Report: UK woman had four abortions before age 16 – the age of consent

From the UK Daily Mail.


A British schoolgirl had four abortions before her 16th birthday, new figures today revealed.

The unnamed teenager, who underwent her fourth termination in 2012, is among more than 200 under-16s to have had repeat abortions in the past three years.

Shockingly, a further five of these girls had three abortions

It comes amid concern that terminations are being used by teenagers as an alternative form of contraception.

In 2011, a total of 84 under-16s had abortions for a second time or more, according to the Department of Health figures obtained by The Sun.

The total rose to 89 out of 2,925 under-16s to have abortions in 2012, but fell to 68 of 2,538 girls last year.

Last night, Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, said too many teenagers were having sex without thinking about the consequences.

‘Too many are being taught that they have a right to sex without consequences and are free to dispose of any unborn child that threatens their lifestyle,’ he said.

Last year, 185,331 British women of all age groups had terminations. Of these, 50 were treated for a staggering nine abortions of more.

This is a good story to send to the safe, legal and rare crowd. How exactly do you make something rare when you make it safe, legal and free? When you force other people to subsidize it.

17 thoughts on “Report: UK woman had four abortions before age 16 – the age of consent”

  1. It comes amid concern that terminations are being used by teenagers as an alternative form of contraception.

    Uh…. how about concerns about “termination” being part of a pattern of covering up child abuse?

    If she had 4 abortions before she was 16, then it’s most likely she was 11 or 12 for the first one.

    Even if she managed to only have, oh, four months between abortions– it’s theoretically possible, I do know folks who got pregnant within a month of giving birth– there’s still the problem of the whole “before she is old enough to legally have sex” thing, which means that the abortions were destroying evidence of a sex crime. (that is, the poor kid who had the misfortune of being genetically related to the rapist)


  2. I keep interacting with people from the UK who talk about how “great” their NHS is. Well, I guess if you want free abortions, it is quite good. Really, the UK is in such spiritual darkness right now, it is incredible. And the US is right on its heels.


    1. Ironically most abortions in the UK are done privately; the NHS finds it hard to do anything with less than a year‘s waiting list….


      1. I should have noted that the NHS pays for most of the privately performed abortions. They tend not to be so generous for getting cancer treatment at a private hospital.


          1. No, old people vote in much higher proportions. Killing off babies, however, is a money-save for the welfare state. Also, women who have abortions are the feminists of the future. Fight to keep off the guilt! This is all so sad and sick in so many ways.


  3. Reblogged this on Will S.' Culture War Blog and commented:
    When others have to subsidize it, indeed it won’t be rare; it’ll be increasingly commonplace…

    If someone has to pay out of pocket, it will almost certainly be rarer…

    Progs not only want the right to abortions, contraception, etc.; they want everyone, including those who oppose it, to pay. “F—ing is an entitlement” is their creed.


  4. if a woman wants an abortion it’s fine my me. however, i don’t want to pay for it. i’m already paying for far too many things i don’t want to pay for. you know things have gone around the bend when a child can get an abortion and the doctor is forbidden from telling her parents of the sad deed.


    1. “if a woman wants an abortion it’s fine m[b]y me.” John, I hope that I can say this respectfully, but it shouldn’t be fine by you – if indeed there is an innocent human being killed in the process. I am pretty sure that you wouldn’t say the same thing about owning black people or men having sex with 8 year old boys or killing off Jews and such. Those were all personal “choices” as well. God bless you, John!


  5. Please don’t allow yourselves to be fooled by what Leftists say. In my humble observation everything that comes out of their mouths is false. Without the lies they tell (and tell themselves) their entire world would come crashing down.

    The key to understanding Leftists is to take everything they say and do the following: If they are accusing someone else of something, they are actually projecting their own emotions and actions on others. (e.g. You’re a racist….means the speaker is a racist.)

    When they are telling you what they want, this is a lie…take the exact opposite of what they say and that’s what they really want. (e.g. “We want abortions to be safe and rare”…this is a lie. Look at the results of their actions and it is clear they don’t care about medical safety re: abortions (See “Dr.” Kermit Gosnell) and they want them to be available “on demand”.)


    1. This is spot-on, L! As a former liberal anti-Christian (I mean, a-theist, I mean agnostic non-theist, I mean…) I can attest to this from both worldviews (which happen to be highly correlated). Recently, I had a Lefty a-theist spew some hatred my way about how I had to provide evidence and not feelings. It turned out to be self-refuting as I HAD provided evidence, while he had supplied none yet with ample feelings! When I pointed this out to him, I suddenly heard the sound of crickets coming through my computer. :-) It took me a moment to understand where he was coming from, but your word “projection” actually fits rather nicely. I will have to use that word in the future. Thanks!


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