Tag Archives: UFO Cult

Human Rights Tribunal finds Catholic school board guilty of discrimination

From Life Site News. (H/T Mary)


The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has ordered a Catholic school board to compensate three members of a prominent UFO cult after finding the board guilty of religious discrimination.

Daniel, Michel, and Sylvie Chabot, members of the Raelian cult, were hired in November 2006 by the Conseil Scolaire Catholique Franco-Nord to offer ‘emotional pedagogy’ training sessions for teachers.  They delivered such sessions through what they call the Academy of Pleasurology and Emotional Intelligence (APEI).

The Catholic board chose to end the contract in January 2007 after discovering their membership in the cult, which claims that humans were planted on Earth by benevolent extraterrestrials.

On December 15th, Tribunal vice president Michelle Flaherty ruled that the board had discriminated against the three siblings on the basis of their beliefs.  The parties had agreed to mediation, but asked the Tribunal to determine if the human rights code was violated.  The decision does not reveal how much the board must pay in penalty.

Here’s a quick bio of the Tribunal vice president:

Michelle Flaherty has extensive experience in administrative, labour, human rights and employment law and has represented both employers and employees. From 1999 until 2000, Ms. Flaherty articled as a Law Clerk to Madame Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé of the Supreme Court of Canada. She also taught for a number of years at the University of Ottawa in the areas of equality, human rights and labour law. Her community involvement includes volunteering for several organizations in the Ottawa area. Ms. Flaherty is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.

i thought that the Catholic employer should have been more careful. But then it struck me – even asking if the person is an orthodox Catholic could be considered discrimination and land you in a Human Rights Tribunal. After all, campus clubs have been banned in Canada for requiring that executive members sign a statement of faith. So I guess the practice of religion is now illegal in Canada.

I found an interesting article assessing Canada’s three famous feminist Supreme Court justices, who are notorious for judicial activism to favor a left-wing agenda. Think of them as 3 clones of Ruth Bader-Ginsburg.