Tag Archives: Ann Coulter

Trump cuckolds low information alt-right voters by reverting to 2013 pro-amnesty view

Donald Trump and his friends, the Clintons
Donald Trump and his friends, the Clintons

The so-called “alt-right” is a group of secular leftist white nationalists who supported Trump in the GOP primary because they thought he would be tough on immigration. They called traditional conservatives “cuckservatives” because they thought that voting for GOP primary candidates who had a record of being tough on immigration was less important than insults and vulgarity.  Well, just as policy-oriented conservatives predicted during the primary, Trump has reversed himself on his tough rhetoric and resumed the standard Democrat position on immigration: amnesty.

There are a whole bunch of posts about Trump’s reversal on immigration policy over at the Conservatives 4 Ted Cruz hub.

I want to focus on the “I told you so” comments especially.

The Hill reports:

Allies of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) say the former Republican presidential candidate saw Donald Trump’s “softening” on immigration coming.

“Everything Trump promises comes with an expiration date,” Amanda Carpenter, Cruz’s former Senate communications director, told Politico on Wednesday.

“We knew it during the primary, and now it is apparent he has duped his most loyal supporters on the issue they care about most, immigration,” she said. “Don’t say we didn’t warn them.”Chris Wilson, a top adviser during Cruz’s Oval Office bid, told the news outlet that Trump’s shift justifies Cruz’s decision not to endorse Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

“It vindicates the speech, it vindicates what Ted Cruz warned would happen during the course of the campaign,” he said, referencing Cruz’s remarks at last month’s Republican National Convention.

“I do think, yes, the immigration point is another data point that he was right. It’s another data point that leads people to understand Ted Cruz knew what he was talking about, he was making the right decision.”

Rick Tyler, Cruz’s former campaign communications director, said that Trump’s evolving stance seems like amnesty for illegal immigrants.

“From what I have seen, he is now the pro-amnesty candidate,” he told Politico.

“If Trump is insistent on reversing himself on amnesty, then he will have fooled his entire base. He would have fooled enough people who voted for him to make him the Republican nominee. It’s deceitful; it was a betrayal.”

Cruz reminded voters during the primary: “Donald Trump will betray you on every issue. If you care about immigration, Donald is laughing at you”:

This is what Trump was saying in 2013:

In his own words: Donald Trump embraces amnesty in August 2013
In his own words: Donald Trump embraces amnesty in August 2013

The alt-right beta-male cuckservative Trump supporters were willfully ignorant, and Trump cuckolded them. Cruz supporters predicted this. The alt-right cuckolds chose a candidate based on confident words, not on proven battling for conservative causes. They didn’t know about Walker’s war against the unions over collective bargaining, or Jindal’s war against the Department of Education over vouchers or Cruz’s war against the Rubio and Obama amnesties. They listened to Trump’s words and foolishly misinterpreted his mocking insults and vulgarity as authenticity. Trump was, is and ever will be a Democrat with policies substantially similar to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid the Democrats he donated to many, many times. If the alt-right had cared about policy and proven record, they would never have chosen Trump.

Here is everything you need to know about Trump supporters in one video:

That’s every Trump supporter right there – including populist demagogues like Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc. Anyone who gave Trump any time at all to pretend to be a Republican, during the primary is that fool in the clip. That clip summarizes the whole primary. We had an educated, proven conservative who was defeated by low intelligence, low information voters.

I remember having conversations with my doctor, dentist, and other senior software engineers in my office about Trump’s obvious lack of intelligence. When we saw Trump answer questions in the debate, we instantly saw that Trump was not proficient in American history, structure of government, public policy, international affairs, economics, and so on. My dentist is a Democrat and the first thing he said to me was “how can you vote for a candidate who opposes free trade?” No conservative (or Christian) could vote for that, and to make it clear, none have. Trump gets his support from people like the one in the video – people who just don’t know what they are talking about.

This is what the beta-male cucks in the alt-right voted for:

Trump’s only skill in life was ability to inherit wealth. That’s it. The rest of his life has been committing adultery, hosting beauty pageants and declaring bankruptcy several times. Trump is not qualified for any kind of professional work. The presidency is a professional job and requires experience, judgment and proven ability. If we want to have a free country with the rule of law, then we need the alt-right people to stop getting their marching orders from the National Enquirer.

Harvard Law Review: Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen and is eligible to become President

Donald Trump with his buddies, the Clintons - I think that's Trump's third wife on the right
Donald Trump and his third wife pose with his radical leftist Democrat friends

Donald Trump has been questioning whether Ted Cruz is eligible to run for President because he was born in Canada. I thought it might be worth it to look at the circumstances of Cruz’s birth, then get an opinion from some legal experts.

So as far as I can tell, there are 3 people on the planet who think that Cruz is not eligible to run for President. Donald Trump, Rand Paul and Ann Coulter, a famous celebrity comedian who supported Mitt Romney, and now supports Donald Trump. She is very fond of getting attention by saying outrageous things, which she later claims are “jokes”. This week, she wanted to have the Republican governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, deported. She later said she was joking.

Ted Cruz’s mother was born in the USA

So, let’s start with the facts:

Eleanor Darragh, mother of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), was born in Delaware on Nov. 23, 1934, establishing her citizenship by birth–and, according to U.S. law, that of her son, even though he was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, on Dec. 22, 1970.

You can look at her birth certificate on Breitbart News. This is the thing that all the birthers on Daily Kos and Democratic Underground denied the existence of, until it appeared. There is no doubt that Ted Cruz’s mother is an American citizen, and she met the residency requirements to pass on birthright citizenship to baby Ted.

Ted Cruz’s mother passes the residency requirement to pass on birthright citizenship

Former assistant U.S. attorney, and law professor Andrew McCarthy explains in National Review:

Under the law in effect when Cruz was born in 1970 (i.e., statutes applying to people born between 1952 and 1986), the requirement was that, at the time of birth, the American citizen parent had to have resided in the U.S. for ten years, including five years after the age of fourteen. Cruz’s mother, Eleanor, easily met that requirement: she was in her mid-thirties when Ted was born and had spent most of her life in the U.S., including graduating from Rice University with a math degree that led to employment in Houston as a computer programmer at Shell Oil.

Ted’s mother registered baby Ted with the U.S. Consulate in Calgary. Cruz moved back to the USA when he was 4 years old. Cruz was able to get a U.S. passport to travel abroad in 1986. The U.S. government does not hand out U.S. passports to non-citizens.

A legal opinion from the Harvard Law Review

Now, I didn’t think this topic was worth writing about. It was actually my friend Robb who urged me to do it.

Robb sent me this article from the Harvard Law Review, which is what made me decide to go ahead and write about it.

The article is written by two experts in the law:

Neal Kumar Katyal is an American lawyer and chaired professor of law. He served as Acting Solicitor General of the United States from May 2010[2] until June 2011… Katyal was the Paul and Patricia Saunders Professor of National Security Law at Georgetown University Law Center and the lead counsel for the Guantanamo Bay detainees in the Supreme Court case Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. While serving at the Justice Department, he argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court.

Paul Drew Clement is a former United States Solicitor General and current Georgetown University law professor. He is also an adjunct professor at New York University School of Law. He was nominated by President George W. Bush on March 14, 2005 for the post of Solicitor-General, confirmed by the United States Senate on June 8, 2005, and took the oath of office on June 13. Clement replaced Theodore Olson. Clement resigned on May 14, 2008, effective June 2, 2008, and joined the Georgetown University Law Center as a visiting professor and senior fellow at the Supreme Court Institute.

The article says:

The Constitution directly addresses the minimum qualifications necessary to serve as President. In addition to requiring thirty-five years of age and fourteen years of residency, the Constitution limits the presidency to “a natural born Citizen.” All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time. And Congress has made equally clear from the time of the framing of the Constitution to the current day that, subject to certain residency requirements on the parents, someone born to a U.S. citizen parent generally becomes a U.S. citizen without regard to whether the birth takes place in Canada, the Canal Zone, or the continental United States.

While some constitutional issues are truly difficult, with framing-era sources either nonexistent or contradictory, here, the relevant materials clearly indicate that a “natural born Citizen” means a citizen from birth with no need to go through naturalization proceedings. The Supreme Court has long recognized that two particularly useful sources in understanding constitutional terms are British common law and enactments of the First Congress. Both confirm that the original meaning of the phrase “natural born Citizen” includes persons born abroad who are citizens from birth based on the citizenship of a parent.

“Natural born” means no naturalization process. Ted Cruz’s mother was a citizen by birth. She meets the residency requirements to pass on birthright citizenship. We have her birth certificate. We also have Ted’s birth certificate with her name on it as his mother. This ends the issue for all the people who are governed by reason and evidence.

Friday night funny: Ann Coulter on The View, Ezra Levant meets HRC censor

UPDATE: Welcome readers from the Blog of Walker! Happy to have you aboard!

OK, first this fun image I found at the Western Experience.

How about rooting for us?
How about rooting for our side?

And then there’s this video, also from the Western Experience, featuring Ann Coulter taking on one of the foul harpies on “The View”.

You go, Ann! I remember the first time I discovered Ann Coulter columns when I was working in Chicago. Without having any idea what she looked like, I had the urge to send her roses. Smitten as I was, I went so far as to contact a friend of mine who was connected with Human Events, where she was working, to ask how to do it. She said that lots of people sent Ann flowers, so then I decided not to do it. But yes, I had butterflies for several days, especially after I saw her photo.

But let’s continue with more Friday night funny!

Now, I hope everyone got a chance to listen to Canadian free speech activists Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant on the Milt Rosenberg show! Recently, Ezra was in Ottawa, (the capital of Canada), and he ran into the Inquisitor-in-Chief herself: JENNIFER LYNCH. Yes, I know that’s a very ironic name for the head fascist of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Here’s a clip of what transpired at their meeting:

I took in a bit of Question Period when I was in Ottawa yesterday. I was in the Centre Block waiting for the elevator, and a kindly old lady gave me a huge smile, and said hello. I said hello back — perhaps it was a fan.Not quite. She introduced herself to me: she was Jennifer Lynch, the Chief Commissar of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Jennifer likes wasting taxpayer money by traveling around the world to left-wing meetings.

I wasn’t particularly surprised to bump into Lynch. It’s Ottawa after all, and she’s furiously lobbying MPs to keep the censorship provision in the Canadian Human Rights Act — and to keep her job. I was just surprised to bump into her in Canada. Other than the foreign affairs minister and the international trade minister, I doubt there’s many people in Ottawa who rack up bigger travel expenses on the public dime than Lynch does. I mean, just to pick one of her countless junkets at random, here is the expense report from one of her jaunts to Vienna — she stuck taxpayers with an $8,200 tab to go to a 15th anniversary party, commemorating… another junket.

Ezra goes on to needle her some more, and then ends with this:

Lynch was quiet now. But I was warming to my theme: “I think I’m going to file a hate speech complaint against myself,” I told her. “Who do you think would win that one?”

UPDATE: I was reading Denyse O’Leary’s free speech round-up #2 of 3 here, and she linked to Debra Gyapong’s photos of Ezra’s events in Ottawa where all of the “hate speech” was going on. Wow, there’s pictures of Mark Steyn and my one of my favorite MPs Jason Kenney. On this page, Debra asks whether Ezra Levant could be the next Governor General of Canada. I hope so!

The GG is the Queen’s official representative in Canada and has to sign all legislation that the Parliament passes. Ezra should be a good GG and I don’t see why Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn’t just appoint him straight away. You really need to go over to Debra’s site and check out these photographs and quotations. Canada is really turning against the PC-censorship of the left.

And here is cute cartoon from Malcolm Mayes that my friend Andrew sent me :

The truth about Canada's HRCs
The truth about Canada's HRCs

More Ezra Levant videos from the Michael Coren TV show, here.

And for some really great details on the latest on free speech north AND south of the border, check out Denyse’s O’Leary’s 3 posts on the state of free speech here, here and here. Denyse is a thousand times more witty and charming than even Ann!

Happy Friday!