LGBT Gay Identification

Which population group is most likely to reject heterosexual relationships?

The Federalist reports:

A new Gallup poll published on Feb. 24 shows 1 in 6 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT. These results represent a remarkable jump from 2017, when 4.5 percent of Americans identified as LGBT, a number that has now risen to 5.6 percent just three years later.

The increase is indeed dramatic, yet it doesn’t fully tell the whole story. Why? While the population of Americans identifying as LGBT has risen steadily since 2012, last year the question was expanded from a simple “yes” or “no” to LGBT identity to include specific categories to choose from. Only one identity group showed a dramatic increase: bisexual women.

[…]One in ten high school students identify as LGBT. Of these, 75 percent are female, and 77 percent identify as bisexual. As detailed by the Washington Post, the Williams Institute at the University of California at Los Angeles has found that 35 percent of LGBT adults are bisexual women.

Further, Hammack argues that his research shows young women are more likely to identify as “non-binary” or “gender-fluid.”

I’m going to have something to say about this in a minute, but for now just note that it’s young women who are the ones who are most likely to abandon natural marriage, traditional families and complementary sex roles.


As Abigail Shrier discussed in great detail with in-depth research in her book, “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” the power of social contagion and peer group identity is important to consider:

Between 2016 and 2017, the number of gender surgeries for natal females in the US quadrupled; in the UK, the rates of gender dysphoria for teenage girls are up 4,400 percent over the previous decade.

Indeed, as 16-year-old Jasper Swartz — who identifies as non-binary — expressed to the Washington Post, all of her friends are “queer in some way.”

Rather than reflecting the natural progression of openness to human variation in sexuality and gender identity, it seems to better reflect a pop culture fad to be included in the LGBT spectrum in any way possible. This seems especially true for younger people, who are inundated with LGBT education, culture, and positivity and, as Abigail discusses in her book, find meaning in being different, unique, and rebellious, along with their friends. As indicated by the Gallup survey, as people age, their identities become more stable and bisexuality drops significantly.

[…]For young women seeking identity and being part of a special or important group, all they have to do is cut their hair short, dress like a boy, and declare themselves non-binary or bisexual to gain instant victimhood status and self-validation. If it becomes too much and they still get the exciting thrill of being LGBT, they can always slip back into safer roles.

So, my suspicion is that young women are more vulnerable to this for two reasons. One, young women are more likely to determine their beliefs by deciding what makes them feel good. And two, young women are more likely to determine their beliefs by what makes them look good to their peer group. They’re not reading non-fiction, and forming a worldview that’s bound by logic and evidence. They like fiction. They like entertainment. They’re not even embracing their values based on their future goals. Their long-term goals might be to marry and have security and family. But they’re not taking steps towards that right now. Right now, they’re just doing what feels good in the moment. They’re adapting to their peers, and the culture at large, rather than thinking for themselves.

Young people seem to like gay marriage more than they like individual liberties
Young women like LGBT lifestyles more than they like natural marriage and family

In fact, there have been studies on how these ideas spread, and that’s exactly what they found – young women are the ones who swallow this, and for reasons of feelings and peer approval. It’s a social benefit to claim to be a minority sexual identity. Our culture has set it up so that you get prestige and sympathy for this. You get to play the victim, and everyone has to be nice to you. And you’re so interesting! So sophisticated. To young women, it’s an offer they can’t refuse – so they don’t.

3 thoughts on “Which population group is most likely to reject heterosexual relationships?”

  1. “It’s a social benefit to claim to be a minority sexual identity. Our culture has set it up so that you get prestige and sympathy for this. You get to play the victim, and everyone has to be nice to you. And you’re so interesting! So sophisticated. To young women, it’s an offer they can’t refuse – so they don’t.”

    That’s the key. Like so many teens, they feel like losers at times and choosing a preferred perversion is like winning the lottery. They get to go to the top of the popularity food chain and can’t be criticized, because the critics are immediately canceled. It is Satanic.

    Also, they support the rampant promiscuity of gay men so that they can justify their own promiscuity. I think that’s where a lot of the “tolerance” for the LGBTQX perversions come from. People figure that if the gay lifestyle is OK then their “lesser” sexual sins must really be OK.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s one of the concerns that pro-marriage people had about the definition of marriage changing to remove the complementary genders requirement.
      We looked at the statistical differences between heterosexual married couples and homosexual couples. And what we noticed is that the traditional norms of permanence and exclusivity were being eroded, in the same way that permanence was eroded when feminists debased marriage the first time with no fault divorce.
      And we now know, that’s exactly what happened. They moved marriage away from a commitment to love someone self-sacrificially to becoming an arrangement that creates happy feelings for as long as people feel like it.
      And this was done because of “compassion”. The compassion of emotion-driven narcissists who thought about what marriage definition meant TO THEM in terms of feelings and peer approval, instead of what it meant to society, and children. Marriage is for children, and debasing marriage with no fault divorce and same sex marriage is for selfish adults. That’s the shift.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This phenomena should not be looked at from only a psychological angle. The attack vectors are multidimensional and complex, plastics and metals environment, estrogen mimicking hormones in the diet, pharmaceuticals such as birth control and vaccines. The implosion of and traditional roles of the nuclear family and the shift in epigenetic r/K disposition this causes. State run ‘education’. These factors and many more coinciding can be chalked up as coincidence by the naive however i don’t believe in coincidence, and neither should you!


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