Tag Archives: James Lee

Comparing the eco-terrorist to Obama’s science czar

Consider this Investors Business Daily editorial.


In a rambling manifesto, Lee echoes the writings of President Obama’s science adviser, John Holdren, railing against “disgusting human babies” and “parasitic infants” and insisting people should “disassemble civilization.” His manifesto demanded that the Discovery Channel cease all programming about war, weapons or giving birth.

Court records show that Lee had been arrested on Feb. 21, 2008, on the sixth day of a protest at the Discovery building. Lee said at the time that he experienced an “awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ”An Inconvenient Truth.” Lee has said he was also inspired by “Ishmael,” a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn. “Nothing is more important than saving … the Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears and, of course, the Squirrels. The humans? The planet does not need humans,” he wrote.

As scary as this sounds, it is scarier to consider that this sentiment can be found in various forms in the bibliography of what is considered mainstream environmentalism.

In a recently rediscovered book, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” co-authored with Malthus fans Paul and Anne Ehrlich, Holdren, who holds the post of presidential assistant for science technology, revealed his similar pessimistic and apocalyptic views on all three topics. They are disturbing.

Like Lee, Holdren hates people and views them as the root of all planetary evil. Big families are a target of Holdren and the Ehrlichs, who write that they “contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children” and “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility.”

More on John Holdren here.

UPDATE: Wes Widner linked to this note from Evolution News. The mainstream media is not mentioning the Darwinian elements to the eco-terrorist’s worldview.

Should Al Gore be arrested for inciting eco-terrorist hate crimes?

Al Gore inspired this eco-terrorist
Al Gore inspired this eco-terrorist

Consider the Democrat position on free speech that “may” incite violence, as stated in the bill they passed that criminalized free speech.


The crime bill — which would broaden the protected classes for hate crimes to include sexual orientation and “gender identity,” which the bill defines as a victim’s “actual or perceived gender-related characteristics” — passed the House earlier this year as a stand-alone measure. But it’s never had the votes to succeed by itself in the Senate. So over the summer Democrats, with the power of their 60-vote majority, attached it to the defense bill.

Republicans argued that the two measures had nothing to do with each other. Beyond that, GOP lawmakers feared the new bill could infringe on First Amendment rights in the name of preventing broadly defined hate crimes. The bill’s critics, including many civil libertarians, argued that the hate crimes provision could chill freedom of speech by empowering federal authorities to accuse people of inciting hate crimes, even if the speech in question was not specifically related to a crime.

That’s their view – free speech that may incite a crime should be criminalized.

Whose free speech inspired the eco-terrorist?

From the Instapundit.


ECO-TERRORISM? Gunman who took hostages at Discovery Channel inspired by Al Gore. “Lee appears to have posted environmental and population-control demands online, saying humans are ruining the planet and that Discovery should develop programs to sound the alarm. . . . Lee said he experienced an ‘awakening’ when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth.’”

Won’t Al Gore please stop it with his extremist, eliminationist rhetoric before he inspires still more violence?

Al Gore’s speech did affect the views of the eco-terrorist. Is Al Gore’s speech to blame for this crime?

NO, I don’t think Al Gore should be blamed for inciting the eco-terrorism. The eco-terrorist is to blame for his eco-terrorism. I believe in free speech, even for eco-fascists like Al Gore. But Democrats don’t believe in free speech that is critical of their views – that’s why they banned free speech that disagrees with their views in their hate crime bill.

So what should we do to stop this from happening?

The problem with the loony left, (mainstream news media, Hollywood, unions, Democrats, non-quantitative academic departments), is that they always want to teach their view, and their view alone, in the schools. And they want to demonize anyone who disagrees with them using words like racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. They don’t to debate with the other side, because the other side is just EVIL. Not even worth listening to.

So how about we do this instead – let’s teach both sides of every issue, so that loonies like James Lee know the arguments on the other side as well as he knows the arguments on his side. Now that would be teaching tolerance and diversity. That would moderate the craziness of people on MSNBC and eco-terrorists and the UN IPCC.

More on the writings of the Al-Gore-inspired left-wing Democrat eco-terrorist at Hot Air and Michelle Malkin.

Darwinism and atheism

Evolution News takes a look at some of the eco-terrorist’s writings.

The eco-terrorist wrote:

Develop shows that mention the Malthusian sciences about how food production leads to the overpopulation of the Human race. Talk about Evolution. Talk about Malthus and Darwin until it sinks into the stupid people’s brains until they get it!!

And the eco-terrorist also wrote:

Civilization must be exposed for the filth it is. That, and all its disgusting religious-cultural roots and greed. Broadcast this message until the pollution in the planet is reversed and the human population goes down!

Is this connection a surprise?

Witness the recent examples of Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter James von Brunn, Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris, Jokela High School shooter Pekka Eric Auvinen. Historical figures who drew inspiration, if indirectly, from Darwinian theory include Charles Manson, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, Josef Mengele, and of course Adolf Hitler.

You don’t derive an ethic of love and compassion from Darwinian moral relativism and the doctrine of survival of the fittest.

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