Tag Archives: Scherie Murray

Legal immigrant businesswoman from Jamaica announces challenge to AOC

Scherie Murray for Congress, Republican - NY
Scherie Murray for Congress, Republican – NY

My favorite people in the world are non-white legal immigrants from socialist countries who embrace America, and attack socialism. The Democrat party has been taken over by America-haters who want to turn America into a third-world socialist dictatorship. But they face challenges from conservatives who came to America legally, and who are thankful for liberty, prosperity and security.

Here’s a news story from Daily Wire about a New York Republican woman who immigrated legally from Jamaica. She is challenging AOC and socialism. She has achieved far more success in business and economics than AOC.


Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not going to go unchallenged in 2020, with a growing number of Republicans having announced their candidacy in recent days, including one who would meet the freshman Democrat’s qualifications for being a member of “The Squad” — except for the whole “radical socialist” part, that is.

“I’m a Jamaican immigrant. And I love America. Not the America radical socialists want to see, but the America that is a land of opportunity for all. That’s what I’m fighting for,” New York businesswoman Scherie Murray, 38, declared in a series of social media posts Wednesday announcing her candidacy for the Republican nomination in Ocasio-Cortez’s district (tweets below).

In her campaign launch, Murray has made clear that she’s not going to pull any punches on her potential opponent. “There’s a crisis in Queens and it’s called AOC,” Murray said in a tweet she’s pinned to the top of her page. “She isn’t worried about us — she’s worried about being famous. That’s why I’m running for Congress.”

“You deserve someone who will fight for you, not fight for the limelight. Someone who will build bridges, not burn them down,” said Murray in a post presenting her official 2020 announcement video. “Lawmakers should be working together to build a stronger, safer, more prosperous America, but your representative in Washington chooses self-promotion over service, conflict over constituents, resistance over assistance,” Murray says in the video.

“Queens and the Bronx need someone who will create jobs instead of turning them away,” Murray says in reference to Ocasio-Cortez’s opposition to the Amazon HQ2 deal, which would have brought 25,000 jobs to her district and nearly $30 billion in tax revenues to the state.

In an interview with Fox News Wednesday, Murray elaborated on her opposition to Ocasio-Cortez, stressing her “job-killing Green New Deal” and “killing the Amazon New York deal” as some of the reasons she believes the congresswoman needs to be unseated. She also takes aim at the Democrats’ “Mediare-for-All” as something that will ultimately destroy quality health insurance in the U.S.

Here’s her announcement video:

And one of her tweets says this:

I‘m a Jamaican immigrant. And I love America. Not the America radical socialists want to see, but the America that is a land of opportunity for all. That’s what I’m fighting for. 

Six thousand retweets and 21 thousand likes for that tweet.

She loves America! And I hope that she beats AOC in the next election. The primaries will be held on June 23rd, 2020. I’m looking forward to seeing her win, and then debate AOC on business and economics. It will be a contest between an entrepreneur with an actual resume against a bartender / waitress who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and failed to achieve anything in the free market.

By the way, did you see this video showing how the new fresh faces of the Democrat party refused to condemn a terrorist attack committed by a far-left Democrat party terrorist?

I blogged previously about how the terrorist had cited AOC’s “concentration camp” rhetoric in his manifesto. It really makes me concerned that people who don’t think that terrorism is wrong have taken over the Democrat party. Who voted for these people?