New study: there has been NO surge in “hate crimes” since Trump was elected

Is this "epidemic" of hate crimes just like the Smollett hoax?
Is this “epidemic” of hate crimes just like the Smollett hoax?

I see that a lot of people in the mainstream media are talking about a rise in “hate crimes” since Donald Trump was elected. I was skeptical, because these are the same people who droned on and on about the self-inflicted hate crime hoax of gay activist Jussie Smollett. Well, we finally got some research from a university professor on this, and guess what? The mainstream media lied again!

First, the facts. It’s undeniable that hate crimes reported to the FBI are up. The article below says that there’s been an increase of 17% since Trump took office. But there are two reasons for that: 1) the number of police departments reporting crimes to the FBI has increased, and 2) the majority of the newly reported hate crimes are hoaxes.

The far-left Detroit News reports:

The surge has little to do with Trump and his red hat brigade. This according to Will Reilly, a Kentucky State University associate professor, who extensively researched hate-fueled violence in America for his book Hate Crime Hoax.

“Almost all of that surge is due to the simple fact that in 2017 the number of police departments reporting hate crimes to the FBI increased by 1,000,” says Reilly. “The surge narrative is pretty dishonest.”

And what about hoaxes?

Reilly studied 409 reported hate crimes over the past five years that received media attention. They include incidents such as the racist graffiti at Eastern Michigan University and the minority woman in Grand Rapids who claimed a group of white men urinated on her.

“In major cases, almost all of them have been hoaxes,” Reilly says. “The number of hate crime hoaxes actually exceeds the number of convictions. The majority of these high-profile incidents never happened.”

The same article goes on to talk about the supposed epidemic of police violence against blacks. The mainstream media has a reason to blow that out of proportion – it helps their Democrat allies if more black people are scared into voting for Democrats than Republicans. You see, Democrats love crime. They want to disarm law-abiding civilians, restrict the ability of law enforcement to protect law-abiding people, import more criminals via illegal immigration, shorten criminal sentences, and give felons the right to vote. Bernie Sanders even wants people who are in jail to have the right to vote.  So, the media has been trying to smear police to make all of this pro-criminal “compassion” seem rational.


It’s also a false narrative that white cops are targeting African American men, Reilly says.

In 2015, he says, of the 1,200 Americans killed by police, just 258 were black, and only 17 of those were unarmed and shot by white officers. And yet, his research indicates just 10 percent of the media coverage of police violence focused on the non-black victims.

“White guys shot by police under identical circumstances never become national stories,” Reilly say.

[…]“It’s worth noting that that interracial crime is not a huge threat in America,” says Reilly, who is African American. “Eighty-five percent of whites are killed by other whites. Ninety-four percent of blacks are killed by other blacks.”

There are some crimes that occur that are not reported by the mainstream media, though.

A rape and murder the media didn’t report

Here’s an example of a crime that won’t be reported in the mainstream media. It was reported in the New York Post:

The fiend busted for raping a New Jersey jogger before drowning her in a lake is an illegal immigrant from Honduras who had already been kicked out of the US twice before, authorities said Thursday.

Jorge Rios, 33, was deported from the US first in 2003 and then again in 2004, but snuck back across the border at some point after that, they said.

Surveillance video showed that Rios stalked Carolina Cano, 45, before he strangled her with a cellphone cord, raped and drowned her as she was out for an early morning jog in Jersey City’s Lincoln Park on March 24, authorities said.

Her disappearance was noticed when she did not show up for church.

This sort of thing is happening more and more frequently, as the Democrats are successful at preventing Republicans from securing the border.

Here is another case from Knoxville, TN, where an illegal immigrant who had prior arrests struck and killed a woman with his vehicle.

Well,the mainstream media had a lot to say about the fake self-inflicted hate crime hoax of LGBT activist Jussie Smollett. But they didn’t have a word to say about this church-going woman who was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant. They can’t blame crimes committed by illegal immigrants on Trump, so stories like this are not newsworthy. The Democrat party needs all the help it can get from the news media in 2020, you know.

8 thoughts on “New study: there has been NO surge in “hate crimes” since Trump was elected”

  1. Most people don’t realize that the Notre Dame incident was just the latest in a series of church burnings that have taken place throughout Europe. Those same people probably didn’t hear anything about the YouTube shooter from a few years back because the perpetrator was a vegan Middle Eastern woman who didn’t use an automatic weapon in the attack.
    “The Narrative.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s up to us to get the real truth about hate crimes out. The media has its own agenda, and it’s definitely not in the general public’s best interest.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. @WorldGonecrazy True story: My 15-year-old son wore his red MAGA hat in public last week and a complete stranger came up to him and said, “Thank you for your bravery young man.”


      1. I ALWAYS thank MAGA hat wearers for their courage when I see them. Two weeks ago, I met a pastor who was wearing one. To me, it is actually braver to wear that hat than it is to stand on the sidewalk in front of murder mills. We have one lady who does both!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. As the party of slavery, Democrats also love racism as well as crime. Anything to keep the blacks where they belong, safely on the plantation and voting Democrat en masse to keep the gravy coming from Massa. This explains the Dems obsession with perpetual victimhood, PC, “microaggressions”, social justice, etc. etc. There’s power only in unity, which is why the most hated group of all is conservative blacks who vote Republican. These traitors are dangerous and must be destroyed at all costs, for they threaten the Left’s ultimate goal: absolute power for the State, administered by themselves.

    But all for the Greater Good, I assure you. After all, if we the people weren’t so stupid to begin with, we wouldn’t NEED the Left to run every aspect of our lives. Thank God for our betters, right?


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