Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Jesus was a refugee: is she right?

This meme provides a good quick response to the challenge
This meme provides a good quick response to the challenge

I keep hearing that Jesus was a refugee from people on the left like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In fact, things have gotten so bad, that even my Southern Baptist pastor told us the same thing in a recent Wednesday night Bible study! I think we better take a look at this, in case anyone else needs a response.

Fox News reports on the tweet:

U.S. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. wished her Twitter followers a Merry Christmas Tuesday by referring to the newborn Jesus as a “refugee.”

“Joy to the World!” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “Merry Christmas everyone – here’s to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)”

And here is the response, in the same article:

Mary and Joseph are not depicted as refugees in the Nativity story. According to the Gospel of Luke, Joseph brings the pregnant Mary to Bethlehem so that he may enroll in a census ordered by the Roman emperor Agustus. The couple are forced to take shelter in the stable where Jesus is born due to a lack of room at the inn.

However, in the Gospel of Matthew, Mary and Joseph flee into Egypt with the infant Jesus after King Herod of Judea orders the murder of every boy aged two and under in Bethlehem after the Magi ask him where to find the newborn “King of the Jews.” The Holy Family escape the slaughter and are told by an angel to return to Israel once Herod is dead.

The second part seems to be more like a refugee situation, until you remember that both Judea and Egypt were different states of the same Roman Empire. The strict definition of a refugee from the United Nations, recognizes persons as refugees:

“who are outside their country of nationality or habitual residence and unable to return there owing to serious and indiscriminate threats to life, physical integrity or freedom resulting from generalized violence or events seriously disturbing public order.”

Did Joseph and Mary cross national boundaries by moving from one Roman-ruled province to another? Did they cross national boundaries illegally? Did they intend to remain permanently? The answers to those questions are NO, NO and NO. So they were not refugees according to the standard meaning of the word.

People try to make the Jesus-birth narrative into an immigration situation because they want Jews and Christians to support open borders. The problem is that the Bible has a lot to say about immigration, and it doesn’t support the left’s open borders agenda.

I always find it funny when atheists on the political left want to misuse the Bible to try to get political support from Jews and Christians. It makes me wonder whether the secular leftists take the Bible seriously as an auhtority on any other issue.

Is Ocasio-Cortez willing to take Jesus seriously on marriage being defined as a commitment between one woman and one man? How about Jesus’ rejection of no-fault divorce? How about Jesus’ view of the exclusivity of salvation? I think you know where what the secular leftists would say about Jesus as an authority on those issues. Most secular leftists don’t take Jesus seriously on any issue. Many don’t even think he existed as a historical figure. But that doesn’t stop secular leftists from trying to win over religious Jews and Christians by appealing to their emotions.

What concerns me about this promotion of illegal immigration and refugees, though, is that people forget who pays the bills for all of this compassion. Ocasio-Cortez isn’t tell you what she’s going to do with HER OWN money when she promotes illegal immigration and refugees. She’s telling you what she’s going to do with YOUR money. And she’s telling you that so that you will think that she’s a very generous, compassionate person. The truth is that her supporters who click retweet and like on her stuff do that in order to communicate that they are also good and generous people.

Everyone is doing what feels good, and what makes them look good to others, but are they willing to pay for it? If Democrats had to PAY FOR the things they claim to want, then would they be in favor of those things? You need only look at the French leftists who voted for Emmanuel Macron to stop global warming, and then they rioted when he passed a gas tax that would stop global warming. Leftists shouldn’t be seen as rational people. They vote in order to feel good and look good to others. When they get what they voted for, they riot in order to get out of it. The same people who elected Ocasio-Cortez will riot against her policies once they realize that they are the ones who have to pay for what they voted for.

9 thoughts on “Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says Jesus was a refugee: is she right?”

  1. Even if Jesus was a refugee that is hardly a good argument for a national policy for open borders. There are many things that Jesus is or did that the Left wants nothing to with like chastity and loving God not the creation. Whenever non-believers try to shoehorn the Bible into their anti-God secularist worldview it nauseates me to no end and has zero effect on me to see things their way. I refuse to be manipulated by the enemies of the cross who simply want to use Jesus to justify their own desires. And it flabbergasts me that many Christians allow the Left to do this to them.


  2. I sure hope you called your SBC pastor to repentance, WK!

    And gave him a real history lesson – like perhaps the one about the SBC being founded on the backs of slaves and wrong on abortion when it counted too.


  3. Rule 1: All-Out Crazy is always wrong.

    Rule 2: If All-Out Crazy is right, see Rule 1.

    That’s all the more respect this Communist loon deserves. Remember that old phrase, “You can tell she’s lyin’, her lips are movin’ “?

    Bears repeating here.

    I end with this quote from G. Gordon Liddy:

    “A liberal is someone who feels a feat debt to society. A debt he proposes paying with your money.”


  4. You can’t even compare that society to ours. There were different kinds of citizens under Roman occupation as a jew would have seen it. The Jews commonly would see the romans as the oppressor of their nation.

    So it would be more accurate to say Jesus would be like a native that had foreigners come in and take over his land.

    I am not sure what you gain from that view but it is more accurate.

    But the far left has no interest in acknowledging that Israel ever existed as a nation, so they would never go there


  5. Simple Rule of Thumb: If a Marxist Prog makes an assertion of fact about anything, assume by default that it’s nonsense.


  6. Why is this mishap even aloud to give an opinion on this social media.
    What a world we have come to?????????


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