ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC all ignore Planned Parenthood organ harvesting story

Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood
Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood

Two stories from Newsbusters, the premier source for exposing media bias.

First story:

A taxpayer-funded organization reportedly selling baby hearts and livers should be a huge story. Not so, say the broadcast networks, which have devoted just 39 seconds to the story, out of the 9 hours and 30 minutes of news shows they’ve aired since it broke.

The broadcast networks censored an undercover video of Planned Parenthood senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola explaining how her organization procures and sells the body parts of aborted babies. Of the three broadcast networks, only NBC has mentioned the footage released July 14 by the “anti-abortion” Center for Medical Progress (CMP) – in a mere 39 seconds.

[…]ABC and CBS turned a blind eye to the Planned Parenthood exposé — in favor of other, more pressing stories.

The pressing stories were just standard tabloid fluff, of course.

Second story:

While cable networks CNN and MSNBC on Tuesday looked the other way following the release of the disturbing video showing a Planned Parenthood executive discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, the Fox News Channel program Special Report offered a full report on the investigation by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) from chief legal correspondent Shannon Bream.

Bream then outlined the contents of the video:

The Center for Medical Progress, or CMP, launched this website today by releasing a video it says is the result of a two-and-a-half-year undercover investigation into practices at Planned Parenthood. In the video shot in the Los Angeles restaurant last summer, a woman identified as Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services for Planned Parenthood, discusses the transfer of fetal body parts harvested after abortion.
After a soundbite from the video, Bream noted that “[f]ederal law bans the sale of human organs as well as commercial trafficking of body parts from an aborted fetus” with actors working for CMP even “ask[ing] if doctors could perform custom-tailored abortion with the goal of harvesting specific organs and hearts” (to which Nucatola confirmed as being a possible option).

Adding at the end of her report, Bream mentioned that “the woman identified as Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services says prices per body part would likely range from $30 to $100.”

Here’s a clip of Fox News’ coverage:

By far, the best program on FNC is Special Report, and you can see why. They will tell you the news that does not fit the secular left’s agenda.

I thought that this related clip featuring Christian apologist Sean McDowell was very telling about media bias:

The mainstream media tells the story that it wants to tell, in order to sway public opinion towards the secular left – towards Democrats.

I spotted this related article on Breitbart News, which listed 10 other major stories that the left-wing media declined to cover:

  1. ACORN Corruption
  2. Obama Politicizing the NEA For Propaganda Purposes
  3. Democrats Lie About Tea Party N-word
  4. Dylann Roof and the Breakdown of Federal Background Checks
  5. Clinton Foundation Scandals
  6. Hillary Clinton’s Secret Email Account and Server
  7. IRS Persecutes Obama’s Political Enhemies
  8. Obama’s Increased Surveillance State
  9. DOJ Seizes AP Phone Records
  10. Benghazi

These are individual examples, but there are also studies that look at the aggregate data. If you want to see the research on media bias, I have written about the studies here in a previous blog post.

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One thought on “ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC all ignore Planned Parenthood organ harvesting story”

  1. The press acts like an attorney – a prosecuting attorney if the bad news is about Republican/conservative people/causes…or a defense attorney if the bad news is about Democrat/liberal people/causes.

    The press hounded Richard Nixon from office for merely attempting to do things that Obama has succeeded in doing (e.g. use the IRS to harrass political enemies).

    I see little opportunity for a major improvement in government as long as the press remains sold out to the left.

    There would be no FoxNews nor would anyone even know who Rush Limbaugh was if the mainstream press merely reported both sides of a story. The success of alternative media owes almost completely to the corrupt state of journalism.


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