GREAT NEWS! Lebanon elects anti-Syrian coalition!

Wow! This is the best news I’ve heard all week!

Yahoo news reports: (H/T My Dad)

An anti-Syrian coalition defeated Hezbollah in Lebanon’s parliamentary election on Sunday in a blow to Syria and Iran and a boost to the United States.

…Lebanon’s rival camps are at odds over Hezbollah’s guerrilla force, which outguns the Lebanese army, and ties with Syria, which dominated Lebanon for three decades until 2005.

…The United States, which lists Hezbollah as a terrorist group, has linked future aid to Lebanon to the shape and policies of the next government. Hezbollah, which says it must keep its arms to deter Israel, is part of the outgoing cabinet.

The anti-Syrian coalition has enjoyed firm backing from many Western countries since the 2005 assassination of Hariri’s father Rafik al-Hariri.

The coalition took power in an election following Hariri’s killing, but struggled to govern in the face of a sometimes violent conflict with Hezbollah and its allies.

This good news follows on the good news of India’s election results, which I reported on here.

3 thoughts on “GREAT NEWS! Lebanon elects anti-Syrian coalition!”

  1. The Lebanese have proven (thank God) that they have more sense than their Arab brethren in the West Bank/Gaza.


  2. I honestly wasn’t expecting this. However, this doesn’t prove stabilization is at hand. There will more than likely be some resistance from Hez and their masters. I just hope the will of the people prove stronger. It is time for those people to enjoy peace and prosperity for a change.


    1. I wasn’t expecting this either. Did you hear that Spain also won? I’m about to blog on it right now!

      I’m so happy for Lebanon and India! I hope that the people throw Hezbollah and Syria out of Lebanon.


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