Ron DeSantis Christmas Card

All he does is win: DeSantis cuts health care costs by importing Canadian drugs

There are two kinds of voters in the United States right now. First, there’s the kind that is voting for Ron DeSantis in the GOP primary. Second, there’s the kind who doesn’t know what Ron DeSantis has accomplished in Florida. He has achievements in every single area that conservatives care about, even foreign policy! Let’s see the latest demonstrated achievement from Ron DeSantis.

This report is from the CBS News:

For the first time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized a Florida program to import certain prescription drugs in bulk from Canada, where drug prices are much cheaper, to significantly cut costs for American consumers.

Floria’s proposal specifies a number of drug classes, including medications for asthma; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD; diabetes; HIV and AIDS; and mental illness. The medications would be only for certain people, including foster children, prison inmates, certain elderly patients and, eventually, Medicaid recipients.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the plan into law in 2019, but it required federal review and approval by the FDA, which controls prescription drug imports.

[…]DeSantis celebrated the FDA’s move Friday, saying that the program will save the save up to $180 million in its first year alone by bringing lower cost drugs to Floridians.

“After years of federal bureaucrats dragging their feet, Florida will now be able to import low-cost, life-saving prescription drugs,” DeSantis said. “It’s about time that the FDA put patients over politics and the interests of Floridians over Big Pharma.”

[…]Florida has estimated that the program could save it up to $150 million annually. The FDA authorized the state’s importation program for two years once the agency is notified of the first shipment of drugs ordered from Canada. State officials must first test the drugs to make sure they’re authentic and relabel them so that they comply with U.S. standards.

I just want to stress this. If you are the kind of conservative who cares about results, then the best candidate in the 2024 election is Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis also promised to end the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

Here’s the latest about that.

Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis joined the Dana Show with Dana Loesch Thursday afternoon where he vowed to abolish the ATF should Congress pass the appropriate legislation.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was established in 1886 and is responsible for the enforcement of specific guns and tax laws.

DeSantis also commented on a recent school shooting in Iowa and the current crop of ‘Red Flag’ laws across the United States.

“They try and use these things as leverage to advance a political agenda,” explained DeSantis.

Eliminating the ATF is in addition to his promise to eliminate the Departments of Education, Commerce, Energy, and the IRS. Would you like to see that happen? If you do, vote for DeSantis. Trump had 4 years to do this, 2 with a Republican House and Senate, and he did not get it done. In the same clip, DeSantis opposes Red Flag laws, and he refuses to build a new headquarters for the FBI. He wants to move as many agencies as possible out of Washington, D.C. as well!

What about Trump? Trump allied with Anthony Fauci to lock America down, and with Christopher Wray, to corrupt the FBI. Trump promised to build the wall, he didn’t. Trump promised to end birthright citizenship, he didn’t. Trump promised to drain the swamp, he didn’t. Trump  did nothing at all during the BLM and Antifa rioting. Trump is now criticizing pro-life laws at the state level. Trump wants to build the FBI a brand new, state-of-the-art Kremlin-sized headquarters near Washington.

America can do better than Trump in 2024.

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