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LGBT activist charged with committing sex crimes against children

It’s pretty late here, so I just have time to cut and paste an excerpt from a Life Site News story. I like to blog on these so that I have them handy in case it comes up in a debate. I often debate with atheists who assure me that they have a very strong, objective moral foundation for morality. Then I look at their voting, and they vote for laws to normalize this sort of behavior. And cheer for it.

Full text:

The longtime president of a British Columbia LGBT activist group has been arrested and charged with committing various sex crimes against children.

On January 1, North Peace Pride Society (NPPS) president Sean Gravells was arrested and charged with committing sexual crimes against children, according to the British Columbia Prosecution Service.

“The BC Prosecution Service can confirm that Sean Edward Leonard Gravells is charged with sexual interference, sexual exploitation, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography,” BC Prosecution Service Communications Counsel Daniel McLaughlin told LifeSiteNews.

“The first two offences are alleged to have occurred on December 29, 2023 and the child pornography offenses are alleged to have occurred on December 31, 2023,” he added. “All at or near Fort St. John, BC.”

According to McLaughlin, Gravells made his first appearance on January 1, 2024, before being released from custody on $2,000 bail. Gravells is expected to return to court on January 29 for an arraignment hearing.

The NPPS announced Gravells’ dismissal in a January 5 Facebook post, but their official statement notably neglected to mention the nature of his crimes or that it was their president of 18 years who had been charged.

Instead, the LGBT organization merely referred to the charges as “severe charges inconsistent with the North Peace Pride Society’s mission and code of conduct.”

Additionally, Gravells was referred to as “one of our board members,” not as the group’s president.

The group’s neglect to recount the details of the situation comes as the LGBT movement is increasingly encouraging children to attend LGBT “pride” parades and promoting the LGBT agenda in schools.

For example, the Toronto “pride” parade this past June featured nudist men and performers dressed in grotesquely sexual costumes, causing many to question why police did not prevent the public displays of indecency, especially since many children were in attendance.

I’m sure that some atheists reading will say “this is wonderful, I’m proud of him!” and “that’s some solid objective morality right there, rationally-grounded!” and “this is why I vote for the Democrat party!” and “I told you that pride, diversity, and tolerance were better than nasty Christian morality and judging!” I hope the atheists will understand that I am a bit skeptical of their ability to rationally ground objective morality.

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