Tag Archives: Bribe

Forensic analysis: Burisma executive’s email to Hunter Biden is 100% authentic

Did Joe Biden collect foreign cash through his son Hunter Biden?
Did Joe Biden collect foreign cash through his son Hunter Biden?

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the smoking gun. Although Twitter and Facebook and all of the mainstrean news media tried to run interference on behalf of the Biden campaign, the truth is out. What you heard from the mainstream news media, and big technology companies, is that the laptop and the e-mails were part of a “Russian disinformation” campaign. Now we know they lied.

Here is the report from Daily Caller:

An email Hunter Biden received in April 2015 from a Burisma executive discussing an introduction to then-Vice President Joe Biden, which lies at the heart of a New York Post investigation, is unquestionably authentic, a cybersecurity expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.

The DCNF obtained a full copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday. The DCNF provided Robert Graham, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Errata Security, with a copy of the email and its metadata for forensic analysis.

Graham, who has been cited as a cybersecurity expert in The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Wired, Engadget and other news and technology outlets, told the DCNF that he used a cryptographic signature found in the email’s metadata to validate that Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma’s board of directors, emailed Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015.

What does the e-mail say? That Hunter introduced his father to the Ukraine businessmen who paid him ridiculous amounts of money. So Joe knew.

In the email, Pozharsky thanked Hunter Biden for “inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.”

The New York Post first reported the email in October, describing it as a “smoking-gun” showing that Hunter Biden had introduced his father to the Burisma executive in 2015.

And a little bit later, Joe Biden used his political power to pressure the Ukraine government to stop investigating the people who were paying his son $50,000 a month.

The email was sent less than a year before Joe Biden pressured former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to fire a prosecutor who was reportedly investigating the gas company in return for a $1 billion loan guarantee.

So, it turns out that this has been a legitimate scandal all along, raising questions about whether Joe Biden sold access and/or influence to foreign countries for cash. At the very least, we know that Joe Biden lied again and again about his knowledge of his son’s business deals.

When you are watching the mainstream news media, please keep in mind that they have no interest in telling you the truth. And when you are using social media, keep in mind that they are actively suppressing content that could hurt their preferrred presidential candidate. It’s called election interference.

Tucker Carlson plays (alleged) audio recording of Biden China deal

Rob Walker is RW and James Gilliar is JG
H is Hunter Biden, RW is Rob Walker, JG is James Gilliar

Tucker Carlson played more (alleged) audio of parties to the Biden-China deal on Wednesday night. The new audio documents how scared the parties were that their scheme would be discovered. Later on in the post, I’ll show how Hunter himself wanted to avoid suspicion by not registering as a foreign agent. And we’ll also see what law enforcement thinks of the Biden scandals.

First Daily Wire:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson released new purported audio recordings from alleged Biden family business partners fretting about the possibility that the Hunter Biden laptop-email controversy would get into the media and that, if someone verified it, it would blow up “big time.”

“You’re are about to hear Rob Walker and James Gilliar, those are two of the Biden family’s business partners, on a call with Tony Bobulinski,” Carlson said. “They’re discussing how very worried they are that this story, the one we’re talking about now, would emerge into the press, that it would become public. And they wanted to figure out how to handle the fallout from that. This audio is very new.”

Carlson played the following alleged audio files:

Rob Walker: I just think that if somebody comes out now and verifies the story, it blows up big time. That’s all.

James Gilliar: We’ve got this situation now where it’s escalating again because somebody, allegedly one of us three, has qualified the story, and already it’s back on the front pages.

“Also on that call, Tony Bobulinski pleaded with his partners to just tell the truth,” Carlson continued. “Just go ahead and tell the truth. Same thing he said during our interview last night. Instead of lying, Rob Walker and James Gilliar can come out and admit what happened—Hunter Biden was selling access to his father. Everyone knows that; why deny it?”

So, where are we at in verifying all of these documents right now? The U.S. Senate is currently investigating, and the FBI has possession of the Hunter Biden laptop.

The Daily Caller reports:

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has been successful in verifying all materials reviewed so far from Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski, the Daily Caller has learned.

Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson will not call Bobulinski to testify before the November 3 elections, as the committee is working to review all the information provided to the committee by Bobulinski. The information has to be verified, as it is subject to the same false information to Congress laws that verbal or written testimony does. However, a Johnson spokesperson told the Caller that all the material provided by Bobulinski that has been reviewed so far has turned out to be legitimate. The committee has “also” not come across any “signs” or evidence to suggest the content is false, the spokesperson added.

Bobulinski, who said Tuesday he believes “Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised” in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, has turned over evidence to the FBI alleging he met twice in the past with the former vice president in regards to business with his son Hunter. The Biden family has not yet disputed this information.

I blogged about the first interview of Tony Bobulinski (TB, in the e-mail snapshot above this post) yesterday. If you didn’t see the full show he did with Tucker, the video is linked in my post from yesterday.

The next step in the verification process is for Bobuliniski to come before the Senate Homeland Security Committee to answer questions. Then we will really get to the bottom of things. I’m hoping this happens before election day. I know the mainstream media and Big Technology aren’t going to publicize the evidence, but I intend to.

Anyway, another Senate committee is investigating Hunter Biden for failure to declare his activities with foreigners.

Real Clear Investigations explains:

The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires anyone who is lobbying the government or doing public relations work in the U.S. on behalf of a foreigner to register his or her precise activities — as well as compensation — in a public filing with Justice, which ensures Americans are given notice of any actions by foreigners to influence public opinion, policies or elected officials.

[…]The Senate Finance Committee, which is chaired by Sen. Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, is actively investigating Hunter Biden’s possible non-compliance with the FARA statute, according to a spokesman.

“Chairman Grassley is continuing to review developments surrounding Hunter Biden’s foreign-influence arrangements to determine whether any potential violation occurred,” Grassley spokesman Taylor Foy said, adding that staff investigators are combing through the trove of emails found on Hunter’s laptop.

Asked if they are preparing to refer the matter to Justice for criminal investigation, Foy said, “We haven’t reached that point at the moment, but we are actively looking at the material with FARA in mind.”

I find it interesting that the Obama administration used FARA to attack Republicans, but it was never used against any Democrats:

“Starting in 2016, the previous administration used FARA and the criminal justice system as tools to attack and eliminate the opposition,” said FBI veteran Michael Biasello. “If Biden gets in, the same elements will be back in charge and make sure those tools won’t be turned on themselves.”

One more reason to vote for Trump-Pence on Tuesday.


Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski: Joe Biden knew about Hunter Biden’s China deal

10 held by H for the Big Guy
10 held by H for the Big Guy

The mainstream news media, Big Technology and the so-called “fact checkers” have been interfering with the election by covering up the truth about Hunter Biden’s deals with foreign countries. But on Tuesday night, journalist Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who has the top cable-news show, invited the Biden whistleblower onto his show for an unprecedented ONE HOUR tell-all interview.

You can watch the interview and read the transcript here.

Here’s the story from a variety of sources.

The Federalist:

Tony Bobulinski, a former Naval officer and ex-Biden family business associate who provided documentation and testimony that the Biden family was deeply involved in foreign business dealings with China, said that former Vice President Joe Biden is lying about his knowledge of his son’s business deals.

“This is a company with direct connections to the communist government of China,” said Fox News’ Tucker Carlson during an interview with Bobulinski Tuesday. “So the former vice president has said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his son’s business dealings and was not involved in them at all? But this sounds like direct involvement.”

“That’s a blatant lie when he states that,” Bobulinski said. “It’s a blatant lie.”

[…]Bobulinski confirmed last week in a public statement emailed to The Federalist and other outlets the incriminating claims published by the New York Post. He also corroborated a Senate report published in September on the Biden family’s potentially criminal business activity.

“Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,” wrote Bobulinski, substantiating that the identity of “the Big Guy’ in a May 17, 2017, email published in the New York Post is a reference to holding 10 percent for Joe Biden.

It was in this email that a Chinese businessman with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party offered Hunter Biden $3 million a year for “introductions alone.”

Daily Wire noted that China’s knowledge of the history between CEFC and the Biden family could expose Joe to foreign influence, which could greatly impact the security and prosperity of Americans. Joe Biden’s greed provided the Chinese Communists with information that could later be used to pressure him if he became elected president.

“What are the implications of this going forward?” Carlson asked. “If Joe Biden is elected president, which could very well happen, how does this constrain his ability to deal with China?”

[…]“So, I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised,” Bobulinski responded. “Obviously, I’d reference that I held a Q clearance, you’re briefed on compromise and who you’re able to talk with and deal and do business with.”

“And I just don’t see, given the history here and the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have here with CEFC and stuff like that,” Bobulinski continued. “So as a citizen and an American taxpayer, I’m very, very concerned.”

When the Biden family became aware that Tony Bobulinski intended to go public on the story, he was pressured to keep quiet.

Daily Wire:

“The Biden family knew that you were going public with this,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. “And you spoke to Rob Walker about it – again, the self-described Biden family representative – and Biden family, meaning Joe Biden as well – what was his response when you let him know that you were going public with this?”

“Trying to coach me,” Bobulinksi responded. “Trying to sort of say, hey, we don’t want to do that, we don’t want press trucks out in front of our house. I’m going to have to move; I could lose my job, and all of that – you know, I’m not trying to cause harm to anyone in this situation let alone Rob Walker and his family, James Gilliar and his family.”

“But basically, Rob’s position was, if you go on record with all these facts, you’ll bury all of us,” Bobulinksi continued.

So, now we know for certain.

In the past week, Facebook and Twitter censored stories about Hunter Biden’s business deals, because they want Joe Biden to win the election. They employed “fact checks” from biased left-wing journalists to punish anyone who tried to tell the truth about the story. I was personally punished with multiple page quality violations, which resulted in “reduced distribution”, i.e. – they censored me (and others) to prevent criticism of Joe Biden.

Remember to vote on November 3rd.