Third video of Planned Parenthood doctors discussing organ harvesting

WARNING: The video linked below contains images of unborn baby body parts.

Here’s the third video released by The Center for Medical Progress:

And here’s the story from Anika Smith, writing at The Stream.


The latest video exposing Planned Parenthood isn’t just an undercover lunch conversation; it’s a first-person interview with a clinic worker who knows exactly what she’s doing as she explains Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal body parts.

[…]It opens with Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who took a job as a “procurement technician” with the now-infamous fetal tissue company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. (As their website says, start with the source.)

O’Donnell explains what her job was:

“We’re asked to procure certain tissues like brain, liver, thymus, pancreas, heart, lungs, skin, pretty much anything on the fetus. It’s basically the trafficking of fetal tissues.”

And why was this happening? Well, for the money, of course:

For six months, O’Donnell’s job was to identify pregnant women at Planned Parenthood who met criteria for fetal tissue orders and to harvest the fetal body parts after their abortions. What O’Donnell has to say about Planned Parenthood’s profit motives decisively contradicts every defense Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has come up with in denying these charges for the past two weeks. O’Donnell explains:

For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.

And a bit later, this statement from Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde:

Standing in the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic pathology laboratory, where the bodies of aborted fetuses are brought, Ginde coolly calculates how payment per organ removed from a fetus will be the most beneficial to Planned Parenthood:

I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.

The Daily Signal is reporting that the Senate Republicans intend to introduce a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. The problem is that a stand-alone bill is less likely to pass than than if the defunding of Planned Parenthood was attached to a “mandatory” bill.

Republican Sens. Rand Paul, Ky.; James Lankford, Okla.; and Joni Ernst, Iowa, are working on legislation that would block federal funds from Planned Parenthood. The group receives more than $500 million annually in government grants. The money cannot be used for abortions except in specific cases involving rape and incest.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Democrats would defeat the effort.

“Good luck with that,” Reid said. “We’re dealing with the health of American women, and they’re dealing with some right-wing crazy.”

The GOP will need 60 votes to defund the group, and there are 54 Republicans in the Senate.

[…]President Obama said he would veto any attempts to defund the group.

The House has a different bill which bans the government from entering into contracts with companies that donate directly to Planned Parenthood. That one is more likely to pass the House than the Senate bill is likely to pass the Senate.

3 thoughts on “Third video of Planned Parenthood doctors discussing organ harvesting”

  1. “Right wing crazy” is what Harry Reid calls those of us who do not care to fund his Nazi-like practices. Massive case of projection on his part. The further we go along in this atrocity, the more I thank God that He created a special place or state for those who desire no part of Him.


  2. Ed Morrissey had a great point to keep in mind through all this:

    “Planned Parenthood wants to keep the debate on these points to deflect from the real debate — the nature of abortion itself, and the deliberate minimization in language that has allowed it. Abortion defenders claim that the procedure does not terminate life, and that it has no more moral meaning than excising a tumor or a cyst, a ‘clump of cells’ in the most common construction. On Twitter, a young actor in Hollywood offered a more crude assessment this week. ‘A pile of goop should not have more rights than a human being,’ Lucas Neff tweeted, ‘period.’

    Now, though, we see that the same abortion clinics that argue for the ‘pile of goop’ status see things very, very differently when it comes time to benefit from the results of their services. They adjust their techniques to extract and market human organs for buyers to meet demand, with the clear value attached on the basis of both their humanity and specificity. Clinic executives like Dr. Ginde want to negotiate those markets on a per-item basis because of the value that humanity and specificity provides to both parties, ‘just because we can see how much we can get out of it.’

    The true danger to Planned Parenthood and the entire industry is the exposure of their hypocrisy. The two positions of ‘clumps of cells’ and negotiating over human organs from abortions are mutually exclusive. One cannot extract human organs from ‘a pile of goop,’ or from tumors or undifferentiated ‘clumps of cells.’ Human organs come from human beings, and the only way to harvest them from unborn human beings is to kill them first. The videos cut through all of the misdirection, all of the antiseptic generalities used in defense of abortion, to expose its true nature — and that’s what has Planned Parenthood panicked over the videos.”

    Planned Parenthood on the run: Refuses to attend Texas hearing


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