J.P. Moreland asks: does truth matter when choosing a religion?

Dr. J.P. Moreland
Dr. J.P. Moreland

This lecture contains Moreland’s famous “Wonmug” illustration. Ah, memories! If you don’t know who Wonmug is, you can find out in this lecture.

The MP3 file is here.


  • Is it intolerant to think that one religion is true?
  • Is it more important to be loving and accepting of people regardless of worldview?
  • How should Christians approach the question of religious pluralism?
  • How does a person choose a religion anyway?
  • Who is Wonmug, and would you like to be like Wonmug?
  • Is it enough that a belief “works for you”, or do you want to believe the truth?
  • Can all the religions in the world be true?
  • Is it wise to pick and choose what you like from all the different religions?
  • Is it possible to investigate which religion is true? How?
  • Which religions are testable for being true or false?
  • How you can test Christianity historically (very brief)

I’m posting this, because I’ve noticed that there’s an awful lot of cultural Christianity in red states. Basically, if you ask someone if they are a Christian, and they say yes, they don’t usually mean that they think it’s true and that they’ve investigated whether it’s true. They usually just mean that they like it, or it makes them feel good, or that’s how they were raised, etc. My worry about this is that if Christianity isn’t adopted because it’s true, then no one is going to do any work or self-sacrifice for it. And I think that Christianity won’t survive the challenges of the secular culture if parents and pastors don’t understand that Christianity will require work, if it’s going to be presented to people as TRUE in a persuasive way.

Why is truth important? People are willing to invest in projects self-sacrificially if they think that they are involved in something true. So, you might enroll in a chemistry program in college because you expect to come out with true beliefs about chemistry. You’ll do the work and solve the problems because you think that chemistry is real. But if you think that chemistry is just made up nonsense with no use at all, you’re probably not going to work at it and sacrifice for it. You’ll probably just find something else to do with your life that’s easier and more fun. That’s why the truth question is really important.

11 thoughts on “J.P. Moreland asks: does truth matter when choosing a religion?”

  1. Truth also answers important societal topics. A fetus is a human created in the image of God or it isn’t. It doesn’t depend on someone’s feelings.

    If you are weak on truth, all topics become open to a matter of opinion and what is true for you at the moment.


  2. I love J.P. Moreland. I’m currently reading his book “Scientism and Secularism.” I highly recommend anything, J.P. Moreland. I remember in one lecture (maybe this one) he said he was a “mystic.” The audience (mostly college-age) roared laughing.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t mind reading a paper book, but I don’t like having to have more and more shelving space to put them. I’ve been slowly converting all my important books (especially for Bible study) over to a digital platform. My favorite bible software is Logos. I have a sliver level library with Logos. I’m buying more book via Kindle.

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    1. I’m currently intending on getting a Kindle copy of that next paycheck! I recommend also his book “Kingdom Triangle” for any of you on understanding the truth and power of Christianity in culture, society, and in the Church.

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  3. Bible software is pretty amazing. I love paper books but if you don’t have easy access to a theological library, it is crazy expensive and requires a ton of space to hold all the necessary books to do a good textual analysis. Vs having it in digital form.

    Only a few specific books so I still tend to prefer the bound version. Mainly if it is not a multivolume set

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Why is truth important? Because believing the following lies brings the following results:

    1. Blacks aren’t really human.
    Result : Four million people enslaved for centuries and 600,000 dead Americans in a civil war.
    2. Jews aren’t really human.
    Result: Six million Jews murdered in the most destructive war in human history.
    3. The unborn aren’t really human.
    Result: Sixty million Americans (and counting) murdered in the name of convenience.
    4. Men and women are exactly the same (gay marriage).
    Result: The oldest institution in the world (marriage) destroyed overnight.
    5. Kids don’t need a dad growing up (welfare).
    Result: The black family in America nearly destroyed after centuries of cohesion, with the murder and crime rate among blacks skyrocketing.
    6. Tolerance means no hurt feelings.
    Result: The First Amendment nearly destroyed in public schools and universities.
    And on and on and on.

    Truth is whatever corresponds to reality. AND YOU’D BETTER BELIEVE IT MATTERS.


  5. J.P. Moreland is my go-to Christian philosopher. Not only do we share the same denominational setting (Pentecostalism), but I find most of his insights to be very true and simplistic in a beautiful kinda way.

    I think this lecture and study will help people differentiate between true and fake Christians. I even made a post on my blog that goes over this. I fear that in this generation with Red States and all, we have more nominal Christians than true followers of Christ who constantly deny their flesh.

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