Federal judge blocks release of future sting videos of Planned Parenthood

Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood
Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood

The Stream has the story.


A federal judge on Friday blocked the release of any recordings made at meetings of an abortion providers’ association by an anti-abortion group that previously revealed secretly recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood leader.

Judge William Orrick in San Francisco issued a temporary restraining order against the Center for Medical Progress hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation.

[…]David Daleiden, a leader of the Center for Medical Progress who is also named in the suit, said in a statement that Planned Parenthood and its allies were trying to silence the group and suppress investigative journalism.

“The Center for Medical Progress follows all applicable laws in the course of our investigative journalism work and will contest all attempts from Planned Parenthood and their allies to silence our First Amendment rights,” he said.

The order is effective immediately, the hearing is scheduled for Monday August 3rd. Full text of the restraining order is up at The Federalist.

Twitchy had some information about the judge:

Judge Orrick, a “huge Democratic donor” and bundler for President Obama, was appointed by President Obama to the bench after a recommendation from Planned-Parenthood cheerleader Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Orrick’s judgeship was approved by the Senate in 2013 after a lengthy confirmation battle by a vote of 56-41, with GOP Senators Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) voting to confirm.

The wife of the judge is a huge abortion supporter.

I wasn’t really sure what to make of this order by the judge – will we really not see any more Planned Parenthood sting videos?

But Jay Richards tweeted the Stream story that I linked to three times with three dismissive comments:

Jay Richards is not convinced
Jay Richards is not convinced

So that’s good news for us who would like to see these videos released. I would really like the American people to know that the people who perform abortions are not good people, and they are not doing these procedures to be nice. It’s all about the money.

6 thoughts on “Federal judge blocks release of future sting videos of Planned Parenthood”

  1. This is the beauty of the internet – its like a hydra. You can chop off as many visible heads as you like, but there will always be someone else to upload a video or make a comment. Under another country’s jurisdiction perhaps or under a different identity etc. They can attempt to silence criticism, but they won’t succeed. Besides, who is seriously going to abide by such an evil and pernicious judgement?


    1. “Besides, who is seriously going to abide by such an evil and pernicious judgement?”

      Especially when the first of our government protected rights is freedom of speech.


  2. I’m trying to grasp just how Orwellian this situation is. A judge tells a group they can’t release a video they produced. Aside from the impracticality of the order (what’s to stop them from giving it to another person to release?), what if this had been a newspaper? Would they honestly try to shut them down, too? Will they start ordering newspapers not to print stories about it?

    I don’t think we’re that far away from that.


  3. Well, they are deliberately taking steps to silence any opposition kind of like a little kid who thinks he can hide all his report cards to hide his bad grades only to be unable to stop their parent from answering their teachers phone call.


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