Does Planned Parenthood use taxpayer money to provide mammograms?

From Live Action. (H/T Neil Simpson via Mary)


A series of new undercover phone calls reveals that contrary to the claims of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards and other supporters of the nation’s largest abortion chain, the organization does not provide mammograms for women.

In the tapes, a Live Action actor calls 30 Planned Parenthood clinics in 27 different states, inquiring about mammograms at Planned Parenthood. Every Planned Parenthood, without exception, tells her she will have to go elsewhere for a mammogram, and many clinics admit that no Planned Parenthood clinics provide this breast cancer screening procedure. “We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” admits a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona. Planned Parenthood’s Comprehensive Health Center clinic in Overland Park, KS explains to the caller, “We actually don’t have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics.”

Opponents of defunding Planned Parenthood have argued in Congress and elsewhere that the organization provides many vital health care services other than abortion, such as mammograms. Most prominently, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards recently appeared on The Joy Behar Show to oppose the Pence Amendment to end Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer subsidies, claiming, “If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their healthcare access–not to abortion services–to basic family planning, you know, mammograms.”

Just today I read a comment on Facebook asserting that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms. This is what you often hear in the mainstream media, because they are pro-abortion. But the fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms – says the Washington Post.

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6 thoughts on “Does Planned Parenthood use taxpayer money to provide mammograms?”

  1. Wow, thank you for this..I think the last five years have been an incredible sophistication of prolife advocates going beyond the political scene and actually making practical inroads in exposing the lies of the abortionists…


  2. That’s odd. Who would have thought that people who kill innocent but unwanted human beings for a living would mislead people about something to advance their agenda?


  3. Whatever happened to freedom Of choice in this country? It’s become freedom from choice. I don’t absolutely approve of abortions, but I firmly approve with a woman’s right to choose. Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean it should be illegal, or have restrictions.


    1. Do you think that people should be free to kill their two year old children if they become inconvenient? If not, then what what happened to freedom of choice in this country?

      The real issue is does an unborn child have the same right to protection as a born child. Scientifically speaking, an unborn child is a human, it is living and it has a unique DNA different from either its mother or its father. It is a living human being. There is reason to classify a born child as deserving of any more rights than an unborn child. And therefore, unborn children should be as protected as born children.


  4. Admittedly, i don’t spend much time with the mainstream media, but I do listen to NPR on my way home from work. Their reporting included the fact that PP doesn’t do mammograms. Do you have an example of a mainstream media outlet reporting that PP does do mammograms?


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