How should parents respond to teachers pressuring children to transition?

Catholic teachers march in favor of gay rights and perverted sex education
Catholic teachers march in favor of gay rights and perverted sex education

My plan for marriage was to have 4 children with my wife, then homeschool them right through to doctoral degrees. But one thing I knew for sure, I was never going to put my kids into public schools. My impression of public school teachers is that they are the source of moral relativism and cultural relativism. They break down morality and patriotism in children and call it compassion.

Abigal Shrier has noticed that the teachers in public schools are pushing transgenderism pretty hard, because they don’t want anyone making judgments about what is right or wrong, wise or foolish.

The far-left UK Daily Mail reported:

‘I often get parents telling me they’re not able to take binders (a cloth which flattens breasts by the use of constrictive materials) away from their children, and I say to them, “Would you give your children cigarettes?”.

‘Because we know binders are really harmful, they can deform breast tissue, cause rib cracking and shortness of breath. They’re quite dangerous for your 14-year-old to be going around with.’

Sharing her experience of parents’ concerns, she said: ‘Parents often say to me “I don’t want to be seen as a transphobe”, and it’s very clear to me that sometimes these parents feel like they can’t speak the truth or go against their own children’s wishes.

[…]’I’ve never seen parents so beaten down and undermined. They send them to school in good faith and now schools are helping them fill out forms with new names as different sexes and hide it from their parents. They turn their kids against their parents.

‘Medicine has become so politicised that parents can’t even rely on honesty from medical professionals even when it comes to transition.’

You might remember that I blogged about a particularly scary case of this from socialist Canada, which doesn’t respect parents’ rights at all. There, the teachers, administrators, counsellors, doctors, layers and judges, all conspired to transition a child from female to male against the parents’ wishes. If you haven’t read that post from March of this year, you should definitely go read it, to find out where our own public schools are trying to go with students.

Anyway, in another article from The College Fix I found an excerpt of her new book, where she offers advice to parents. She talks about not giving them smartphones, not abdicating the leadership role, monitoring the schools for gender ideology, keeping family business private, being open to pulling the children out of their communities, etc.

And there is some pushback against the transgender agenda being promoted by teachers. Some people are regretting their transitions, and blaming the adults who affirmed them on their way to self-harm.

Here’s an article from Sky News:

A woman who was treated with hormone blockers to reassign her gender as a teenager is taking the NHS to court, saying she “should have been told to wait”.

Keira Bell said the care she received for gender dysphoria, a condition where a person experiences distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity, steered her towards medical treatment.

Ms Bell, who used to identify as a boy, was 15 when she went to the Tavistock Centre in London. She said after “roughly three sessions” she started receiving hormone blockers.

Eight years later, and after undergoing surgery, Ms Bell is de-transitioning to return to a woman.

[…]She said: “I am angry about the whole situation because of how things have turned out for me based on the medical pathway that I was put on, but I’m now just trying to focus on changing the system for the better and making it better for minors and children.

“I should have been told to wait and not affirmed in my gender identity I was claiming to have and given intensive therapy basically to make sure that I was on the right track for things and investigate the feelings I was having to figure out how I got to that stage.”

Ms Bell said she felt “trapped and alone”, and the Tavistock Centre should have taken into account the “confusion” teenagers experience before offering her treatment.

What I’d like to see is conservative lawmakers craft legislation to allow victims like this to charge the teachers, administrators, doctors, lawyers and judges with criminal negligence. Because I really feel that it is criminal to lie to young people so that you will feel good, and people will like you. That’s all that this focus on feelings and compassion is. The secular leftist adults aren’t capable of moral reasoning. They don’t want to do good for the children, they want to feel good and be popular, even if it harms the children’s long-term well-being and happiness. The adults should be punished.

13 thoughts on “How should parents respond to teachers pressuring children to transition?”

  1. Transgendering children is Luke 17:2 territory. Anyone who supports this, or abortion, is guilty of some of the worst forms of child abuse known to man.

    And just to be clear, it is spiritual child abuse to send one’s children into the dens of iniquity known as “public schools.”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. My wife gave birth to four children and decided to home school them beginning in the 1980s. Unfortunately, only one of them ever earned a PhD or taught at the college level. The others became a CPA, a PA and a lawyer, respectively. But we still love them all; even the lawyer.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh my goodness what are you talking about. That was my dream life. I knew we would only get one phd, and I wanted 3 professionals. Think how they reinforce each other! My one older brother never even finished college and lives at home! My parents trusted the public schools, and they destroyed him.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Our kids are now of the age to be having kids. But I understand what you are saying and if we were just starting out, one of us would stay home and school our children in correct math, proper English, actual history and moral values. Certainly would not send them to a public school, and would be very picky about the college/university would get my kid.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What’s even more alarming is the passivity of the parents whose kids are subject this indoctrination. I get how expensive it is to raise kids and working and all, but at some point you’d think parents as a group would stand up and say “NO!” in no uncertain terms.

    Gender dysphoria strikes 0.005-0.014% of the population for biological males and 0.002-0.003% for biological females, but with all the carrying on from teachers and the left, you’d think it was closer to 50% of each.

    Pure agenda, nothing more. Why else do they push transitioning so hard?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yup. They’re pushing that agenda on us… but even worse is that they’re pushing it on the kids.. I’ve got a major problem with that. Kids should be focusing on LEARNING math, science, literature, art, music, etc. No wonder Gen z is the generation with the highest rate of LGBTs.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Since when do we pay teachers to be COMPASSIONATE. Since when should they take over the job of pushing their ideology on our children!!! It’s the God given responsibility of PARENTS to council and raise their children, NOT the job of the education system and teachers unions. WE SEND OUR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL TO LEARN TO READ AND WRITE, TO LEARN HISTORY AND MATH SO THEY CAN GROW UP AND BE A PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF SOCIETY.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Compassion is good unless it is tied to a passion to indoctrinate students.

      Frankly, I love your passion and hope you make the most of the COVID-era with so many schools shut down. There is still time to get like-minded people together to begin closing public indoctrination centers and allowing parents to use public education funding in whatever school they choose without bias against taxpaying theists who contribute the bulk of the money. Let Christian families choose their schools and atheists their own schools. My bet is that there would be excellent schools that both atheists and theists would attend.


      Choose Freedom of Education, not the Slavery of Indoctrination under our masters in Washington: hollow be their brains.


  6. Let’s put those that are sexually dysfunctional in charge of establishing what sexes are and how to best use them. Sure, that’s makes sense. Then let’s put the mathematically impaired in charge of teaching calculus, building bridges and sending satellites into orbit. Could work.

    That said, we need to remind ourselves to be gentle and respectful as we love our neighbor and remember that there is a lot more heterosexual sin in the world than homosexual, multi-sexual and asexual sin combined.

    As soon as that sinks in, I’ll delete that first paragraph.


      1. Public indoctrination centers are not the answer, but public funding (by the public and for the public) might still be. Parental choice is key whether they wish to send their children to a private Christian school or a more expensive (in terms of tax dollars spent per pupil) public school.

        Just think. The US could substantially improve education and reduce our mounting deficit with a single stroke of the pen.


  7. The far left seems to pander to emotions. So they use that as a means to justify these acts which is sad. I feel bad for the ppl who regret their gender transformation. It must be hard. It doesn’t surprise me that the Catholics are on board with the nonsense.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I agree public schools are a horrific place for kids to be in many ways, and I recommend alternatives to any parent who will listen. However, keep in mind there are many teachers who disagree with the transgender indoctrination and need support and encouragement to stand up to the nonsense, even when it might cost them dearly. Don’t give up on teachers! They are in a rock and a hard place. Many of them don’t like what is being done to students!


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