FBI and ERLC wanted to cover-up anti-Christian motives of LGBT terrorist

The manifesto of the transgender terrorist who shot up a Christian school in Nashville has finally been released, despite the efforts of the Biden administration and the ERLC.

Here’s the latest from the UK Daily Mail:

Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her ‘imaginary penis’ and how she would ‘kill’ to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

The Tennessee Star obtained some four dozen pages of Hale’s writings that shed light on her female-to-male transition and why she shot and killed six people at the elementary school in March 2023.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

The explosive writings, sometimes referred to as Hale’s ‘manifesto,’ have been a source of controversy, with many accusing officials of keeping them secret because they would hurt the trans community.

Now released, they help explain why the 28-year-old artist, who identified as a male named Aiden, shot her way into the Tennessee school, killing three adults and three nine-year-olds, before responding officers killed her.

A big Democrat city and the Democrat Biden federal law enforcement opposed the release of the shooter’s manifesto:

After the shooting, Nashville’s Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake said his force had recovered the shooter’s manifesto, as well as hand-drawn maps in her car, and said they would eventually be made public.

But both city police and the FBI later said the material shouldn’t be released because it could hurt the investigations.

But they could not escape the investigative efforts of the conservative Tennessee Star:

The Star and others have been part of a lawsuit seeking to compel the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) and the FBI to release Hale’s writings.

The FBI reportedly advised the MNPD not to release them and other ‘legacy tokens’ in the wake of mass shootings.

Daily Wire had more to say: (archived)

So there’s nothing political in the manifesto, according to the director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. There’s nothing coherent at all, except maybe a desire to emulate school shooters. That’s what they told us, and if you asked questions — as you just saw — the media labeled you a conspiracy theorist. But at the same time, they wouldn’t let us see the manifesto for ourselves. That was a pretty big clue that they were lying to us. And indeed, once again thanks to the Tennessee Star, we have the proof.

[…]You know that’s a lie because the FBI’s failure to release the manifesto is what led to false narratives, as you just saw. Without the manifesto, the media was free to lie to us — and pretend that there was no relation whatsoever between the shooter’s transgender identity and the killings. But in fact, there was a clear relationship. This shooter was clearly enraged about the fact she couldn’t be a man. Joe Biden’s DOJ understands that this kind of revelation might be a set back for the White House’s narrative, so they just covered it up. They told you that the “trans community” was in danger instead.

In a country where the government actually cared about the well-being of its own citizens, and felt the slightest need to be honest with them, this would be a national scandal. The FBI director and the senior leadership of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation would all be fired immediately, at a minimum. But our government instead lies as a matter of course — and they’re not subtle about it. That’s why the government’s narrative about the Tennessee shooter is just one of several mainstream lies, cooked up by the government and promoted by the media, that we’re only learning about this week.

If you’re looking for a good conservative news source, you might want to check out the Tennessee Star. They stayed on the case and finally got us the information, despite the efforts of the secular leftists to cover up the details of a terrorist attack against conservative Christians.

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