General Mattis: Obama covered up Iran terrorist attack on U.S. soil to save Iran deal

How far did Obama go to give Iran nuclear weapons?
How far did Obama go to give Iran nuclear weapons?

Everywhere I turn in the mainstream media, I’m told how the Obama administration was the most scandal-free administration in history. There wasn’t even a hint of corruption, according to the mainstream media. I’m beginning to think that it’s a good test of intelligence to ask a person how many Obama scandals they can name. In this post, I want to look at an Obama scandal that the media ignored.

First, let’s start with a list of Obama scandals:

  • 1. Operation Fast and Furious
  • 2. Benghazi.
  • 3. The IRS targeted conservative organizations.
  • 4. The DOJ seized Associated Press phone records as well as phone and email records from Fox News reporter James Rosen.
  • 5. The NSA conducted mass surveillance against American citizens without a warrant.
  • 6. The Obama administration paid ransom to Iran for hostages, and lied to the American people about it.
  • 7. Hillary’s email scandal.
  • 8. The Environmental Protection Agency poisoned a Colorado river.
  • 9. The EPA also broke federal law in promoting a regulation.
  • 10. The GSA scandal.
  • 11. The Secret Service scandal.

This list doesn’t even include many of the foreign policy scandals of the administration, like leaking classified information, trading a deserter for 5 senior Taliban commanders, releasing the traitor Bradley/Chelsea Manning early, etc. I mean, the list could be twice that length. But you would never know about any of these if you relied on the mainstream media, or their “fact checkers”, because they are Democrats and they lie to cover up for their party.

Here is the latest scandal, reported by the Washington Examiner:

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says he predicted years ago that Iran would escalate its provocations against the United States — and he partly blames the Obama administration’s anemic reaction to an Iranian plot to bomb a restaurant in Washington, D.C.

[…]Mattis says Washington didn’t even inform him when Iran committed an “act of war” on American soil.

[…]As Mattis writes, “Attorney General Eric Holder said the bombing plot was ‘directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Qods Force.’ The Qods were the Special Operations Force of the Revolutionary Guards, reporting to the top of the Iranian government.”

[…]“In my view, we had to hold Iran to account and strike back when attacked. But there was a reason for the administration’s restraint. The administration was secretly negotiating with Iran, although I was not privy to the details at the time.”

Those negotiations would lead to the Iran nuclear deal, signed in 2015. Mattis is critical of the agreement, which President Trump withdrew from last year. “In my military judgment, America had undertaken a poorly calculated, long-shot gamble. At the same time, the administration was lecturing our Arab friends that they had to accommodate Iran as if it were a moderate neighbor in the region and not an enemy committed to their destruction,” Mattis writes. “As long as its leaders consider Iran less a nation-state than a revolutionary cause, Iran will remain a terrorist threat potentially more dangerous than Al Qaeda or ISIS.”

So, Obama covered for a terrorist attack attempted by Iran against a U.S. ally on U.S. soil.But that’s not the only time that Obama covered for Iran in order to save his Iran deal.

Here is another one, reported by the far-left New York Post:

The Obama administration stymied a sprawling investigation into the terror group Hezbollah — and its highly lucrative drug- trafficking networks — to protect the Iran nuclear deal, according to a bombshell report.

A team at the Drug Enforcement Administration had been working for almost a decade to bring down the Iran-backed militant organization’s sophisticated $1 billion-a-year drug ring, which laundered money and smuggled cocaine into the United States, Politico reported.

But the departments of Justice and Treasury repeatedly undermined agents’ efforts to arrest and prosecute key members of the criminal network — because the Obama White House feared upsetting Tehran ahead of the nuclear agreement, according to Politico.

Former Treasury official Katherine Bauer even admitted in little-noticed testimony to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs last February that “under the Obama administration . . . these [Hezbollah-related] investigations were tamped down for fear of rocking the boat with Iran and jeopardizing the nuclear deal.”

In my opinion, Obama made the Iran deal happen because he wanted to send $1.7 billion in cash to Iran to help them to develop nuclear weapons that they could then use against their enemy Israel. And that’s the foreign policy that every single Democrat voter voted for when they voted for him in 2008 and again in 2012. They believed in destroying Israel and they paid a terrorist-sponsoring, drug-smuggling nation to do their dirty work for them. Hitler would have been proud.

3 thoughts on “General Mattis: Obama covered up Iran terrorist attack on U.S. soil to save Iran deal”

  1. I used to think no one could be worse than Carter or Clinton. Then we got Obama. If one of the currently crazy leftists wins in 2020 ( I don’t think they will) it will be worse than Obama. Let that sink in.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I think this Iran deal was to release some people that was being held in Iran. One person who Obama apparently did not work on getting released was covert CIA operative, Robert Levinson. I read about his plight in Missing Man by Barry Meier. He is still missing and presumed held by Iran.


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