Twitter bans free speech activist after she responds to hate speech from transgender activist

J3551c4 Y4n1v
J3551c4 Y4n1v

Remember L1nd54y 5h3ph3rd, the Canadian graduate student who was sanctioned by her university for showing a video clip that presented both sides of the transgender debate? Well, a transgender activist tweeted hateful comments at her about her womb and her pregnancy, and when she replied, Twitter decided to permanently ban her from their platform, with no appeal.

Here’s the story from the famous Canadian blog The Post Millennial:

One of Canada’s most outspoken free speech advocates, L1nd54y 5h3ph3rd, has been permanently suspended from Twitter. The suspension comes after a jousting match with a notorious trans woman named JY who has been accused of predatory behaviour toward children and making frivolous human rights complaints.

The Post Millennial reached out to 5h3ph3rd who said, “I got suspended for two tweets (although they didn’t tell me exactly which tweets were the problem so I am giving my best guess): last night, JY tweeted that I have a loose vagina from pushing a 10 pound baby out, but JY still has a “tight pussy” (in reality, JY still has male genitalia according to the proceedings of the current human rights tribunals he’s been testifying in; and in reality I had a C-section and a 6 pound 10 oz baby).”

“I replied that this is something a man who has no functional romantic relationships with women would say, but that, I guess that describes him pretty well. Then, Y4n1v mocked a reproductive abnormality I have (a septate uterus), and so I replied saying ‘at least I have a uterus, you fat ugly man.’ I thought, ‘I can’t allow him to make these misogynistic remarks about me and not fight back.’ I deleted the comments I made this morning but found out was suspended in the afternoon.”

After making the hate-filled, anti-woman comments and getting the response, Y4n1v took the response to Twitter and demanded that L1nd54y should be banned. Twitter complied. A straight woman is further down on the intersectionality totem pole than a transgender woman, so the straight woman loses her rights to free speech.

By the way, here is a short 5-minute of L1nd54y 5h3ph3rd explaining what Twitter did to her:

You might also have heard about a progressive feminist named M38h4n Murphy, who was also banned from Twitter because of complaints by Y4n1v. Twitter banned her, despite her impeccable progressive feminist credentials.

More about Y4n1v:

According to Y4n1v, estheticians should be obliged to provide waxing services to a female-identifying trans person and religious and cultural views should not interfere with the ability to access that service.

“The people that discriminated against me are forcing their beliefs on society,” said Y4n1v.

While Y4n1v disregards the cultural or religious beliefs of the esthetician, she is making the ballsy argument that people should be forced to wax clients with male genitalia if they self-identify as a woman.

To wax a client’s penis, an individual must handle the scrotum and the shaft of the penis.

Individuals with a penis can get erections during the process, some even leak a small amount of pre-ejaculate.

While the thought of forcing anyone to handle a sexual organ as a mandatory part of their non-medical job sounds insane, especially when you consider the potential for predatory behaviour, the Human Rights Tribunal actually seems to be taking it very seriously instead of treating it as an absurd farce.

[…]Should J3551c4 win, women working out of their homes who provide waxing services to women will be told that they will have to handle a penis against their will in the province of B.C

The story has even been picked up in one of Canada’s national newspapers. The specific details of the trial cannot be reported, because the British Columbia courts slapped a publication ban on the trial, so that no one would find out how the government of Canada essentially forces ordinary women into prostitution at gunpoint, if an LGBT activist requests it.

Y4n1v has 16 open lawsuits against women who declined to perform genital waxes on Y4n1v. But that’s the sort of person who has the full support of the government in Canada. No one in the courts or the government is capable of making rational moral decisions, because the country has long since abandoned Judeo-Christian moral values, and the framework of beliefs that made those moral values binding. You can’t just start with Judeo-Christian moral values, take out God, and have the thing hold together. And now even people on the left are starting to realize that concepts like “justice” and “fairness” don’t exist in a vacuum.

This really happened. And if we aren’t careful how we vote, it could easily happen here. There is no doubt in my mind that if the Democrats occupied the House, Senate and Presidency, then this sort of thing would happen here.

By the way, it’s not just Twitter that bans disagreement with transgenderism. The popular blogging platform WordPress also does, despite presenting themselves as champions of free speech.

Something completely unrelated

I saw this interesting story in the UK Daily Mail, and I just thought I’d put it into this post as a sort of random, unrelated story:

Describing the stabbing, prosecution barrister Richard Atkins QC said: ‘CCTV captured what can only be described as a frenzied attack.

‘She lunged and attacked him about the head and neck area using both knives, making repeated attempts to stab him.’

Mr Knibbs was caught ‘completely off-guard’, with the 52-year-old recalling the sight of his own blood.

Mr Atkins said: ‘He was aware of blood pumping out of his neck and could see it on the wall behind him.’

Despite being stabbed in the throat, in a blow which nicked both his carotid artery and jugular vein, Mr Knibbs managed to grab both J35k4’s wrists while shocked colleagues rushed to his aid.

In the melee, two other men – Tim Begley and Kevan Taylor – were injured as J35k4 resisted, before half a dozen workers managed to pin her to the ground until police arrived.

[…][Knibbs] had also suffered a stroke during the assault, resulting in partial permanent sight-loss.

[…]Prosecutor Mr Atkins said that J35k4 told a psychiatrist after the incident that ‘she fantasised about going to the Alexander Stadium and killing all of the staff’.

This isn’t the first time something like that has happened, either. I blogged about another case of violence previously, as well as a case of a faked hate crime.

10 thoughts on “Twitter bans free speech activist after she responds to hate speech from transgender activist”

    1. Um, in Canada misgendering is a criminal offense, you can go to jail for it. It’s not surprising at all that Twitter and WordPress would hand out bans for it. In the LGBT movement, it’s seen as a serious crime, because the any disagreement with an LGBT person is seen as an attempt to cause them to commit suicide. I.e. – if you make them feel bad by saying “I disagree”, then it seems normal and natural to LGBT activists that you have committed violence against them with your mere disagreement. And they will enforce that in the private companies in America, and with the Criminal Code and armed police in Canada.

      Meanwhile, Christian churches are blissfully focused on making sure everyone feels good.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was being snarky while you are being perfectly serious. The point is to highlight the absurdity in punishing and hurting those who use pronouns in a grammatically correct fashion while permitting, protecting, and encouraging true hate, but that is where we are in society.
        FYI, your post does not explicitly state that the reason Shepard and Murphy were banned from Twitter is for misgendering.


        1. My mistake, but in all honesty I think the real crime is just refusal to affirm whatever the LGBT person demands. In the cases where the business owners refuse to print messages or service weddings, there was no misgendering, but they still get hauled in front of Soviet-style kangaroo courts, and their lives are destroyed.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. I understand the need to do some number for letter substitution to get around algorithms. Could you post a key with a number to perhaps cursive letter as an image?


  2. If bc didn’t have such nice weather in much of it their view in Canada would drop dramatically. I am so glad to not live in that province.

    Sadly in this case those targeted don’t speak English that well so they will say things wrong.

    To a standard citizen the response should be you can’t do the waxing with such an obviously inflamed female genetalia. And to point out you have no training in this area so they will need a qualified person due to insurance and liability issues.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “The popular blogging platform WordPress also does, despite presenting themselves as champions of free speech.”

    Our pal Adam Piggott just announced that he’s switching from WP to another format. He saw the writing on the wall.


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