American Atheists PR Director announces he wants to be a woman

Story from the Christian Post.


Dave Muscato, the public relations director for American Atheists, has announced that he’ll be transitioning into a transgender woman in the near future, and has chosen the name Danielle as a new identity.

“I consider my gender identity to be personal and, despite my passion for PR, don’t intend to do much in the way of interviews about my personal gender identity if I can help it. I fully support intersectionality and working together with LGBTQ activists on mutual goals, but I’m first and foremost an atheist activist, and that hasn’t changed,” Muscato wrote in a blog post on Monday for The Friendly Atheist.

“There are many other people who are significantly more educated about trans activism than I am and who are already doing great work in that area. I support them and obviously have an interest in their success, but it’s not my area of expertise. Exposing the harms that religion causes and making the world a better place for atheists will always be my passion.”

Muscato noted that she’s (formerly he) grateful for the full support of American Atheists President David Silverman and Managing Director Amanda Knief, as well as other co-workers.

Muscato added that gender identity and gender expression don’t always go hand-in-hand.

“While I have identified internally as a woman for a long time, for now, I will be presenting more-or-less as a man; that is, I will continue to wear mostly traditional men’s clothing, speak in my natural lower voice, and so on,” the American Atheists public relations director wrote.

“Transitioning is a slow, painful, and expensive process and can take many months to several years. As I begin to take bigger steps to change my appearance, I will also begin dressing differently and changing other aspects of my gender expression.

American Atheists, one of the largest secular organizations in the U.S., launched the world’s first ever TV channel dedicated exclusively to atheism earlier this year.

“Atheist TV,” as the channel is called, is shown through Internet-streaming service Roku 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and has partnered with other notable atheist groups, such as the Richard Dawkins Foundation.

“There’s a glut of religious TV programming out there, from televangelists to Christmas specials,” Muscato told New York Daily News in May. “But there’s no atheist channel. We wanted to fill that void. … We’ll have shows about philosophy, science, history — a critical examination of the facts.”

His new biography on the American Atheists page says he is “a former Christian praise & worship musician”. As if I wasn’t suspicious of them enough already! Ha ha.

So I think the take-away lesson here is that although atheists like to portray themselves are being motivated by reason, it’s not generally the truth, in my experience.

After all, we live in a created universe that is fine-tuned for complex embodied life. Those are the facts. We have evidence for intelligent causes at the origin of life and in the Cambrian explosion. More facts. Our galaxy, solar system and planet support intelligent life, even though most possible galaxies, solar systems and planets do not have what it takes to support life – and that’s an understatement. Facts again. So when a person claims to be an atheist after being presented with these facts, it’s not reason that is causing them to stay an atheist. It’s something else. And it’s not reason that causes them to spend so much time and effort trying to get rid of God, and objective moral values and duties. It’s something else.

10 thoughts on “American Atheists PR Director announces he wants to be a woman”

  1. Reblogged this on Will S.' Culture War Blog and commented:
    Hates God and the way God made him; denies both…

    Makes sense, in a diabolical fashion…

    How interesting, that he is an ex-evangelical, a former ‘Christian praise & worship musician’. Hmmm…


  2. People in the modern world seem to have terrible issues with commitment. I don’t mean to sound snarky, but sheesh, people go from music and worship leader to militant atheist? People these days can’t even seem to make a commitment to their own gender and it’s not even as if that commitment is hard! You’re born with it! It’s so easy, a baby can do it.

    Also you’ll have to forgive this bit of female chauvinism here, but being female is a bit more complex then taking a few hormone shots or having a surgery! Something that surprises me is how this demeaning and diminishing of womanhood doesn’t annoy more women. It annoys me! This guy will receive great sympathy for his “painful transition” amounting to a few months, while some of us receive no sympathy at all for having spent nearly half a century trying to learn womanhood ;)


  3. So is he critiquing his beloved Darwinian evolution? I mean, it is what made him who he is, right? How could it have gone so wrong?! Seriously, I hope he comes to his senses before mutilating himself. Trans regret is a huge problem for these sad people.


    1. Good point. I thought these guys think that we’re just gene producing machines. He’s xy and that’s the facts and science. Wouldn’t the honest thing be to say that his brain is malfunctioning?


  4. Facts, facts, facts, WK – that’s “all” you have! :-) If a-theists want to believe that the universe miraculously popped into existence out of nothing uncaused by anything, that life magically sprang forth when lightning hit some mud, and that minds and morals evolved from molecules through monkeys, we should respect their desire to be left in their myths, fairy tales, and bedtime stories. (Assuming they have been Gospel-ed up in an apologetic manner, of course.)

    I found this statement of his-hers-whatever quite telling: “…and making the world a better place for atheists will always be my passion.” Gosh, I’m a Christian, and my passion is to make the world a better place for ALL people, not just Christians or a-theists. How limited is the ambition of the common a-theist! Perhaps this is why we don’t see many Freedom-From-Thought Hospitals, There-Is-No-God-and-I-Hate-Him Homeless Shelters, etc?


  5. I knew him when we were both students at Mizzou. I haven’t been on Facebook lately so I didn’t even realize he made that decision.


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