Alvin Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism

Here’s the link at First Things. (H/T ECM)


Although Darwin admits he wasn’t much of an abstract thinker, he could not shake the “inward conviction” that “the Universe is not the result of chance.” Unlike many who followed after him, he appears to have intuitively understood the paradox of combining naturalism with evolutionary theory: If evolution is a non-teleological process, it undercuts our ability to trust that we can form true beliefs and convictions.

To have trustworthy convictions, we have to have properly functioning noetic equipment (i.e., a brain, spinal cord, sensory apparatus, etc., that recognize reality). But can a strictly materialistic, non-teleological, evolutionary process produce such reliable equipment? The philosopher Alvin Plantinga, one of the greatest thinkers of our era, thinks the answer is “no.” Although his argument is too complex and tightly argued to be adequately summarized, the basic outline of his case shows his point to be all but incontrovertible.

Plantinga claims, not that evolution is untrue, but that the truth of evolution is incompatible with the truth of naturalism. “As far as I can see, God certainly could have used Darwinian processes to create the living world and direct it as he wanted to go,” he argues. “Hence evolution as such does not imply that there is no direction in the history of life.”

What does imply that life is not directed, he adds, is not evolutionary theory itself, but the theory of unguided evolution: the idea that “neither God nor any other person has taken a hand in guiding, directing, or orchestrating the course of evolution.” For our purposes, we’ll call this view “evolutionary naturalism.”

Evolutionary naturalism assumes that our noetic equipment developed as it did because it had some survival value or reproductive advantage. Unguided evolution does not select for belief except insofar as the belief improves the chances of survival. The truth of a belief is irrelevant, as long as it produces an evolutionary advantage.

If you want to hear Plantinga giving a lecture on this same argument live on a university campus, click here.


In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Oregon State University in January 1996, Professor Alvin Plantinga presents an evolutionary argument against naturalism. In a complex, but important philosophical argument, he argues that it is not rational to accept belief in naturalism and evolution, because such beliefs provide no rational basis for trusting our cognitive faculties.

Or you can watch the videos that I posted a while back.

The argument first appeared in his book “Warrant and Proper Function“, published by Oxford University Press in 1993. It should be noted that Plantinga is a Calvinist, a supporter of middle knowledge, and has lent some support to intelligent design. In his latter years, he has turned feisty, and writes snarky things to confound atheists.

6 thoughts on “Alvin Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism”

  1. There is no ‘theory of guided evolution’. The whole point of Darwin’s theory is that guidance is otiose. ‘God did it’ isn’t even a theory. A theory would describe *how* and *when* and *where* God did it, the same as a theory that alien bioengineers did it.


    1. When Plantinga says that, he means God-guided evolution – where God actively guides it. But this would not be Darwinism, because Darwinism is naturalistic and random. Note: I am a progressive creationist.


  2. WK,
    How does Plantinga reconcile Calvinism and middle knowledge? Most Calvinists would cry foul on this, I suspect, but I do recall Ken Keathley mentioning Bruce Ware entertaining the thought of integrating middle knowledge into his theology.


    1. He accepts Calvinism as the specification and he thinks that middle knowledge as the implementation of the specification. I.e. – he thinks that God is sovereign and that man is responsible, and that these two competing goals are reconciled by middle knowledge. He is a Dutch Calvinist.


      1. Hmm. Sounds so much like Molinism. Would you recommend anything in particular that fairly explains the difference between Plantinga’s position and Molinism.


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