Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration opposes Gang of Eight amnesty bill

Breitbart News reports on a new evangelical group that opposes the Senate’s amnesty bill.


On Friday, Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration, an informal group of well-respected evangelical Christians announced its opposition to the Gang of Eight immigration bill. The group, recently organized by Kelly Monroe Kullberg, founder of the Veritas Forum and co-author and editor of Finding God at Harvard, featured a letter written to members of Congress by Kullberg outlining the Biblical principles on which opposition to the bill is based on its website and Facebook page.

The Gang of 8 bill, Kullberg writes in her letter, “is flawed to the point of being unworkable. Please, scrap it and start over.” She writes that “as a citizen in the Heartland, I have a simple request of the Senate: Please stop. Please, no more surprises. Rather, rebuild our trust.”

“There seems to be great confusion about what the bill means and how it will be implemented,” she argues. “Rushing to a vote, once again, is not wise.”

Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration’s opposition to the Gang of Eight bill comes just two weeks after a George Soros-backed group, the Evangelical Immigration Table, launched a $250,000 media campaign in support of the bill’s passage.

But Kullberg wants the Senate to know that American citizens “are not willing to ‘pass the bill so that [we] can find out what is in it.’ We The People never were willing to act so immorally, so foolishly, and certainly not now,” she writes. “This is no time for another mystery bill that will forever change the nation we love and have the duty to steward.”

“Our future,” Kullberg argues, “should not be shaped by those who break laws but by those who keep laws. Let’s learn to care for both the citizen and the foreigner, and do this wisely with no surprises. Another ‘Obamacare’ will break our back as a nation.”

You can read a letter that Kelly wrote about the immigration bill.

It’s nice to see a group of authentic evangelicals stepping up to make clear what the Bible says about immigration.

But what about the fake Soros-funded “Evangelical Immigration Table” group?

Breitbart News explains more about them:

Lynne Hybels… has become a national voice for the front group for the George Soros funded National Immigration Forum, a leading advocate for the crony capitalist laden Schumer-Rubio “Gang of Eight” immigration bill.

Ms. Hybels was not only featured at a Thursday press conference at which the front group, Evangelical Immigration Table, announced the launch of a $250,000 ad campaign designed to pressure members of Congress to vote in favor of the “Gang of Eight” bill, she provides the narrative voice on one of the national radio advertisements included in the campaign. You can hear her make the case for her understanding of immigration reform here  Note that Ms. Hybels also states the disclaimer at the end of the ad “paid for by the Evangelical Immigration Table. ”

However, Breitbart News reported on Sunday that the Evangelical Immigration Table does not exist as a legal entity.  On Monday, Breitbart News reported that “Evangelicals Mislead on Funding of Immigration Ads.” Though the ads that are now airing in 13 states contain a disclaimer that they are paid for by the Evangelical Immigration Table, however, the ads were actually paid for by the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum.

Lynne Hybels blogs at the leftist Sojourners blog. Sojourners is the group run by Jim Wallis, that also accepts massive donations from the atheist George Soros. Her husband Bill Hybels introduced Barack Obama at a speech. Lynne Hybels has previously worked for the pro-infanticide, pro-gay-marriage Barack Obama as a member of his outreach team to faith-based community groups. The Soros-backed pro-amnesty group also has connections to Marxist Jim Wallis, who backed the pro-infanticide, pro-gay-marriage Obama in the  Presidential election. George Soros, of course, is a self-proclaimed atheist, and he supports abortion and gay marriage, just like Obama and his supporters.

3 thoughts on “Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration opposes Gang of Eight amnesty bill”

  1. I was really surprised to learn the history of EIT. Then I was further shocked that Richard Land and Russell Moore, of the SBC, were also involved. At least Eric Metaxas had the good sense to resign after he learned of the funding source. Though if he had a brain he wouldn’t have been involved in the first place.


    1. I wrote to Metaxas about it and he never replied to me. If he wants to be generous, why doesn’t he try being generous with his own money, and why not focus on fixing the system for skilled law-abiding immigrants instead of criminals?


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