Scott Klusendorf: 10 Things You Should Know about Abortion

Unborn Baby - 10 weeks old
Unborn Baby – 10 weeks old

Here are the 10 things:

  1. Pro-life advocates present a formal case for their position.
  2. A pro-life advocate can defend that syllogism in 1 minute or less.
  3. That abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being is conceded by many who perform and defend the practice.
  4. The Bible is pro-life even if the word “abortion” does not appear.
  5. The Bible’s alleged silence on abortion does not mean that its authors condoned the practice.
  6. Preaching on abortion is not a distraction from the Great Commission responsibilities of the local church, but integral to it.
  7. The pro-life position does not rely on personal perspectives.
  8. Pro-life Christians tell a better equality story.
  9. Abortion-victim photography changes the narrative.
  10. The remedy for post-abortion guilt is not avoidance. It’s forgiveness.

I have to share #6 here:

6. Preaching on abortion is not a distraction from the Great Commission responsibilities of the local church, but integral to it.

P1: In the Great Commission, Christ charged the church to go make disciples.
P2: The way we make disciples is to “teach them to obey” his commands.
P3: One of those commands is that we are not to shed innocent blood.
P4: Abortion is the shedding of innocent blood.
C: Therefore, preaching on abortion relates to the Great Commission responsibilities of the local church.

There is more to spiritual leadership than just fussing about Bible verses, prayers, Bible studies, and other private, pious feelings-oriented things. To make a disciple of a person, you have to teach them right and wrong persuasively. Abortion is one of those issues that we are confronting today. People spiritualize spiritual leadership, but it’s more practical than just having feelings.

You should read all 10 points – it’s a short article, and well worth your time.

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