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CBO: Biden plan to subsidize health care for illegal immigrants costs billions

If there is one thing that secular leftists believe in, it’s the need to feel good about themselves by spending other people’s money. They don’t want to give their own money to others. They want to give your money to others, and then feel good about it. And they want everyone to know how generous they are, too, with your money. And your children’s money.

Here’s the latest from Daily Caller:

The Biden administration’s plan to open Obamacare enrollment to DACA recipients will add billions to the national deficit, a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report found.

Roughly 110,000 illegal immigrants on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will sign up for Obamacare, adding about $7 billion to the federal deficit over the 2025-2034 period, according to an analysis released Monday by the CBO. The new estimate comes after President Joe Biden said he would change the rules to Obamacare to make DACA recipients eligible.

If the tax credits are made permanent, then the bill will be $9 billion:

The CBO predicts that DACA recipients enrolling in subsidized coverage would increase by 140,000, making the final cost of the new rule around $9 billion, if these tax credits are made permanent.

Who is going to pay for all this spending? You are paying for it right now, in the higher prices of goods and services. And your children will be paying for it – they are not going to have the standard of living and prosperity that you have today.

That’s the price of electing leaders who believe that they can be generous by spending other people’s money, instead of their own money.

Daily Caller also reminded us of this:

Biden announced an executive order last week giving amnesty to well over half a million illegal immigrants in the country who are married to U.S. citizens, a move that critics have panned as another incentive for illegal immigration amid an ongoing border crisis.

Canada has been importing millions of unskilled immigrants since they elected an unqualified, uneducated socialist. The result for taxpayers is a disaster. Higher taxes, more spending on social programs and policing, skyrocketing inflation. And shortages of education, health care and housing. That’s what happens when you import millions of people who use more in services than they pay in taxes. We should learn from their mistakes.

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