I’ll get excited. That, to me , indicates something…

    She also reads romance novels a lot. I’ve picked a couple of these paperbacks up, and they all seem to have the same premise… hard to get woman, gives in to well equipped good-guy-bad-guy mans-man, and gets nailed a few times in a way only seen in a Royal Brothel… I consider this porn for women. I’ve voiced my concern in friendly light-hearted non-insulting ways… she doesn’t see it as an issue in her frigidness….

    Anyway, here I am. I recently told her ( a few times in a month or two) that there are some reasons guys cheat on their wives that the wives could be responsible for) she understood what I was getting at but didn’t seem to accept it as viable…. no arguments… she just didn’t think such a thing was justifiable. I agree with her that there is no good excuse for infidelity, if we take our vows as vows to our spouses and God… but I understand why many men cheat now. This is husband abuse.

    If I had a wife who would jump me at least once a week i’d be so content. This wife I married drives me crazy sexually. She is everything I ever wanted or could ask for beauty wise… I am attracted to her… but nothing is returned.

    I’ve asked her if she is even attracted to me, and she says “I wouldn’t have married you if I wasn’t”…. (?)…. I ask her if there is anything I can do just let me know, she has no requests. She says I am good looking, but I don’t want to be “good looking” I want to drive her crazy and fire her sexual imagination… I want her to desire me, dream of me, and WANT me. “Good looking” is not the answer to my question.

    I’ve never dated anyone who didn’t have that desire for me, physically, sexually, etc, constantly…. (youth is like that, of course)… but this is the 12th year of marriage and the “fun park” closed 5 years ago.

    I am now dreaming of affairs.. (literally having dreams in my sleep)…. I am not planning on cheating, but when your dreams are cheating, you know things are getting pretty bad.

    We rarely fight. Get along well. We are a good match in every area except sex. The irony is no laughing matter, seeing as we dated for a number of years before marriage, and sex was never an issue.

    I love my wife and my family and God.


  49. I think at a certain point you need to have an agreement to be allowed to get it somewhere else if nothing else is working. As long as it’s safe. For me, at 43 ideally I’d be doing it 3 times a day. My sex drive has only increased over the years. Once a day would be my least comfortable, but the bare minimum should be at least 3 times a week. Once every 3 weeks isn’t acceptable to me. I don’t cheat, personally, but there’s a first for everything. It is a horrible feeling not getting that need fulfilled and masturbating isn’t a good solution. It’s like the bag of peanuts on the plane. It’s not what you really want. And personally, I’m a very generous lover. I do everything to make the woman aroused. I’m having fun just being there, but I had more sex when I was single and this is only coming up on year 2 of marriage. And my wife is 14 years YOUNGER so wtf. I keep trying to do the other stuff, the romance, the cuddling, showing my appreciation for her, nothing works. It has gotten to the point where I’m depressed all the time about it. And I get plenty of offers from other women making it even more frustrating. I didn’t agree to give up sex when we got married. That wasn’t in our vows.


    1. I am not convinced that feminist-influenced young women really mean the words of their vows. They mean the vows should apply to men, but they expect to have no duties and to be feelings-led. Men have to learn to detect and avoid this attitude prior to marrying. It’s everywhere, and should be assumed to be present until it is disproved by the woman – and not through words, through her past and present actions.


  50. My husband thats the one who won’t have sex, this no sex thing happens to guys also but not much is said. We did have sex once in 49 years and he hated it and has hated anything to do with sex. He hates all gays, lesbians, intimacy, touching,porn extra marriage affairs. So he doesn’t deal with it, he told me that i was disgusting to want sex, it was smelly, sticky and messy he wanted to vomit at the smell of it. He had himself fixed so we couldn’t have kids, moved to our basement and was told to never bother him, don’t talk to him and no touching him. I know this was extreme and it upset me horribly. At the time I still loved him even though he probably hated me. I thought I could fix thinks but it was a waste of energy. He wouldn’t open up to any one, in fact the people who tried to help drove him deeper into silence. He never had any friends, I never under stood that either. Had no girls on the side or any gay things, he was just stubborn and he only wanted himself. Were now to old to care much any more, he’s retired and all he does is his wood work, and his car things. Also he goes to the rifle range once a week. I guess those things make him happy. In our late 60s and early 70s and we don’t care any more, my hate runs deep and I’m sure he feels the same.


  51. My wife has refused me sex for seven 7 years now. I think she is bisexual because I have caught her countless times with her lesbian partner. We have three kids, but the process of even having those kids was a struggle and a one way thing because I was the one making the moves. Now am in love with another woman who gives me sex, love and care. I do not want to get a divorce because of the kids. I still love my wife because she is the mother of my children. But I want to be with the other lady. Please I don’t know how to go about it??


  52. Thank you for this wonderful information, I appreciate learning a mans point of view and the truth about about what not to do as a woman. I’m a born-again Christian and so is my fiance and I want to give my obedience to God by being submissive to my husband in everything. Ephesians chapter 5


  53. Let me break it down for you guys. If your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you, she has that right. But just remember, you have wants/needs you want to fulfill, and she also has wants/needs she wants fulfilled. So when I get rejected a few times, I say to myself that I will not allow my wife to use sex to control me. I refuse to be a donkey with my wife riding on my back dangling a carrot in front of me, so she can get me to do what she wants. What I do is the reverse, say she wants to go see a movie, I tell her I don’t feel like going to the movies, cause I have that right. Let’s say she is going to a function with friends and wants you to join her, l tell her I don’t want to go, I have that right. What I’m trying to tell you guys is that when your left to beg for sex from your wife, she has you by the balls. I say don’t give her that power. If she won’t satisfy your wants/needs, don’t satisfy her wants/needs – It’s that simple. (Takes 2 to Tango, but if she doesn’t want to have sex, tell her you don’t want to Tango).


    1. LOL Hey I am a woman and I TOTALLY AGREE with you! Likewise, if my husband (whom I don’t have these problems with by the way) decides to ignore me or stonewall or any of those behaviors that drive women crazy, he would not be getting any, not because I am trying to control, but because I just wouldn’t be in the mood to be physical after being emotionally rejected. I agree with you and I am sure you would agree with me. No one should be in a sexless or emotionless prison.


  54. Many of the comments here make me feel awfully sad. I debated with myself about writing in, because perhaps it will seem like only an exercise in vanity, but the words are burning in me. I adore my husband. I love him almost idolatrously. This love and the accompanying desire for sex have only grown with the years. We’ve been together for fifteen years, married for seven, two children under six. We have sex almost every day, sometimes twice a day, and honestly that’s barely enough for me. Lots of garnishes to the main dish, too. I hardly feel it in me to deny him anything he should happen to want. Of course, our desires are in tune such that he doesn’t ask for anything I can’t give. I try every day to be beautiful for him, and sometimes feel I’m exhausting him with intricately written love poetry. I know I’m often not an easy person to live with (rather highly strung emotionally, if you know what I mean) and he never once has failed me in patient, loving support and strength. Men, I think, often seek wider horizons; I can’t supply as many of his needs as he can mine. My mind is inward turning; his, outward. But this is, I suspect, good for me; it teaches humility. So why do so many men, and indeed some women, suffer from this refusal of love? Did they all marry selfish jerks, or is it something else? I am sorry with all my heart that it has to be so, though.


  55. Look at this from a womans point not just a mans. I withhold from my husband because of the way he treats me, talks to me, and Wil not help me with anything around OUR HOUSE. He has man handled me, but me, emotionally abused me, verbal abuse, mental abuse. We get ing an argument and he is always “right” he does no wrong. He has tells his kids his side of our arguments and has now got some of his kids, my step kids talking and treating me bad. I overheard his drunk sons phone call to my husband and he was calling me every possible dirty name he could. I told my husband he needed to take up for me and not let him talk lol that about me. He tells me he is just drunk. I go him drunk or not he should defend me. At this time we were having sex. He talks to me like im a dog!!!!! I have pictures of texts where he asked another woman to go to virginia with him but she couldnt go cause she is on probation!! So they were gonna plan an in state trip!! I also have texts of him asking another girl what she wanted for Christmas!! And he got it go her!! I spent over 150.00 on her and spent maybe 20.00 on me, his wife. So all the reasons why not having sex all the time be to be known and taken under consideration before a women should give their bodies to their husbands. I and anorher fact is that when i had my 2 back surgeries, he bought me home and left me by myself for hours known i wasn’t suppose to be doing anything. And one of the places he hit on me at wasin my head where i had surgery. So why should i have sex with someone that treats me like that??????


    1. Wow Brenda! That is a horrifying experience. In a case like yours I can understand why you are not having sex with him. There are some men who clearly dont even deserve a woman, let alone sex with a devoted wife!


  56. This article and the majority of the accompanying comments by men are the reason I have sworn off organized religion. No one is owed sex, period. Sex is something you freely give. If you aren’t getting it, how about examining the possible reasons you are not getting it? Women do like sex. But if the only sex a man gives you is one-sided, male-centered sex, that is not what God’s plan was. His plan was that sex between a loving couple be mutually pleasurable and mutually satisfying. If men ignore women’s sexual needs and only give women the sex that feels good to them and does nothing for the woman, that is selfish on the men’s part. But far too many men still want to hold onto the notion that intercourse is mutual pleasure. It is not for at least 75% of the female population since our sex organ is not included in that activity. Perhaps if men would follow God’s plan in making sex about mutuality, more women would want to have sex more often. But let’s not address that elephant in the room. Wouldn’t want to hurt male egos. Why, that would be a sin.


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