Jennifer Roback Morse lectures on sex and sexuality at Harvard University

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

Dr. Morse delivers a talk based on her book “Smart Sex” at Harvard University.

The MP3 file is here. (21 Mb) (Link in case that doesn’t work)


  • the hook-up culture and its effects on men and women
  • cohabitation and its effect on marriage stability
  • balancing marriage, family and career
  • single motherhood by choice and IVF
  • donor-conceived children
  • modern sex: a sterile, recreation activity
  • the real purposes of sex: procreation and spousal unity
  • the hormone oxytocin: when it is secreted and what it does
  • the hormone vassopressin: when it is secreted and what it does
  • the sexual revolution and the commoditization of sex
  • the consumer view of sex vs the organic view of sex
  • fatherlessness and multi-partner fertility
  • how the “sex-without-relationship” view harms children

52 minutes of lecture, 33 minutes of Q&A from the Harvard students. The Q&A is worth listening to – the first question is from a gay student, and Dr. Morse pulls a William Lane Craig to defeat her objection. It was awesome! I never get tired of listening to her talk, and especially on the topics of marriage and family.

4 thoughts on “Jennifer Roback Morse lectures on sex and sexuality at Harvard University”

  1. ‘the real purposes of sex: procreation and spousal unity’

    Bishop Fulton Sheen did of talks about sex in the 60s-70s. In fact he made an important distinction I noticed…the real purpose he called the ‘marital act’. The pursuit of your own lusts he called ‘sex’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It has to do with a society that only wants instant gratifications and baser pleasure, over discipline, self restraint, and accountability! Just do whatever feels good regardless of how it affects others is the order of the day!

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  2. At least someone else agrees this new “any family is a real family” hook up culture set up is bringing society down the drain morally and ethically! What is “co-parenting” today once upon a time was just “parenting” like every family did! Marriage was once valued as a life long commitment, not dating 2.0! Children weren’t brainwashed in broken homes with daughters growing up to resent men and sons becoming weak and feminized by their single mothers! Women who thought sex was a milestone, and not just a handout to any man who passes! etc. etc….

    In high school, a bitter teacher who hated her husband and resented her children said that women ought to develop self-fertilization so they could choose voluntary single motherhood to not “need a man”. I was the only one who spoke up criticizing the idea, but all my brainwashed classmates from broken homes thought the idea was fine and dandy! 24 against 1! I stood my ground, but it goes to show the extent the traditional family is devalued in favor of feel good politically correct platitudes! All at the expense of our children and every future generation raised by our brainwashed generation! Whatever happened to the life long marriages like many of our grandparents had? I consider myself so fortunate to have grown up in a legacy of life long marriages for generations on both sides of my family. The normalization of divorce, broken homes, fatherless children, sex out of wedlock, single parents by choice and such is its own modern “parade of horribles” in my mind!


  3. 12 years ago I have had the pleasure of meeting and having dinner with Dr. Morse and her husband Dr. Morse (he’s a rocket surgeon). Wonderful folks and I would love another chance to sit down and chat and catch up with them

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