Ron and Casey DeSantis Family Image Source Casey DeSantis Instagram

Mamas for DeSantis: Casey DeSantis champions parent’s rights at the national level

I’m a huge fan of Moms for Liberty, a grassroots movement that defends parent’s rights and protects children from woke indoctrination. It was interesting to hear some of their ideas echoed by Casey DeSantis, the wife of Ron DeSantis. She’s started an organization called “Mamas for DeSantis”. Given that suburban women can’t stand Trump, this looks like a good plan to give them a reason to vote for a Republican candidate in 2024.

Here’s a story about “Mamas for DeSantis” in the DailyWire:

Casey DeSantis made her first solo appearance for her husband’s campaign on Thursday as she launched the national version of “Mamas for DeSantis” in Iowa, where the 2024 presidential season will begin with the Iowa caucuses.

Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis’ wife first launched the statewide version of “Mamas for DeSantis” in 2022, when her husband was reelected governor in a landslide by a whopping 19 points. She signed up over 1.1 million mothers to support her husband, as he won female voters by 9%.

Before I tell you what her organization is about, you can see it for yourself in this slick 2.5 minute video:

She had a 44-minute discussion with the Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds. She talked about the challenges of raising children.

Sometimes, when I look at the younger women that are coming out of colleges, it’s easy to get sad. But then, if you just change direction and look at the married women with kids, then everything looks a lot better. I like when women fight for their children against the secular left. You won’t get that from young feminists, but married women are a lot better. Basically, married women are facing a choice right now… whether to virtue signal by embracing “don’t judge”, or whether they should defend their kids from ideas that are harmful to children.

I like women who have experiences that form their character. A lot of women have had experiences battling cancer, and Casey can speak to that, she’s had breast cancer:

There was a time in my life when I didn’t know if I was going to see my kids graduate from kindergarten, let alone high school. And I was able to beat that back, but I had some really long, difficult battles. As a matter of fact I remember — and the governor was getting criticized for doing this with me — but I remember every single chemotherapy appointment that I went to, and there were six of them and they were very long and they were very hard, and I had to wear this dumb cold cap on my head that was like an ice cube, you’re like in an igloo for six or seven hours, and he held my hand during every single one of them and he never left my side.

And I’ll tell you what: when you go through something like that, and you’re in the middle of the night, scared, and you don’t know what’s going to happen, and you crawl into bed with your kids, and you’re getting hope for tomorrow that you can have some more time with them, and then you realize that God has given you more opportunities to be able to live, when you’re given that opportunity in life, what do you do with it?

I saw an interesting clip of Ron DeSantis getting heckled by a secular leftist who supported sexualizing children, to make them easier for pedophiles to abuse.

Here was his response:

He seems like a nice man, but I don’t think he likes secular left pedophiles at all. He won’t get their votes.

I’m keeping a close eye on DeSantis, because he is more conservative than Trump on four issues. One, I don’t want corporation-driven health policy. Trump locked down the USA because Fauci said to do it. DeSantis kept Florida open. Trump made the drug companies rich, while DeSantis took away Disney’s tax breaks. Second, Trump is more moderate than DeSantis on abortion. He criticized Florida’s pro-life laws, and said that DeSantis was going too far. Third, Trump didn’t build the wall. He had 4 years to do it, and it didn’t get done. DeSantis busses illegals to blue state sanctuary cities. Fourth, Trump didn’t drain the swamp. We are finding out now from about the Trump-Russia collusion, the Hunter Biden bribery scandal how badly Trump failed to drain the swamp. DeSantis has gone after Soros-funded DAs in his state. He’s not afraid to make enemies. Trump had his chance. He failed. He made a lot of entertaining jokes, but he failed to get conservative wins.

Here is a short list of previous DeSantis actions:

I understand that some people like Trump because of his insults, and because they want to root for a winning football team (“he’s leading in the polls! wow!”). But elections are not about insults and winning the Super Bowl. Elections are about hiring someone to get work done. So, we look at resumes.

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