Homeschooling 2021

New study: homeschool produces healthier, happier and more virtuous kids

So, I’ve noticed that lately, many Christian, conservatives express Christian and conservative convictions when they are in a Christian, conservative audience. But when they are in the company of secularists, feminists and socialists, they keep quiet. In this post, I’ll explain why I think that using evidence from studies helps us to be bolder, then we’ll see a study about homeschooling.

Well, I can only explain why I am so inclined to fight. Just because I have an alias online, that doesn’t mean that I don’t fight for what I believe in under my real name in person. I take every opportunity to push for authentic Christian (not woke) truth claims and values in person. It’s especially important for Christians and conservatives of color to do this, in the current culture.

But how can you fight with people? I recently faced off against a bully in my company at a large company meeting. I had heard that this guy was a yeller, and had previously yelled at other employees. And that he was extremely progressive, and in a liberal echo chamber where he never heard any intellectual conservatives or Christians. I attacked him on two issues: socialized medicine and gun control. By using studies to explain how I changed my mind, I was able to escape his caricature of Christian conservatives as stupid fundamentalists who don’t think critically.

With that said, here is a report from the Wall Street Journal about a new study that you might be able to use to be bold with people who oppose homeschooling. (Full text of the article here)

It says:

Elizabeth Bartholet, a Harvard Law School professor, sparked debate in May 2020 by calling for a presumptive ban on home schooling. Home-schooled children, Ms. Bartholet asserted, are less likely than their school-attending peers to receive a “meaningful education” and more likely to be subject to physical abuse or indoctrination by “extreme religious ideologues.”

[…]Ms. Bartholet criticized home schooling for both diminishing children’s educational attainment and undermining their physical and mental health. One of us (Ms. Chen) recently examined how school type affected adolescents on a range of long-term outcomes into young adulthood, including educational attainment, mental health and social integration. Looking at data on more than 12,000 children of nurses (mostly white and mostly well-off) surveyed from 1999 to 2010, we estimated the effects of school type independently from other factors such as socioeconomic status, race and region.

To the extent that college graduation is a fair proxy for having received a “meaningful education,” Ms. Bartholet was right to point to a disadvantage for home schooling: The home-schoolers in our sample were 23% less likely to attend college than public-school students. This may reflect lower attainment in learning or less interest in attending college, but it may also be a result of admissions policies at some U.S. universities that disadvantage home-schooled students.

Parents want their kids to be well-educated and professionally successful, but they also want them to be healthy, happy and virtuous. By this broader measure of success, home schooling has advantages. Among the students we examined, home-schoolers were 33% more likely to volunteer, 31% more forgiving and 51% more likely to attend religious services in young adulthood than those who attended public school. (“Levels of forgiveness” were measured on a self-reported four-point scale, which other research has shown predicts some subsequent health and well-being outcomes.) The difference in religious participation has public-health implications, since those who attend services regularly have substantially lower risks of alcohol and drug abuse, depression and suicide. They also have a lower risk of premature death for any reason than those who never attend.

The picture of the home-schooled student that emerges from the data doesn’t resemble the socially awkward and ignorant stereotype to which Ms. Bartholet and others appeal. Rather, home-schooled children generally develop into well-adjusted, responsible and socially engaged young adults.

The libertarians at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) reached out to the researchers, and they got more information about that concern about lower rates of university attendance:

I reached out to Case and Chen for additional comments on their study’s findings, including how they think the homeschooling data and outcomes might have changed since 2010, when their data set ended.

“We are also glad to see that some colleges, including some top-tier colleges, have become more flexible in their admission policies for homeschoolers over the past years,” Chen responded.

Indeed, more colleges and universities have implemented clearer guidelines and policies for homeschooled students in recent years, and many are now eager to attract homeschooled applicants. In 2015, Business Insider noted that homeschooling is the “new path to Harvard,” and in 2018 the university profiled several of its homeschooled students.

The researchers also suspect that the well-being gap between homeschoolers and public school students has widened over the past decade, with homeschoolers faring even better.

“For instance, social media apps have come to smartphones over the past few years, leading to their widespread adoption by teenagers and even younger children,” Chen told me this week. “Some prior studies suggested that such increasing smartphone use may have contributed to the recent huge spikes in adolescent depression, anxiety, and school loneliness. Cyberbullying, sexting and ‘phubbing’ have also become more common in children’s daily lives, especially in school settings. We might expect that these issues may be less common among homeschoolers than their public school peers.”

I think if you are going to do homeschooling, it will have to be very practical. I think the world is too dangerous right now. We need to focus on learning practical skills that pay. So, don’t focus on things classics and Latin early on. I love the classics, but only the classics that teach something practical should be relied on. Instead, math and computer science should be the most important subjects, along with economics. Or choose the hard sciences like biology, chemistry, physics, etc. Get your STEM degrees, get your private sector work experience, then homeschool your kids with a focus on STEM.

I do think that after you get a job, then you should go back and work on the classics, literature and philosophy. But the financial situation we are in – with so much government debt, so many people in debt, and so many people on welfare – suggests that we should make sure that we are independent of the government and debt-free as quickly as possible.

(Image source:

12 thoughts on “New study: homeschool produces healthier, happier and more virtuous kids”

  1. Satan owns the government schools, so there really isn’t much of a choice now. There are some good Christian schools, but also some weak ones too.

    One reason that homeschoolers don’t do college as much is that the overwhelming majority of degrees (not STEM) are not only worthless, but they saddle you with debt and prepare you for a “great” career in fast food, LOL. Homeschoolers are too wise for that. Many that I know start their businesses while in high school and continue them afterwards with great success. Others pursue a trade or missionary career.

    My homeschooled children went the STEM route, but one of their peers was bringing in 7 figures in his landscaping business that he began in high school. Another turned down high 6 figures yearly revenues for his business because he wanted to pursue a business degree. I told him that he could teach his profs about business!

    Read the book “The Millionaire Next Door.” Most of those people were highly successful without college degrees, and that book was written back when a million dollars was a lot of money, LOL!

    Worldly success aside, we need to take our children back from the government and nanny state. I recognized this 20 years ago as an atheist. It’s out in the open now. They want your children and they want to destroy them. Don’t offer up your children as sacrifices to prosperity or any other false idol by sending them to satanic public schools.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Home schooling is proven to be a great substitute, but do to how the media and movies portrays the average home school family the non home school families and parents deciding whether or not to home school would be good for their childern see the “truth” or “negatives” about home schooling. Also I take your “buddy” has the Sunday School teachings stuck in his head.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I would like to urge that Latin and the classics are not pushed wholesale to the adult years. Latin especially is best taught at a young age (as any language is) and has value far beyond merely learning a second language. It is extremely helpful for learning how to use/understand the English language–and a good grasp of language and communication is critical for getting jobs, keeping jobs, and advancing in jobs. Latin is also a highly structured language; learning Latin helps in developing/fostering critical thinking skills across the board.

    Exposure to the classics helps in understanding the history of human existence. As it has been (wisely) said, “those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”. A great deal of the troubles we are experiencing in the world today could be understood and coped with better if more people knew history; the classics present one way of becoming familiar with history.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard that Latin is very useful in the areas of medicine and law too. Lord knows we could use more strong (homeschooled) Christians in those fields.

      I went the French route, but my older brother studied Latin and he’s always been way ahead of me on seeing the repetition of history. I’ll be useful when we have to become the French Resistance again, LOL.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. French classics for me is French Resistance, LOL!

          Not much. Les Miserables of course. What do you recommend?


      1. I’ve just picked up on this thread. I did Latin in high school and Intro French at university. Latin helps on understand the foundations of grammar and the influence of Latin on languages in Europe. Having studied Latin, it also made learning Intro French very easy.
        Latin is used in law, medicine, botany, zoology and other sciences.
        Scrapping the teaching of Latin has contributed to the dumbing down of education and the degradation of spoken and written English. Compare the vocabulary in 19th century literature with contemporary fiction that is prescribed in schools. (I was reading Bronte, Dickens, Shakespeare, Thackeray and other literary greats during my teen years – there were sound values in literature then).
        The rise of popular and social media has contributed to massive alliteracy (non-readers) and a decline in general knowledge, e.g. ignorance of history, literature, etc., in favour of popular clickbait ephemera and celeb culture. All this has resulted in the younger generation being easily programmed with cultural marxism, CRT, etc. Modern public education in recent decades has produced opinionated ignoramuses.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve read about 9 Dickens books, 1 Charlotte Bronte, 1 Emily Bronte, 4 Jane Austen’s, and reference Shakespeare all the time. I agree about the importance of all of it. Just not about taking out loans to learn it for four years in college. I learned it all in electives and on the side.


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