Cosmos series promotes naturalism by distorting the history of science

Casey Luskin posted this in The Blaze.


The host is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson who believes “God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance.” Executive producers include comedian Seth MacFarlane, who expresses his desire to be “vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith,” and Star Trek writer Brannon Braga, who says “religion sucks” and admits he “longs for” the day when “religion is vanquished.”

With Tyson himself admitting we must view “‘Cosmos’ not as a documentary about science,” the series barely hides its ambitions to bring Sagan’s materialistic views to a new generation.

[…]But have its creators pushed the agenda too far? “Cosmos” faced sharp criticism—from leading evolutionists—for inventing stories about religious persecution of scientists while whitewashing religion’s positive historical influence on science.

The first episode portrayed the 16th century scientist Giordano Bruno being burned at the stake by Catholic priests for teaching that the Earth orbits the Sun. The problem? Bruno wasn’t a scientist and he wasn’t persecuted for his heliocentric views. Of course Bruno’s persecution was tragic, but the church killed him for promoting the occult worship of Egyptian deities and other quirky theological beliefs.

Throughout the series, Tyson repeats this theme that religion opposes scientific advancement, whitewashing the chorus of historians who believe that religion had a positive influence on science.

As prominent historian Ronald Numbers argues, “[t]he greatest myth in the history of science and religion holds that they have been in a state of constant conflict.” One scholar at the staunchly pro-evolution National Center for Science Education even blasted “Cosmos” for its “slipshod history of science” and “antireligious bias.”

Numbers is not a theist – he is secular, so that’s an interesting quote.

The story also notes that Barack Obama endorses the series,and that’s not surprising to me. As I’ve argued before, the man is an atheist. This series is defending his religion.

2 thoughts on “Cosmos series promotes naturalism by distorting the history of science”

  1. “Scientists” like DeGrasse who pilfer scientific objectivity to denigrate God or religion, are pushing a political agenda that is actually killing modern science.
    It was during the Christian Middle Ages when the foundation for the intellectual revolution that led to modern science.
    Atheists need to be continually made aware of the fact that until Christianity powered the rise of Western Civilization, man never got past the slavery and the horse-drawn cart.
    Another fact that atheists continually ignore is that all civilizations rose up around religion.
    And on the other hand, the greatest mass murders in human history were committed by atheists.
    The conclusion is very simple: Religion is good. Atheism is bad.


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